List of The Hills episodes

List of The Hills episodes

The following is a list of episodes from Season 1 of the MTV reality-show "The Hills". "The Hills" is a drama which follows the lives of four girls, Lauren Conrad, Heidi Montag, Audrina Patridge, and Whitney Port, whom reside in Los Angeles, CA. The episodes with a full synopsis and along with featured music are listed below.

The Hills Season 1

Episode 101: "New City, New Drama"

In 2006, Lauren Conrad makes her way to Los Angeles and meets her friend and roommate, Heidi Montag, at their new apartment. Just as Lauren is about to explore her new home, Teen Vogue calls, changing her interview time from 5 that afternoon to whenever she can get to their offices. Lauren heads out and interviews with West Coast Editor Lisa Love for the internship position.

After the interview, Lauren goes back to her apartment, where Heidi introduces her to a new friend, Audrina Patridge. Later that evening, the three--along with Lauren's friend David, Heidi's boyfriend Jordan Eubanks, and Jordan's roommate Brian--head to Geisha House for sushi.

The next day, Lauren and Heidi head to the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising and meet with school administration. While is Lauren called "a together gal," Heidi is asked if she is in the right school. Back at theTiming is Everything

On her first day at Teen Vogue, Lauren meets Whitney, another intern. Lisa Love talks to both girls about what is expected of them during the internship. Their first task is to address envelopes for an event celebrating the magazine's just-released Hollywood issue.

Lauren explains her internship and the upcoming party to Heidi that evening. Heidi asks Lauren if she can sneak her and her friends in, but Lauren doesn't want to do anything to jeopardize her internship. The next day at work, Lisa lets Lauren and Whitney know that they will be working at the party this weekend and sets down the rules-- you are there to work, not party.

On the night of the event, Blaine explains to Lauren that she will be reserving a section of seats for celebrities. As soon as he leaves, Lauren receives a call from Heidi. She is waiting outside with Audrina, Jordan, and Brian and asks Lauren to sneak them into the party. Though Lauren tells them no, they insist. Lauren asks Whitney if she can let her friends in and Whitney does. As soon as they are in, Brian immediately sits down in the section that Lauren is supposed to be reserving. Heidi and Jordan begin fighting and Blaine comes to ask Lauren about the "drama at the door." To make matters worse, Lauren's friends are all seated in the reserved section when Lisa Love passes by. Lisa reminds Lauren that no one is supposed to be sitting there and tells Lauren that they will "discuss this on Monday."

Featured Music from Episode 101

*Vaughan Penn, "Bring On The Day"
*Alissa Moreno, "A Place For Me"
*Rihanna, "Pon De Replay"
*The Handcuffs, "Safe Tonight"
*Black Eyed Peas, "Don't Phunk With My Heart"
*The Premiums, "Postcards From Hollywood"
*Better Than Ezra, "Juicy"
*Vaughn Penn, "On Your Way"
*Leedsy Ports, "Cheeky"
*The Handcuffs, "Boys Can Be Dumb"
*Matt White, "Anybody Else"
*Bloc Party, "Banquet"
*Kings of Leon, "Four Kicks"
*Omarion, "Touch"
*Jamiroquai, "Feels Just Like It Should"
*Petey Pablo, "Vibrate"
*Pharrell, "Can I Have It Like That";i;k
*Lindsay Lohan, "Beautiful Life"

Episode 102: "A Change of Plans"

Before heading in to Teen Vogue, Lauren sets down a new rule for Heidi--no more crashing work events. At the office, Lauren and Whitney discuss Saturday night's events. Across town, Jordan and his roommate, Brian, play ball and also discuss Saturday. While Whitney and Lauren wonder if they will get in trouble, the boys discuss Heidi's actions and relationships.

Blaine tells Lauren that Lisa Love wants to see her in her office. Lisa reprimands Lauren and asks her how her friends got into the party. Lauren says she didn't let them in and she didn't know how they got in. Lisa tells Lauren that she will be away in New York City, and that Lauren needs to behave while she's gone. Lauren returns to her desk and tells Whitney what happened. Whitney feels bad for letting Lauren's friends in, and suggests that maybe she should have said no. She's grateful that Lauren covered for her.

