- Social conservatism
Social conservatism is a political or moral ideology that affirms the government's role in encouraging or enforcing traditional values or behaviors in the belief that these are what keep people civilized and decent. However, the accepted meaning of traditional morality often differs from group to group within social conservatism. Thus, there are really no policies or positions that could be considered universal among social conservatives. There are, however, a number of principles to which at least a majority of social conservatives adhere.
A second meaning of the term has developed in the
Nordic countries andContinental Europe . Here it refers to liberal conservatives supporting modern Europeanwelfare state s.Social conservatism is distinct from
cultural conservatism which focuses on cultural aspects of the issues, such as protecting one's culture. Although there are some overlaps.Present social conservative issues in the United States
* favor the
pro-life position in theabortion controversy
* support restriction ofcivil marriage andchild adoption rights to couples in homosexual relationships
* promotepublic morality and traditionalfamily values
* promote thenuclear family model as society's foundational unit
* opposesecularism and privatization of religious beliefSocial conservatism and economic systems
There is no necessary link between social and fiscal conservatism. In fact, some social conservatives are otherwise apolitical or even
left-wing on fiscal issues. For example, social conservatives may also support a degree of government intervention in the economy, and as such will tend to support the concepteconomic intervention to further this aim. This concern for material welfare, like advocacy of traditionalmores , will often have a basis in the religion of the social conservatives in question. Whereas a fiscal conservative is only concerned with conserving limited taxes to protect their money, a social conservative is more concerned with conserving traditional values, beliefs, and ideals. Examples include theChristian Social Union of Bavaria , theFamily First andDemocratic Labor Party ofAustralia , the so-calledred tory movement inCanada , and theCommunitarian movement in the United States.There is more overlap between social conservatism and paleoconservatism in that they both have respect for traditional social forms. However, paleoconservatism has a strong cultural conservative strain which social conservatism, in and of itself, is not necessarily allied with. For example, John Burger, writing in "
Crisis Magazine " in 2005, said:"The presence of a significant population of culturally Catholic immigrants offers hope that their culture will permeate a decadent American society and contribute to the re-evangelization of native-born Catholics. . . Abortion is still illegal in most
Latin America n countries. And in most areas, it’s not even part of a person’s consciousness"." [http://www.crisismagazine.com/julaug2005/burger.htm]Social conservatism and confessionalism
Many Christian Democratic Parties and Muslim parties around the world are socially conservative.
Social conservatism and nationalism
In Europe, some social conservative parties also support
nationalism , regionalism and to a certain extentxenophobia , based on ideas according to which the national wealth and the traditional values would loose from freeimmigration andfree trade .However, these positions are contradictory with Christian religious beliefs and repetitively criticized by representatives of Catholic and Protestant churches. Dominant conservative parties, also called "moderate right" parties refrain from nationalism, trying to integrate citizens from ethnic minorities.
List of social conservative political parties
*Democratic Labor Party
*Family First
* Christian Democratic Party
* A large number of Liberal Party, National Party, and to a lesser extent Labor Party members in Australia are also considered socially conservative.Belgium"including
far right and separatist ideas"
*Vlaams Belang Canada
*Family Coalition Party of Ontario
*Christian Heritage Party of Canada
* A large number of Conservative Party members in Canada are considered socially conservative.Chile
*Independent Democrat Union France
* Union pour un Mouvement Populaire (UMP) Union for a Popular Movement
* Forum des républicains sociaux (FRS), Forum of Social Republicans"and, includingfar right andnationalist ideas"
* Mouvement pour la France (MPF), Movement for France
* Front National (FN), National Front
* Mouvement National Républicain (MNR), National Republican MovementGermany
* Christlich-Soziale Union (CSU), Christian Social Union of Bavaria
* Partei Bibeltreuer Christen (PBC), Party of Bible-abiding ChristiansIndia
*Bharatiya Janata Party
*Shiv Sena Party Ireland
*Muintir na hÉireann Italy
* Unione dei Democratici Cristiani e di Centro (UDC), Union of Christian and Centre Democrats
* Alleanza Nazionale (AN), National Alliance"and, with nationalist and separatist ideas"
* Lega Nord (LN), Northern LeagueJapan
*New Komeito Party Nigeria
* People's Democratic Party (PDP)
* All Nigeria Peoples Party (ANPP)Sweden
*Sweden Democrats United Kingdom
*British National Party
* Conservative Party
*Democratic Unionist Party United States
* Constitution Party
* Republican PartyResources
External Links
* [http://www.intellectualconservative.com/article2640.html What is a social conservative?]Books
* Carlson, Alan, "The Family in America: Searching for Social Harmony in the Industrial Age" (2003) ISBN 0-7658-0536-7
* Carlson, Alan, "Family Questions: Reflections on the American Social Crisis" (1991) ISBN 1-56000-555-6
* Fleming, Thomas, "The Politics of Human Nature," (1988) ISBN 1-56000-693-5
* Gallagher, Maggie, "The Abolition of Marriage: How We Destroy Lasting Love" (1996) ISBN 0-89526-46 4-1
* Himmelfarb, Gertrude, "The De-moralization Of Society" (1996) ISBN 0-679-76490-9
* Hitchens, Peter, "The Abolition of Britain ". (1999) ISBN 0-7043-8117-6
* Jones, E. Michael, "Degenerate Moderns: Modernity As Rationalized Sexual Misbehavior". (1993) ISBN 0-89870-447-2
* Kirk, Russell, "The Conservative Mind," 7th Ed. (2001) ISBN 0-89526-171-5
* Magnet, Myron, "Modern Sex: Liberation and Its Discontents" (2001) ISBN 1-56663-384-2
* Medved, Diane and Dan Quayle, "The American Family: Discovering the Values That Make Us Strong" (1997) ISBN 0-06-092810-7
* Sobran, Joseph, "Single Issues: Essays on the Crucial Social Questions" (1983) ISBN 1-199-24333-7.Social Conservative News Services
* [http://www.theinterim.com/ The Interim]Social Conservative Web Sites
* [http://groups.google.com/group/ascus Alliance of Social Conservatives of the United States]References
See also
Christian Democracy
*Traditionalist world view (American)
*Social conservatism (Canada)
*Social progressivism
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