- Restriction of scalars
abstract algebra , restriction of scalars is a procedure of creating a module over a ring R from a module over another ring S, given a homomorphism f : R o S between them. Intuitively speaking, the resulting module "remembers" less information than the initial one, hence the name.Definition
Let R and S be two rings (they may or may not be commutative, or contain an identity), and let f:R o S be a homomorphism. Suppose that M is a module over S. Then it can be regarded as a module over R, if the action of R is given via r cdot m = f(r) cdot m for r in R and m in M.
Interpretation as a functor
Restriction of scalars can be viewed as a
functor from S-modules to R-modules. An S-homomorphism u : M o N automatically becomes an R-homomorphism between the restrictions of M and N. Indeed, if m in M and r in R, then: u(r cdot m) = u(f(r) cdot m) = f(r) cdot u(m) = rcdot u(m),.
As a functor, restriction of scalars is the
right adjoint of theextension of scalars functor.The case of fields
When both R and S are fields, f is necessarily a
monomorphism , and so identifies R with asubfield of S. In such a case an S-module is simply avector space over S, and naturally over any subfield thereof. The module obtained by restriction is then simply a vector space over the subfield R subset S.
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