Later that evening, Audrina, Lauren, Heidi, Jordan, and Brian decide to go clubbing at LAX nightclub. Once inside, Heidi wanders off and the others can't find her. She comes back and tells everyone that she met Brent Bolthouse, of Bolthouse Productions and has landed an interview with him. While Heidi is jumping up and down with excitement, Lauren mentions that they have school in the morning and says she's leaving, but Heidi says she's staying until closing time.

The next morning, Lauren goes to wake up Heidi for school, but she and Jordan are still sleeping. They still make it to school on time, but before they get inside, Heidi is talking about wanting to skip classes. Lauren spends her day in lectures and meets up with Heidi afterwards, but Heidi tells Lauren that she didn't finish her classes that day. Later that evening, Heidi and Jordan go to Cafe Tartine and Heidi tells Jordan she doesn't feel like school is for her. She also tells him that Lauren doesn't understand that she isn't meant to do what Lauren does.

The next morning, Heidi tells Lauren that she's skipping class to go to her interview with Bolthouse and, if she gets the job, she's going to "push back" school indefinitely. Lauren tells Heidi that she thought they were moving to LA so that they could go to school together, but if she believes that this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, that she should go for it.

While Lauren is telling Whitney about Heidi's interview and Heidi's plans to drop out of school, Heidi goes to meet Brent Bolthouse. As Brent is interviewing Heidi, he tells her that he hates drama and that he wants as little as possible. Heidi pauses and then nods her agreement. A little while later, back at Teen Vogue, Lauren receives a call and it's Heidi calling to let her know that she got the job. Lauren congratulates Heidi, and then hangs up on her, softly singing, fashion school drop out, no graduation day for you.

Featured Music from Episode 102

*Vaughan Penn, "Bring On The Day"
*The Ruse, "Mother"
*Wheatus, "Teenage Dirtbag"
*The Shout Out Louds, "Shut Your Eyes"
*Carla Lavern, "Rockin 2 Ya"
*Black Eyed Peas, "Don't Phunk With My Heart"
*Rufus Wainwright, "California"
*The All-American Rejects, "Move Along"
*Good Charlotte, "I Just Wanna Live"
*Rihanna, "S.O.S."
*New English, "If The World Was To End Today"
*Evan Olson, "Camping"
*The Handcuffs, "Slut Machine"
*Aly and AJ, "Rush"

Episode 103: "An Unexpected Call"

It's morning and as Lauren Conrad is getting ready for another day at Teen Vogue, Heidi Montag attempts a conversation. She wants to know if Lauren is mad about her dropping out of school for the job at Bolthouse Productions. Lauren says that she thought the whole reason they were moving to Los Angeles was so that they could go to school together, but if this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, then Heidi should take it. But Lauren warns Heidi that she will have to work.

At Teen Vogue, Blaine calls Lauren into his office to give her an assignment: go home and get ready to take a red-eye flight to New York City -- she's got a dress to deliver to Lisa Love. Meanwhile, Audrina Patridge is also about to receive a surprise at work. Brian shows up at Quixote to pay her a visit. Audrina gives Brian a tour of the studio and as he's leaving, he asks Audrina out for dinner. She accepts and they make plans for the next night.Audrina and Heidi relax in the hot tub and discuss guys and life in general. Heidi tells Audrina about dropping out of school and Audrina agrees that school isn't for everyone because she also dropped out. Heidi is still excited that, at 19, she's landed her "dream job."

The next day Heidi meets with Brent where he tells her that the position is full time and that, in this company, it's "sink or swim." Brent tells her that she will be helping everyone in the company and today she needs to help with a mailing. Heidi seems confused about the job hours and not overly-enthusiastic about the task at hand.

On the other side of the country, Lauren lands in New York and makes her way to the Marc Jacobs show to deliver the dress to Lisa Love. Lisa thanks her and tells Lauren that she needs to leave now to return to LA. While in a taxi on the way to the airport, Lauren and Heidi share a phone call to discuss their days. Heidi tells Lauren that the job wasn't what she thought it would be and that she finds it boring. Lauren tells her that she needs to give it time. Lauren also tells Heidi that she's worried about how she's going to manage both her internship and school.

At the end of her first day, Heidi asks to speak with Brent and explains to him that the job isn't what she thought it would be and that she had believed that the position was part-time and not full-time. Brent tells her that if she wants to do "night-club stuff," then she needs to be dedicated 100% and seems unbelieving of her attitude.It's date night and Brian takes Audrina out to dinner. Things seem to be going well and later she invites him to hang out at her place.

