List of New Captain Scarlet episodes

List of New Captain Scarlet episodes

This is an episode guide for Gerry Anderson's television series "Gerry Anderson's New Captain Scarlet", a CGI update of his Supermarionation series "Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons" (1967-1968). Commissioned in March 2003, [ [ CGI News ] ] the first series was first broadcast between 12 February 2005 and 14 May 2005. A second series followed between 1 September 2005 and 26 November 2005. [ [ "Captain Scarlet" (2005) - Episode list ] ]

eries 1

Instrument of Destruction Part 1

Dateline - the day after tomorrow. When a mysterious extraplanetary signal is detected emanating from Mars, the world security organisation known as Spectrum sends agents Captain Scarlet and Captain Black to investigate. Reaching the red planet, the two men leave their ship and head for the surface in their Bison Alien Terrain Vehicle, where they soon discover the source of the signals; a huge alien city, which materialises before them. The aliens dispatch a probe to examine the Earth vehicle, but Black assumes it to be hostile, and fires a burst of missiles which destroys the entire city. However, the alien buildings immediately reform, and the citys inhabitants, the Mysterons, retaliate by killing Black and declaring war on Earth. Scarlet manages to return to Earth with Blacks body, which receives a heros burial; the ceremony is a sombre one, attended by Blacks colleagues and his bereaved girlfriend, Destiny Angel. Later, the head of Spectrum, Colonel White, calls a meeting to discuss the Mysteron threat. But the aliens then take over Captain Scarlet to act as their instrument of destruction - and Scarlets first act is to disable the engines that keep Spectrums mighty Skybase aloft...

Wayne Forester (Captain Scarlet), Robbie Stevens (Captain Blue / Skybase Engineer), Emma Tate (Destiny Angel), Mike Hayley (Colonel White / Narrator), Jules De Jongh (Lieutenant Green / Shuttle Computer / Skybase Control), Nigel Plaskitt (Captain Black / Dr. Gold / Hank McGill).

Instrument of Destruction Part 2

After Captain Black steals a quantity of nuclear fuel rods from a military research centre, Colonel White sends Captain Scarlet and Captain Blue to New York to work with the FBI in tracking down the Mysteron agent, now branded as an international terrorist. White addresses the delegates at a UN conference on the Mysteron threat, unaware that Black has infiltrated the UN Tower and taken over the Russian representative, Colonel Zamatev. Under Mysteron control, Zamatev questions Skybases defences, and promises to supply his own Vampire jets to guard the Spectrum base. Believing that Whites life is under threat from Captain Black, Scarlet and Blue race to the UN Tower, and as Black takes aim Scarlet bursts through a window and takes the shot meant for his commanding officer. Destiny confronts Black at gunpoint, but her feelings for her dead lover enable him to overpower her and escape. While Destiny struggles to decide whether she should remain in Spectrum, Black destroys the vehicle transporting the Russian jet pilots, who are then recreated as Mysteron agents. Learning that Trans Global trucks are transporting the missing fuel rods, Scarlet and Blue are sent to stop them. The Vampire jets attack Skybase, but are swiftly dealt with by the Angels; however, the Mysterons manage to tamper with Destinys plane, locking the controls and sending it on a collision course towards Skybase. Meanwhile, Scarlet is captured by Black, and learns that the Mysteron agent has amassed enough fuel rods to create a bomb that will blow the Earth in half…

Wayne Forester (Captain Scarlet), Robbie Stevens (Captain Blue / General Zamatev / Airman 2 / John Bishop), Emma Tate (Destiny Angel / Speaker), Mike Hayley (Colonel White / Agent Avery / Airman 1), Jules de Jongh (Lieutenant Green / Harmony Angel), Nigel Plaskitt (Captain Black / Hank McGill / Security Guard)

