HD 130322

HD 130322

Starbox short
name=HD 130322
ra=14h 47m 32.73s
dec=-0° 16' 53.31"
names=BD+00°3243, HIP 72339

HD 130322 is an 8th magnitude star in the constellation of Virgo. It is an orange dwarf, a type of star somewhat dimmer and cooler than our Sun. Spectral type of the star is K0 V. It can only be seen with binoculars or telescope. Being almost exactly on the celestial equator the star is visible everywhere in the world except for the North Pole.

In 2000 an extrasolar planet was discovered orbiting the star.

HD 130322 b

Extrasolar Planet
name=HD 130322 b
long_peri=205 ± 22
t_peri=2451383.93 ± 0.65
semi-amp=109.6 ± 4.2
discoverers=Udry, Mayor,
Pepe et al.

HD 130322 b is a planet with a minimum mass slightly more than that of Jupiter. It orbits the star in a very close orbit distance being only a quarter that of Mercury from the Sun. It is thus a so-called "hot Jupiter". The planet orbits the star every 10 days 17 hours in a very regular orbit.


*cite journal | url=http://aa.springer.de/papers/0356002/2300590/small.htm |author=Udry et al.|title=The CORALIE survey for southern extra-solar planets II. The short-period planetary companions to HD 75289 and HD 130322 |journal = Astronomy and Astrophysics | volume=356 | year=2000 | pages=590–598

External links

* [http://simbad.u-strasbg.fr/Simbad SIMBAD] [http://simbad.u-strasbg.fr/sim-id.pl?protocol=html&Ident=HD+130322 star entry] , [http://simbad.u-strasbg.fr/sim-id.pl?protocol=html&Ident=HD+130322+B planet entry]
* [http://www.obspm.fr/encycl/encycl.html The Extrasolar Planets Encyclopaedia] [http://www.obspm.fr/encycl/HD130322.html entry]
* [http://www.extrasolar.net Extrasolar Visions] [http://www.extrasolar.net/planettour.asp?StarCatId=normal&PlanetId=99 entry]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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