The next morning as Heidi is getting ready for work, Jordan attempts to pull her back into the bed and tells her not to go to work that day. He then suggests she quit. Heidi silently considers the option, but makes her way to work anyway. Brent calls Heidi into a meeting and assigns her the task of booking travel and getting lunch. Heidi becomes further disappointed by the reality of her job.

Lauren arrives home from her whirlwind trip to New York. As she checks her voice mail messages she is stunned by what she hears. It's Jason Wahler. He's now also in LA and he wants to see her.

Featured Music from Episode 103

*The 88, "Hide Another Mistake"
*Everybody Else, "Makeup"
*Vaughan Penn, "Words In My Mouth"
*Salme Dahlstrom, "Shine"
*Augustana, "Stars and Boulevards"
*Greg Jones, "Losing You"
*Hawthorne Heights, "Where Can I Stab Myself In The Ears"
*Superchick, "One Girl Revolution"
*Vaughan Penn, "Angels Fly"
*Black Eyed Peas, "Don't Phunk With My Heart"
*Good Charlotte, "Hold On"
*The Ruse, "Lay You Down"
*Spouse, "Are You Gonna Kiss Or Wave Goodbye?"
*Hawthorne Heights, "Light Sleeper"
*The Fray, "Over My Head"
*Pink, "Long Way To Happy"

Episode 104: "Lauren and Jason, Take 2"

A huge flower arrangement for Lauren Conrad is delivered to the girls' apartment. Heidi Montag thinks it might be from Lauren's mom, but when she snatches the card from Lauren she discovers it's a note from Jason Wahler. Apparently he misses Lauren. Heidi laughs and says that Lauren doesn't miss him, but Lauren doesn't respond. At Teen Vogue, Whitney Port and Lauren start talking about relationships. Whitney says she isn't seeing anyone and Lauren talks about her past relationship with Jason. Lauren tells Whitney how Jason kissed his ex-girlfriend in front of her and how she couldn't be with him after that. Across town, Heidi is inundated with filing and phone calls and is quickly falling behind in the day's work.

Later that evening, Lauren receives another voice mail from Jason with a request to get together to "catch up on old times." Looks like Lauren has conceded as she meets Jason for dinner. It's awkward at first and Lauren asks why Jason called her. He tells her that he was waiting for her to "cool down." They discuss how and why they broke up. Jason tells Lauren he wants to "start fresh."

At Bolthouse, Brent is holding a staff meeting and announces that there will be a weekend event in Las Vegas with a huge after-party. Heidi brightens, but is quickly crushed when they tell her that she will not be going with because she's not 21.

Meanwhile, Jason continues to woo Lauren, showing up at Teen Vogue with yet another bouquet of flowers and taking her to lunch. During the meal he asks her out to a movie. Although Lauren's father has always told her that flowers mean "I'm sorry," Whitney thinks their might be something a little more romantic behind Jason's gesture. This interpretation suits Lauren, as she isn't willing to let Jason go yet. She's afraid that she'll regret not giving him a second chance.

Back at the apartment Heidi and Lauren are lying by the pool. Lauren is texting someone, and when Heidi asks who, she is surprised to learn that it's Jason. Heidi warns Lauren, but Lauren claims that "it's different this time" and that her guard is up now. Still, Heidi swears she'll "kill him" if he hurts her again.

The next day, Brent asks Heidi to pick up lunch for him. When she returns with the order, Brent points out that she's forgotten his drink. Further dejected, Heidi runs back out to pick up it up and later calls Jordan and tells him how much she hates her job and how she's thinking about quitting.

Jason and Lauren go out on their movie date, after which he drives her home. As he opens the door for her, he tells her how nice it's been seeing her. They're saying goodbye and he leans in and gives her a kiss. He asks her to go to dinner sometime and she agrees.

Featured Music from Episode 104

*Vaughan Penn, "Bring On The Day"
*Natasha Beddingfield, "Unwritten"
*Missing Persons, "Walking In LA"
*Samantha Moore, "Cant Replace You"
*Shanna, "New Day"
*Keith Varon, "Honestly"
*Maren, "Someday Is New"
*The Ruse, "Alone"
*Dido, "Sand In My Shoes"
*Feist, "Secret Heart
*Matt White, "Moment Of Weakness"
*Pink Spiders, "Little Razor Blades"
*Evan Olson, "Shelly"
*Alternate Routes, "Please Don't Let It Be
*Kaci Brown, "Unbelievable"

Episode 105: "Jason's Birthday"

Jason Wahler's birthday is coming up so Lauren Conrad and Heidi Montag head to a pro shop to pick out some golf clubs for him. While they grapple with their cluelessness about golf, they talk about the dinner they're planning for his big night.