Rain of Terror

On a snowy mountain pass, Captain Black triggers an avalanche and destroys a truck containing a revolutionary new chemical compound. Some time later, in the African desert, Captain Scarlet assists Professor Susan Todd of Hydra Laboratories with an experimental rainmaking project. After the Angel Interceptors release a special chemical into the atmosphere a mass of water-heavy clouds quickly forms, and rain begins to fall onto the dry desert plain below. Todd is ecstatic, and dances in triumph in the downpour. She and Scarlet return to Skybase to meet up with Todds colleague, Professor Vandamm, but when Todd boards Spectrum headquarters she begins to hallucinate; now displaying signs of paranoia, Todd pulls a gun, shoots Colonel White in the arm, and takes Vandamm hostage, demanding to be taken off Skybase immediately. Destiny Angel tries to overpower Todd, but in the confusion the scientist falls from a walkway to her death. Vandamm attributes his colleagues bizarre behaviour to overwork, but White is suspicious, and instructs Scarlet to investigate the test site, while he returns to Hydra Laboratories with Vandamm. Scarlet plays back the recording of the experiment and discovers that a pack of meerkats was also exposed to the rain; he soon finds the animals, but they have all been killed by one of their number, which is now inexplicably crazed with fear. Scarlet warns White that the Mysterons have somehow taken over Hydras experiment, and if the next test goes ahead, then thousands of people will start massacring each other. But before White can act he is knocked out by Vandamms new assistant – none other than Captain Black. With no one to stop it, Hydras Condor airplane takes off on a mission to seed the atmosphere with the Mysteronised rainmaking chemicals…

Wayne Forester (Captain Scarlet), Robbie Stevens (Theo Vandamm / Condor Pilot), Emma Tate (Destiny Angel), Mike Hayley (Colonel White), Jules de Jongh (Lieutenant Green / Professor Susan Todd), Nigel Plaskitt (Doctor Gold / Captain Black / Hydra Control)

Mercury Falling

Captain Blue and Destiny Angel pilot the International Space Agency shuttle Mercury on a top secret mission into space; they are to deploy a new satellite into Earth orbit, which will provide early warning of an imminent attack by identifying Mysteron energy on Mars. However, just as Mercury achieves orbit the shuttles controls are taken over by an outside force, and its systems lock onto a new flight path; Spectrum then receives a transmission from an unidentified extortionist who demands a ransom of $50 million in diamonds or else they will initiate Mercurys re-entry over North America and crash the shuttle onto Washington DC. Captain Scarlet heads for the launch facility to investigate, but when he arrives he learns from Doctor Celine Kopalski that Captain Black is already on the base; Scarlet tracks down the Mysteron agent, but Black evades capture and makes off in Scarlets Cheetah RRV; with Scarlet in pursuit in a helicopter, a high-speed chase ensues, ending when Harmony Angel arrives in an Interceptor and blows up the RRV, apparently destroying Black. Back on the shuttle, Blue and Destiny are informed that the U.S. Government has agreed to meet the ransom demands, and that Kopalski has been chosen to deliver the diamonds to a drop-point in an old abandoned mining town named Prosperity. However, Kopalski is actually the saboteur, and she switches the briefcases and steals the diamonds. But when she returns home with her ill-gotten gains she meets Captain Black, who hypnotises her into revealing the location of the laptop that is controlling the shuttles systems. Black obtains the device and uses it to set Mercury on a collision course with the White House…

Wayne Forester (Captain Scarlet), Robbie Stevens (Captain Blue / Captain Grey), Emma Tate (Destiny Angel), Mike Hayley (Colonel White), Jules de Jongh (Lieutenant Green / Harmony Angel), Nigel Plaskitt (Captain Black), Julia Brahms (Doctor Celine Kopalski), Jeremy Hitchen (Technician)

The Homecoming

When an unidentified object is detected entering Earths atmosphere, Colonel White orders the Angels to immediately launch. The team identify the object as an old space capsule, which is heading for a crash-landing in the Arctic Circle. Captain Scarlet and Captain Blue investigate and discover that the capsule is an escape pod from the Endeavor II, a manned mission to Jupiter which mysteriously disappeared fifteen years ago. Entering the capsule, Scarlet and Blue find that two members of the three-man crew have died inside their cryogenic tubes; however, the third occupant is still alive, and is none other than Commander Lewis, Lieutenant Greens father. Lewis is taken back to Skybase, where he is checked over by Doctor Gold - but Lewis is in fact a Mysteron replicant, and when Gold attempts to take a blood sample from him, in order to test his DNA, Lewis hypnotises the doctor and makes him take the sample from himself instead. Now given the all-clear, Lewis is reunited with his daughter, Serena. She accompanies him to the Space Agency in New Mexico - unaware that her ‘father’ intends to blow up the bases reactor, causing a gigantic explosion that will leave nothing but a smoking hole from California to Texas…

Wayne Forester (Captain Scarlet), Robbie Stevens (Captain Blue), Emma Tate (Destiny Angel), Mike Hayley (Colonel White), Jules de Jongh (Lieutenant Green), Nigel Plaskitt (Doctor Gold), Bill Roberts (Commander Guy Lewis), Jeremy Hitchen (Major Franks)


