- Extension of scalars
abstract algebra , extension of scalars is a means of producing a module over a ring S from a module over another ring R, given a homomorphism f : R o S between them. Intuitively, the new module admits multiplication by more scalars than the original one, hence the name "extension".Definition
In this definition the rings are assumed to be associative, but not necessarily commutative, or to have an identity. Also, modules are assumed to be left modules. The modifications needed in the case of right modules are straightforward.
Let f : R o S be a homomorphism between two rings, and let M be a module over R. Consider the tensor product M_S = S otimes_R M, where S is regarded as a right R-module via f. Since S is also a left module over itself, and the two actions commute, that is s cdot (s' cdot r) = (s cdot s') cdot r for s,s' in S, r in R (in a more formal language, S is a S,R)-
bimodule ), M_S inherits a left action of S. It is given by s cdot (s' otimes m) = ss' otimes m for s,s' in S and m in M. This module is said to be obtained from M through "extension of scalars".Interpretation as a functor
Extension of scalars can be interpreted as a functor from R-modules to S-modules. It sends M to M_S, as above, and an R-homomorphism u : M o N to the S-homomorphism u_S : M_S o N_S defined by u_S = ext{id}_S otimes u.
Connection with restriction of scalars
Consider an R-module M and an S-module N. Given a homomorphism u in ext{Hom}_R(M,N), where N is viewed as an R-module via
restriction of scalars , define Fu : M_S o N to be the composition:M_S = S otimes_R M xrightarrow{ ext{id}_S otimes u} S otimes_R N o N,where the last map is s otimes n mapsto sn. This Fu is an S-homomorphism, and hence F : ext{Hom}_R(M,N) o ext{Hom}_S(M_S,N) is well-defined, and is a homomorphism (of abelian groups).In case both R and S have an identity, there is an inverse homomorphism G : ext{Hom}_S(M_S,N) o ext{Hom}_R(M,N), which is defined as follows. Let v in ext{Hom}_S(M_S,N). Then Gv is the composition:M o R otimes_R M xrightarrow{f otimes ext{id}_M} S otimes_R M xrightarrow{v} N,where the first map is the
canonical isomorphism m mapsto 1 otimes m.This construction shows that the groups ext{Hom}_S(M_S,N) and ext{Hom}_R(M,N) are isomorphic. Actually, this isomorphism depends only on the homomorphism f, and so is
functorial . In the language ofcategory theory , the extension of scalars functor isleft adjoint to the restriction of scalars functor.
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