At Teen Vogue, Lisa Love brings fashion director Gloria to talk to Whitney and Lauren about a fashion shoot on Wednesday--the same day as Jason's birthday. Whitney Port has class at noon and won't be able to go to the shoot, so Lisa tells Lauren that she will need to be there. Lauren agrees to go, but tells Whitney that she'll have to cancel her daytime plans with Jason.

That evening, Audrina Patridge tells Heidi about the date she'll be going on with Danny. When Heidi asks about Brian, Audrina says that they hung out but didn't "take it to the next level." She's looking forward to her date with Danny, but wonders how long this guy will last.

Jason comes to visit Lauren at the apartment. When Lauren breaks the news to him that she won't be able to spend the day with him on Wednesday she can tell he's upset.

The next night, Danny comes to pick up Audrina for their date. After some small talk they arrive at the restaurant, where Danny promptly begins checking his voicemail, saying he has a message from his agent. Heidi calls during dinner to check up on the date, telling Audrina to say that "the food is great" if Danny is "cute and sweet." Audrina's response: "the food is greasy." Heidi tells Audrina to meet them after her date.

Meanwhile, Jordan, Heidi, Lauren and Jason go out to dinner themselves. Heidi mentions that Brian is meeting up with them and that he doesn't know that Audrina is on a date. Lauren says not to mention the date, but as soon as Audrina shows up, Heidi starts asking questions. Audrina talks about it vaguely, but when Heidi says she wants more details, Brian cuts her off and the subject is changed.

At the Teen Vogue photo shoot the next day, Lauren starts out by organizing shoes, steaming skirts, and constantly checking the clock. At the golf club, Jordan asks Jason to look for his gloves in the back of his car. But when Jason opens the hatch, he finds the golf clubs Lauren bought him. Stoked, he calls Lauren and thanks her for the gift and tells her he'll pick her up for dinner.

By 3:30 Lauren is ready to call it a day. Unfortunately, nobody seems to know when the shoot is going to end. At 6:30 Lauren is invited to one last shot at the beach. She declines, saying that if they don't need her, she has things to do.

Jason picks Lauren up and tells her he wished he could have been with her all day and that if she wants to go home after dinner, she can take his car. Lauren asks him if he has plans after dinner and he says that he doesn't know what he wants to do, but he wants to go out. Lauren tells him that if he wants to go out, she will go to.

At the restaurant they meet up with the gang for Jason's birthday dinner. Jason sits beside Lauren, but doesn't stay in one place for long and moves down to the other end of the table to talk to other guests. Lauren keeps looking down the table at him, waiting to see if he'll come back. When he does, he apologetically tells her he's "just trying to be friendly." Before long, he gets up and leaves again. Jason stays away all night, but while Lauren is pissed, she doesn't want to fight with him on his birthday.

Outside, Jason asks why Lauren is upset. She tells him that she's going to go home and he asks her again. She asks him how he would feel if he was in her place. Jason then walks past her and talks to a friend. The two get into a car with some other friends, leaving Lauren standing with his keys. She drives his car home.

Featured Music from Episode 105

*Vaughan Penn, "Bring On The Day"
*Everybody Else, "Rich Girls Poor Girls"
*Bus Stop, "What You Do"
*Chris Von Sniedern, "Like Me That Way"
*Maren, "Hey You"
*The Handcuffs, "Everything L.A."
*Angels & Airwaves, "The Adventure"
*We Are Scientists, "The Great Escape"
*Damn Latin Soul, "Gingold's Jackpot"
*Teen Machine, "Steal Your Girlfriend"
*Able To Fly, "Life"
*Blacktop Mourning, "Another Day"
*Sabrosa Purr, "Lovely People"
*Evan Olson, "Summertime"
*Samantha Ronson, "If It's Gonna Rain"

Episode 106: "Boyfriends and Work Dont Mix"

It's Heidi Montag and Jordan Eubank's six-month anniversary and it's all Heidi can talk about. At the same time, Lauren Conrad is trying to deal with the beginning of Fashion Week at Teen Vogue.