In a remote diner in Phoenix, Arizona, Spectrum flight engineer Xander Story makes contact with two Mysteron Agents. Story agrees to destroy Spectrums Skybase in return for the aliens promise that they will halt their war on mankind - and also accepts the large suitcase of money they give him. Story is about to leave when Captain Scarlet bursts in; a gunfight ensues, but quickly ends when Captain Scarlet is shot and killed. Knowing that his body will soon return to life, the Mysterons tie Scarlet to a pillar, hijack a petro-chemical truck, and drive the vehicle into the diner, completely destroying the premises in a massive explosion. Searching for Scarlet, Captain Blue finds his badly devastated body and takes it back to Skybase. However, Doctor Gold finds that Scarlets injuries are too severe, and with no sign of the retrometabolisation process taking place, he is forced to pronounce the agent dead. While Destiny and Blue grieve for their lost friend, Story arrives on board Skybase, with a bomb secreted in his engineering case. Back in sickbay, Scarlet regains consciousness, only to find that no one can see or hear him, and that he has somehow become intangible – it looks like Scarlet has become a ghost…

Wayne Forester (Captain Scarlet), Robbie Stevens (Captain Blue / Black Suit), Emma Tate (Destiny Angel), Mike Hayley (Colonel White), Jules de Jongh (Lieutenant Green / Harmony Angel / PA Voice), Nigel Plaskitt (Doctor Gold / Trucker / Stormtrooper), Jeremy Hitchen (Xander Story)

Rat Trap

When Spectrum loses contact with Elysium base on Mars, Colonel White sends Captain Scarlet, Captain Blue, Doctor Gold, and Destiny and Harmony Angels to investigate. After achieving Mars orbit, the team heads for the planets surface in the shuttles excursion vehicle, only to immediately come under missile attack from the base. Destiny manages to make a crash landing, but the craft is badly damaged; the only way off the planet lies at Elysium – which is taken to now be under Mysteron control. Boarding their Bison Alien Terrain Vehicle, Scarlet and the others head for Elysium. En route the come across a Bison which came from Elysium, and its three crewmen have died from lack of oxygen while apparently fleeing from their base. Arriving at Elysium, the Spectrum team discover that the remaining members of the bases volunteer personnel have all been brutally murdered. Destiny and Harmony attempt to access the bases shuttle, only to find that its systems have been sabotaged. It isn’t long before the Spectrum team discover the saboteur: a robotic Remote Acquisition Technology (RAT) probe designed for use in hostile environments, has been taken over by the Mysterons and turned into a deadly killing machine. Using Captain Blue for bait, Scarlet manages to lure the RAT out into the open; he then jumps the robot like a cowboy riding a bronco, and destroys it with a limpet mine. However, Scarlet and Blue then learn that there is a second RAT which also under Mysteron control – and it is heading straight for Destiny…

Wayne Forester (Captain Scarlet), Robbie Stevens (Captain Blue), Emma Tate (Destiny Angel), Mike Hayley (Colonel White), Jules de Jongh (Harmony Angel), Nigel Plaskitt (Doctor Gold)


A USAF transport plane is detected on a collision course with Skybase; Colonel White orders the Angels on intercept launch, and when the plane fails to respond to hails, Destiny shoots it down. However, the explosion unleashes a swarm of green insects, which immediately cover Destinys Interceptor. The bugs enter the plane through its engine intake, and immediately begin to disrupt its systems. With her craft out of control, Destiny launches her escape pod, but the creatures cling to its hull and begin eating through the metal in order to reach her inside. Realising that she cannot land on Skybase, Destiny decides to eject, only to learn that the bugs have damaged her parachute. Captain Scarlet instructs her to eject anyway, and then skydives off Skybases landing platform after her; just in time he reaches Destiny and activates his own chute, landing them both safely. Later, Colonel White informs his staff that the transport plane contained a consignment of experimental cyber bugs, which had been taken over by the Mysterons. Believing the threat to be over, Destiny returns to her quarters, unaware that a solitary bug has secreted itself in her G-suit. It isn’t long before the creature reproduces itself, creating a massive swarm that quickly infects Skybases systems; the creatures then capture the sleeping form of Lieutenant Green, tapping into her brain in order to learn the location of Skybases atomic reactor…

