- Alternating series test
The alternating series test is a method used to prove that infinite series of terms converge. It was discovered by
Gottfried Leibniz and is sometimes known as Leibniz's test or Leibniz criterion.A series of the form
where all the "a""n" are
positive or 0, is called analternating series . If thesequence "a""n" converges to 0, and each "a""n" is smaller than "a""n-1" (i.e. the sequence "a""n" ismonotone decreasing ), then the series converges. If "L" is the sum of the series,:then the partial sum
approximates "L" with error
It is perfectly possible for a series to have its partial sums "S""k" fulfill this last condition without the series being alternating. For a straightforward example, consider:
See also
Dirichlet's test References
* Knopp, Konrad, "Infinite Sequences and Series", Dover publications, Inc., New York, 1956. (§ 3.4) ISBN 0-486-60153-6
* Whittaker, E. T., and Watson, G. N., "A Course in Modern Analysis", fourth edition, Cambridge University Press, 1963. (§ 2.3) ISBN 0-521-58807-3
* Last, Philip, "Sequences and Series", New Science, Dublin, 1979. (§ 3.4) ISBN 0-286-53154-3
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