At the Bolthouse Productions offices, Brent calls Heidi into his office to tell her that he wants her to begin working the clubs beginning on Wednesday, assisting Elodie Otto at the door. When Heidi calls Elodie to tell her, Heidi remembers that her anniversary is on Wednesday. When she asks Elodie if she can start on a different day, Elodie teases her.

As Lauren heads to FIDM for a test, Jason stops her in the street to talk to her. He asks her if she was upset with him about leaving her after his birthday dinner. Lauren explains to him that she just wanted to spend the day with him. Jason apologizes and tells her he wanted to clear things up.

At a Teen Vogue meeting, Lisa Love announces that the magazine will be joining DKNY Jeans for an event to kick off Fashion Week. Lisa begins to address Whitney Port and Lauren about their role in the show and finds that Lauren is absent. Blaine explains that Lauren will be at the show, but had a test and was unable to make it to the meeting. Whitney calls Lauren after the meeting to tell Lauren about the fashion show and to ask for Lauren's help the next couple days with all the work.

At Bolthouse, Jen, the nightlife and events producer, calls Heidi into her office to discuss Heidi's first night at the clubs on Wednesday. Jen gives Heidi the rules--the number one being that she can not go into the club while she's working. When Heidi asks if she could start on Saturday instead, she is met with an icy glare and a "no."

It's the final fitting and rehearsal for the DKNY Jeans Fashion Show and the Teen Vogue editors are looking for Lauren. When they can't find her, they ask Whitney to call and find out where she is. Lauren tells Whitney that she's a few minutes away. Still, the editors keep asking Whitney where Lauren is. When Lauren arrives, Lara, the model booking editor, pulls Lauren aside to ask her not to be late again.

During the show, Whitney directs the dressers and Lauren handles the models. One of the models is over two hours late and Lauren is set to the task of calling the girl until she answers, but Lauren can't get a hold of her. Jay, the editor in the charge of the fashion show, tells everyone that if the model doesn't show up in 30 minutes, Whitney will walk instead.

Jordan and Heidi run to dinner on their anniversary before Heidi has to be at work. Jordan gives her a set of pearl earrings. Heidi thanks Jordan with a kiss and tells him that she's never been with anyone this long before. Meanwhile, the DKNY model is nowhere to be found. Looks like it's showtime for Whitney. Jay sends over make-up artists to get her runway-ready.

Heidi is ready for her first night of work. Grace, the office manager at Bolthouse Productions, explains what Heidi needs to ask--name, how many guys, and how many girls. Jordan and Brian arrive at the club and head inside. It's not long before Heidi runs inside the club to see Jordan. While inside, Josh, an ex-date of Heidi's, finds her and decides to sit and chat, especially about the one date they shared together. Once Josh leaves, Jordan gets angry, but Heidi has to get back to work.

The fashion show is about to start and Whitney is made up for her walk down the runway. Lisa and Blaine sit in the front row to watch. Whitney tells Lauren that she's afraid she's going to trip and fall, but everything goes without a hitch. Blaine and Lisa come backstage after the show and congratulate Whitney. Lisa tells Whitney she could introduce her to a modeling agency.

Heidi finds Jordan after work and the fight about Josh begins. Heidi tries to explain to Jordan that she wanted to Josh to leave, but Jordan tells her she's wrong and to shut up. He tells her that she drives him crazy and she asks why he's with her then. She ends the conversation with a bitter "Happy Anniversary" to Jordan.

Featured Music from Episode 106

*Vaughan Penn, "Bring On The Day"
*Ashlee Simpson, "Better Off"
*Jagstar, "Make It Up"
*Imogen Heap, "Loose Ends"
*Split Habit, "The Lies Within"
*5 Times August, "Overrated"
*Taxi Doll, "Waiting"
*Vaughan Penn, "Its A Game"
*Obscurities, "Stop Draggin Me Down"
*Maren, "Dare To Dream"
*Hawthorne Heights, "Decembers"
*Joe Sheu, "Neptunish"
*Everybody Else, "Meat Market"
*The Handcuffs, "Gotta Problem With Me"
*The Ruse, "Everything Comes With A Price"

Episode 107: "Somebody Always has to Cry"

Christmas is here and Lauren Conrad doesn't know what to get for Jason Wahler. Jordan accompanies Lauren to a jewelry store where Lauren designs diamond-encrusted dog tags to give to Jason.