Wayne Forester (Captain Scarlet), Emma Tate (Destiny Angel / Lieutenant Silver), Robbie Stevens (Captain Blue / Control Operative), Mike Hayley (Colonel White), Jules de Jongh (Lieutenant Green / Harmony Angel / Symphony Angel), Nigel Plaskitt (Doctor Gold / Technician), Heather Tobias (Melody Angel), Julia Brahms (Rhapsody Angel)

Circles of Doom

Bored with her leave of duty, Destiny rejoins her fellow Angels at an air show held at an air base in Southern England. But as the team carries out a breathtaking practice run of their aerobatic display, Captain Black appears and uses a Mysteron device to shut down all the digital electronic systems in the area. As the systems aboard the Angel interceptors go out of control, Harmonys plane flies too close to Destinys and damages its wing; Harmony manages to eject before her aircraft crashes into the fields below, but Destiny can only watch helplessly as her Interceptor sets itself onto a collision course with the Control Tower. However, at the last minute, Black deactivates the device, and Destiny makes a safe landing. Back aboard Skybase, Colonel White is concerned that a recurrence of the breakdown could have terrible consequences for the planet; he also informs his team of a series of crop circles that have appeared within the footprint of the anomaly. Captain Scarlet and Captain Blue take a Hummingbird helicopter to investigate the circle that lies at the mathematical centre of the affected area, but when they arrive, the circle has mysteriously vanished. Scarlet suddenly feels nauseous, indicating a Mysteron presence nearby, and then Blue discovers that the Hummingbird’s power has been drained. The crop circle reappears around them and immediately sinks into the ground, taking Scarlet, Blue and the helicopter with it. At the bottom of the shaft, the two Spectrum agents come face-to-face with Captain Black; the Mysterons speak through the rogue agent, demanding Mankinds surrender in twenty-four hours or else they will trigger a world-wide technological failure that will destroy everyone on the planet…

Wayne Forester (Captain Scarlet), Robbie Stevens (Captain Blue / Vampire 3), Emma Tate (Destiny Angel), Mike Hayley (Colonel White), Jules de Jongh (Lieutenant Green / Harmony Angel), Nigel Plaskitt (Captain Black), Jeremy Hitchen (Flight Controller / Vampire 2), Bill Roberts (Vampire 1)

Trap for a Rhino

In the Scottish Highlands, an elderly lady named Mrs Mackenzie is alarmed to see green lights hovering over the nearby Grampian Nuclear Power Station; she reports the incident to the authorities, but no one believes her. When Colonel White learns of the incident he immediately sends Captain Scarlet to investigate the power station while Harmony Angel, who is currently attending the nearby Spectrum Flight Training School, is ordered to pay a visit to Mrs Mackenzie. Accompanied by Cadet Johnson, Harmony takes a Hummingbird helicopter and sets off for the old ladys house, unaware that her colleague has just been taken over by the Mysterons. Scarlet is assured by the power stations Head of Security that not one of the four hundred personnel has seen anything unusual; meanwhile, Harmony finds everything at Mrs Mackenzies cottage appears to be normal – until Johnson and the Mysteronised Mrs Mackenzie attack and overpower her. Harmony is forced at gunpoint to report in to White, but she manages to give a coded emergency signal; White responds by setting Spectrum on alert status and instructing Scarlet to head directly to the cottage to investigate. However, this chain of events has been carefully orchestrated by the Mysterons, who plan to hijack Scarlets Rhino and use its heavy weaponry to blow up the nuclear power station…

Wayne Forester (Captain Scarlet), Robbie Stevens (Head of Security / Policeman), Emma Tate (Destiny Angel), Mike Hayley (Colonel White), Jules de Jongh (Lieutenant Green / Harmony Angel), Nigel Plaskitt (Security Guard), Suzy Westerby (Mrs Mackenzie), Jeremy Hitchen (Cadet Johnson / Albatross Pilot / PA Voice)

