- Theo-Dems
Theo-Dems ("Teodem") are a christian-democratic faction with the Italian Democratic Party, which combines strongly social-conservative views on ethical issues with a Christian leftist approach on economic issues.
In the running-up of the 2006 general election
Francesco Rutelli , leader ofDemocracy is Freedom – The Daisy , recruited some devout Catholics, notablyPaola Binetti (president of the committe against the the referendum on limiting the restrictions to artificial insemination) andLuigi Bobba (leader of the "Christian Associations of Italian Workers", a leading Catholic association), to run in party lists for the Senate, in order to balance the choice of a joint-list with the left-wingDemocrats of the Left for the Chamber of Deputies.In the 2006–2008 parliamentary term three senators (Luigi Bobba, Patrizia Binetti and
Emanuela Baio Dossi ) and three deputies (Dorina Bianchi ,Enzo Carra andMarco Calgaro ) were affiliated to the Theo-Dems. Due to the razor-thin majority of The Union in the Senate, they sometimes held the balance. After some initial criticism, they decided to follow Rutelli the Democratic Party, born with the merger of Democracy is Freedom with the Democrats of the Left. During the parliamentary term Theo-Dems were joined by other Catholic MPs close to Rutelli, including some former leading members of the Association of Italian Catholic Guides and Scouts,Cristina De Luca andLuigi Lusi .In the current parliamentary term, started with the 2008 general election, the group is composed of five deputies (Paola Binetti, Luigi Bobba, Enzo Carra, Marco Calgaro and
Donato Mosella ) e seven senators (Benedetto Adragna , Emanuela Baio Dossi,Egidio Banti , Dorina Bianchi, Cristina De Luca, Luigi Lusi eAntonino Papania ) [http://www.teodem.it/teodem/?content=docuteodem] , all close to Rutelli so that they are considered to be part of the so-called "rutelliani ".In October 2008 some Theo-Dems, along with other Catholic MPs close to Rutelli and with the "benediction" of Rutelli himself, launched a new association named
Persons and Networks (PeR). [http://www.informazione.it/a/5dcc5679-9549-49d3-bd91-b1dc6f229f39/PeR-ecco-l-associazione-di-Rutelli-e-dei-Teodem?v] [http://paolodemartino.wordpress.com/2008/09/23/persone-e-reti-i-teodem-binetti-e-bobba-battezzano-per/] [http://ettorerossi.wordpress.com/2008/09/30/bobba-presenta-il-manifesto-per-una-nuova-laicita/] It is not yet clear if it will replace the current association or not.References
External links
* [http://www.teodem.it/teodem/ Official website]
* [http://www.teodem.it/teodem/?content=man18 Manifesto "For the Democratic Party"]
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