It's also time to get a tree. Jordan, Jason, Heidi and Lauren head to pick one out, then back to the girls' apartment to decorate. Heidi Montag tells everyone that she usually ends up crying during the holidays, and everyone seems a little confused by this revelation.

Lauren and Heidi go to breakfast together one morning and discuss Christmas presents. Though Lauren says that she would like necessities for the apartment, her dream gift would be a Chanel bag. Heidi tells Lauren that her hopes are high that Jordan will get her a puppy.

Jason loves his dog tags. Lauren and Jason have bought Jordan a gift together: a tattoo. Lauren gets her Chanel bag, but when Heidi opens her gift, she finds a stuffed Chihuahua inside. Heidi asks Jordan when she can get a real one and he tells her "after Christmas." When she asks if it's after Christmas yet, Lauren tells her yes and in walks Jordan with a wrapped box with air holes. When Heidi opens the box, inside she finds a live Chihuahua which she names "Bella."

The episode fast forwards to New Year's Eve. Heidi and Lauren go to a hair salon to get their hair done for the party later in the evening. At the salon, Lauren receives a text message from Jason. Meanwhile, Jordan and Jason are working out and discussing an old friend of Lauren's. Jason tells Jordan that David, a guy Lauren used to like, is calling her when he knows that Lauren and Jason are together. At the salon, Lauren is asking Heidi what she did wrong when Jason calls her. Jason calls to argue with Lauren and then hangs up on her.

Everybody's ready for a good night, but, at the club, Jason starts talking to Lauren and implies that they won't be together after the New Year. When Lauren asks him why he said this, Jason tells her he just meant that they should wait to discuss any tension until tomorrow. But the argument only gets more heated and Jason begins telling Lauren that all she does is constantly make mistakes. Lauren can't take it anymore and leaves the party. Heidi runs outside after Lauren. Though Lauren tells Heidi to go back to the party, Heidi refuses and leaves the party with Lauren.

Jason realizes that he's messed up and asks Jordan for help. Jason calls Lauren to apologize, but she doesn't want to talk to him. Jason buys a bouquet of roses from a street vendor and tells their limo driver to make it to Lauren's house before midnight. At 11:57pm, Jason calls Lauren and asks her to come downstairs. Though she tells him she won't, Heidi and Lauren head down to the garage where Jason and Jordan have just arrived. Jason gives Lauren a passionate kiss--right on the stroke of midnight.

Featured Music from Episode 107

*Vaughan Penn, "Bring On The Day"
*Holly Densmore, "Just In Time For Christmas"
*Teen Machine, "Down In Sugarland"
*Vaughan Penn, "Deeper I Fall"
*Vaughan Penn, "No I Don't"
*The Checkers, "Running With Scissors"
*Nikki Flores, "Strike"
*Artic Monkeys, "I Bet You Look Good On The Dance Floor
*Kaila Yu, "What I Want"
*Big Chris, "Move Ya Body"
*Mandi Perkins, "Why"
*Three Days Grace, "Home"
*Kacy Crowley, "Holding In The World"
*Hawthorne Heights, "Saying Sorry"
*Kaci Brown, "Make You Love Me"

Episode 108: "You Can't Just Be with Me?"

Lauren Conrad's birthday is coming up and she's looking for the perfect dress. As long as they're out shopping with the girls, Heidi Montag insists that they try on wedding dresses.

At Teen Vogue, Lisa Love calls Whitney and Lauren into her office to give them their next assignment: find pictures of 17-20-year-old male swimsuit models. Lisa asks the girls to look up pictures, call agencies, and accompany Blair to the casting shoot. When the girls giggle with delight at the task, Lisa admonishes them to behave accordingly.

At Bolthouse Productions, Brent summons Heidi to his office to tell her that she'll be working at a club that evening and she should call her friends and invite them to come. Heidi is thrilled.

Back at Teen Vogue, Whitney and Lauren begin calling agencies and researching models online. When Whitney asks Blair where the casting shoot will be, he tells her that it will be at Quixote Studios. Lauren notes that Quixote is where Audrina Patridge works.

That night the gang goes to the club where Heidi's working. Jason Whaler asks Lauren how work is going. She tells him that she is helping scout for swimsuit models. When he asks if any guys are going to be there, Lauren lies that it's strictly girls.

Lauren later tells Heidi about the bathing suit shoot and that she told Jason it was only girls. When Heidi hears this, she tells Lauren that Jason will be mad at her.

It's the day of the model casting at Quixote Studios and Lauren and Whitney begin to set up for the shoot. Once Blair and Lara, the casting editor, arrive, the girls begin taking pictures of the models. Audrina befriends Brad, one of the swimsuit models, and after his interview asks him what he'll be doing later that evening. She gives him her number and tells him the restaurant where she and the girls will be going to dinner.

Later that evening, while the girls are out at dinner, Audrina spots Brad and a friend sitting at the bar and brings them over to the table. As Audrina chats up her new friends, the girls are all smiles.

Meanwhile at Brian and Jordan's apartment, Jason, Brian, and Jordan are talking about Audrina's latest boy, when Jordan lets slip that the modeling shoot was for male models. Jason gets sullen and leaves the room.

The next day, Heidi asks Jordan whether he told Jason about the male model shoot. He tells her "yes" and Heidi and Jordan begin discussing Lauren and Jason's relationship. Jordan vents that both Lauren and Jason are insecure and immature. This puts Heidi on the defensive and the two end up bickering.

Heidi tells Audrina that Jordan spilled the beans about the guys at the casting shoot. Both girls hope that Jason isn't mean to Lauren on her birthday.

Lauren and Whitney are in the car when she receives a text message relaying the news that Jordan has told Jason about the male models. As Lauren explains the situation to Whitney, Jason calls and Lauren waits for his anger -- but the conversation goes better than expected, surprising Lauren.

Back at the apartment, Lauren receives flowers with a note: "Be ready at five. A car will be waiting. Be sure to pack a bag for school. Love, Jason." A car drops Lauren off at a hotel where Jason meets her with a rose. When he takes Lauren to the hotel room, she finds it covered in roses and candles, with dinner waiting. As they're eating, Jason asks Lauren what she would like to do that night. She doesn't want to do anything. So Jason asks if she'd like to go out with Brian. She tells him that she would rather just spend time with him. Then Jason suggests maybe they could go out with Heidi and Jordan. Lauren gets exasperated. She wants to spend time with Jason at the hotel. She looks at him and asks, "you can't just be with me?"

Featured Music from Episode 108

*Vaughan Penn, "Bring On The Day"
*Natasha Bedingfield, "Unwritten"
*Danielle McKee, "Ordinary Superstar"
*Evan Olson, "Surf Me"
*Hilary Duff, "Super Girl"
*Nelly Furtado, "Promiscuous Girl"
*Supergrass] , "Pumpin On Your Stereo"
*The 88, "Nobody Cares "
*Bubba Sparxxx " Ms. New Booty"
*The 88, "Bowl"
*The Ruse, "Hold Tight"
*Dido, " Do You Have A Little Time"

Episode 109: "Love is not a Maybe thing"

Heidi Montag and Audrina Patridge go out to lunch and Heidi tells Audrina that she's beginning to question her relationship with Jordan. She's an independent girl, but she feels like she's lost that because of the relationship. Heidi knows that something will happen soon, but she is unsure what direction it will take them.

Later on, Heidi goes to Audrina's apartment. When Audrina answers the door, Heidi is yelling at Jordan over the phone. She tells him to stop swearing at her and hangs up. Heidi begins sobbing and Audrina tries to comfort her. Heidi doesn't believe she deserves to be treated the way that Jordan treats her. Audrina suggests that maybe they need a break from each other.

Heidi invites Jordan over to discuss their relationship and how he treats her. He tells her that he's not going to "reconstruct" himself to be more calm. Jordan tells Heidi he's going for a run. Heidi tells Jordan that she will see him tomorrow. He laughs her off, but after he leaves, Heidi bolt locks the door.

Jason Wahler and Lauren Conrad are out at lunch when Jason brings up the idea of the two of them getting a beach house together for the summer. Lauren is pleased and the two kiss.

At the park, Brian talks to Jordan about his relationship with Heidi. Jordan brushes off Heidi's actions and says she's being needy, but Brian advises him bring Heidi roses at work and take her to dinner. Jordan doesn't want to.

Meanwhile, Lauren and Heidi are having a relationship talk of their own. Lauren tells Heidi that "love is not a maybe thing, " to which Heidi counters that there is a difference between "loving someone and being absolutely in love with someone." When Lauren asks Heidi if she is absolutely in love, Heidi admits that she is not.

Heidi has packed all of Jordan's things and is waiting for him to come by to break up with him. When Jordan arrives, Heidi tells him that she can't do this anymore and he agrees. He tells her he loves her more than anything in the world. She tells him that they bring out the worst in each other. Jordan tells Heidi that he will do whatever it takes to make it work, but she tells him good-bye.

At Brian and Jordan's apartment, Jordan tells Brian and Jason that he and Heidi are through. Brian and Jason are shocked. Jason thought that he and Lauren would break up before Heidi and Jordan.

At Teen Vogue, Lauren tells Whitney Port about Heidi and Jordan's break up. Whitney asks Lauren where she's going to be living for the summer. Lauren mentions the beach house with Jason, but says that she's still not sure. When Whitney asks where Heidi will live, Lauren isn't sure.

Heidi talks about being single with Audrina, who is happy that she has her friend back. Heidi admits that she just needs to stop thinking about the break up.

Featured Music from Episode 109

*Vaughan Penn, "Bring On The Day"
*Natasha Bedingfield, "Unwritten"
*Chandiss, "Longing"
*Vaughan Penn, "If You Could See You"
*All Day Sucker, "Heavy Weather"
*Everybody Else, "Faker"
*Aberdeen, "Sunny In California"
*Everybody Else, "Meat Market"
*Lesli Matta, "Better Days"
*Vaughan Penn, "Struggle"
*Vaughan Penn, "Tears From My Eyes"
*Ashbury, "Come On"
*The Fray, "How To Save A Life"
*Natasha Bedingfield, "Single"

Episode 110:Timing is Everything

After a year in L.A. the girls are ready to wrap up their internships at Teen Vogue. Whitney Port has a summer internship lined up in NYC, but Lauren Conrad's plans are still uncertain. She and Jason head down to Malibu to look at a summer house that he wants to rent with her.

Back at Teen Vogue, the girls get ready for fashion week. Lisa Love wants everything to run smoothly when the other Teen Vogue editors come to town. She assigns the girls two different jobs and sends them on their way.

Lauren heads down to meet Lisa and Amy Astley, editor-in-chief of Teen Vogue. Lisa informs her that she needs two extra tickets to the sold-out Jennifer Nicholson show. Lauren meets with Jennifer Nicholson's publicist Kelly, who tells her she needs to know exactly who the tickets are for. Lauren frantically attempts to contact Lisa for the names but instead she runs into Heidi Montag and Audrina Patridge, whom Brent got tickets for. In a panic, Lauren finally gets a hold of Lisa and receives the names. After being scolded by Kelly she gets the tickets to the editors.

The next day at work, Blaine asks that Lauren meet with Lisa. A bit nervous, considering her last trip to Lisa's office, she heads over. Lisa explains she did a fantastic job during fashion week and offers her a summer internship in Paris. Whitney and Heidi tell Lauren she is crazy if she doesn't take internship but Lauren just can't decide. Maybe a trip to see Jason Wahler will make up her mind. When she arrives at the summer house, Jason says he will support her decision but asks a stern "what are you going to do?" With a confused face, Lauren says she still doesn't know.

Back in L.A. Audrina and Heidi talk about their love lives. Heidi confirms she is over Jordan and wants to meet as many guys as possible this summer.

As Lauren packs for her summer, Heidi is upset. The two embrace with a hug and say their goodbyes. Lauren gets in her car, while Lisa is waiting at the airport and Jason is waiting at the Malibu house. Who will she choose? Top down and suitcase in the back she pulls into the Malibu home and shares the sunset with Jason. He tells her he loves her and this is going to be an amazing summer. With Lauren at Jason's, the Paris internship goes to Whitney Port.

Featured Music in Episode 110

*Vaughan Penn, "Bring On The Day"
*Natasha Bedingfield, "Unwritten"
*KT Tunstall, "Suddenly I See"
*Kenna, "Freetime"
*Spitalfield, "Now You Can't Stop"
*Tatiana Williams, "Bring Me Down"
*The Veronicas, "4 Ever"
*Natasha Bedingfield, "Im the Bomb"
*The Handcuffs, "Flying"
*Joanna, "Let Go"
*Jimmy Eat World, " 23"
*Jaime Paxton, "Anytime"
*Garrison Star, "Beautiful In Los Angeles"


*Episode information from

External links

* [ The Hills Main Page]
* [ MTV]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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