The Achilles Messenger

At the Spectrum Training Base in Castle Balmeath, Scotland, Captain Scarlet and Destiny Angel are subjected to interrogation resistance testing and psychological profiling. Scarlet soon tires of the inefficiency of the bases staff, and, to make a point, he escapes from his cell, frees Destiny, and together they make off on a motorcycle - much to the annoyance of the base commander, the frosty Astrid Winters. Later that night, Winters is killed in a car crash orchestrated by the Mysterons and is resurrected as a replicant; however, when she returns to the base, instead of killing Captain Scarlet, Winters reveals that she represents a faction of the Mysteron consciousness which believes the war with Earth is a mistake. She offers to hand over information on how to defeat the Mysterons, but insists that she will only tell it to Colonel White in person; as proof of her good faith she also reveals that the Mysterons are planning to murder Earths scientific elite at a gathering of the World Science Congress. Unsure whether or not to trust Winters, White sends Captain Blue and Captain Ochre to investigate the conference, and assigns Scarlet to protect Winters while she is held at the castle. Meanwhile, having learnt of Winters traitorous intentions, Mysteron troops attack the castle and prepare to destroy it with heavily-armed helicopters…

Wayne Forester (Captain Scarlet), Robbie Stevens (Captain Blue), Emma Tate (Destiny Angel), Mike Hayley (Colonel White), Nigel Plaskitt (Captain Black / Stormtrooper), Julia Brahms (Captain Ochre), Jules de Jongh (Astrid Winters), Bill Roberts (Interrogator), Jeremy Hitchen (Guard / Farmer)

kin Deep

As Scarlet and Destiny enjoy a spot of mountain climbing in the desert they are contacted by Colonel White, who informs Destiny that she has been chosen by the Aerospace Research Unit to help test their new flight guidance system. Some time later, as Destiny heads for the Falcon Air Base, she is overtaken by a speeding car, which then swerves off the road and crashes; Destiny goes to help, only to find the car empty – too late, she realises it is a trap, and she is captured at gunpoint by Captain Black. Some time later, Destiny breaks into the International Defence Force Headquarters, steals a set of top-secret missile launch codes, and badly injures a security guard while making her escape. When White shows Scarlet the security video recording of Destinys actions, he is devastated – the woman he loves has gone, and she is now under Mysteron control. Scarlet immediately sets out to locate and kill the rogue Destiny. However, he is unaware that the person he saw committing the crime was in fact an agent named Gina Martineri, who has been transformed into a perfect double of Destiny using a device created by the German scientist Herr Janus; Black is holding the real Destiny prisoner at Janus' clinic, and has forced the scientist to use his device on Martineri as part of a plan to destroy Spectrum once and for all…

Wayne Forester (Captain Scarlet), Emma Tate (Destiny Angel / Gina Martineri), Robbie Stevens (Armed Guard), Mike Hayley (Colonel White), Jules de Jongh (Lieutenant Green), Nigel Plaskitt (Captain Black), Jeremy Hitchen (Herr Janus / Spectrum Guard), Bill Roberts (Duty Guard)


Colonel Whites dinner with his daughter Victoria is interrupted by Lieutenant Green, who reports that a Vampire fighter jet has been hijacked from the USAF base at Little Marwood and is now targeting the Schleswig-Holstein nuclear plant in Germany. Together with his bodyguards for the evening, Captain Scarlet, Destiny Angel and Captain Blue, White sets off in pursuit of the hijacked plane in a Spectrum Hummingbird Helicopter; they soon meet up with the Angels Interceptors en route, and the stolen Vampire is swiftly shot down. However, while Spectrums attention is distracted, Victoria is kidnapped by three men and held hostage. When Whites wife, Diana, contacts him with the news, the Colonel immediately leaves Skybase in a Stallion Raid Bike and heads for home; here, he is contacted by the kidnappers, who threaten to kill Victoria unless White uses a Spectrum Rhino and helps them mount an attack on an armoured express train en route to Paris so that they can steal its cargo of $1 billion in gold bullion. White has no choice but to accept – unaware that the entire operation has been masterminded by Captain Black, who plans to discredit White so that the Colonel will be relieved of his command of Spectrum…

Wayne Forester (Captain Scarlet), Robbie Stevens (Captain Blue), Emma Tate (Destiny Angel / Diana Grey), Mike Hayley (Colonel White), Jules de Jongh (Lieutenant Green / Harmony Angel), Nigel Plaskitt (Doctor Gold / Captain Black), Julia Brahms (Victoria Grey), Jeremy Hitchen (Graves / Vampire Pilot), Bill Roberts (Fox), Glenn Wrage (Controller)

eries 2


Having completed an inspection of Spectrums Skybase, the U.S. Secretary of State returns to her office in New York escorted by the Angels, only to be attacked en route by three enemy Vampire jets. Although the Angels make swift work of destroying their assailants, Destiny only just manages to escape death when her aircraft is hit and sent smashing into the sea below. Destiny is brought back to Skybase, where she is instructed by Doctor Gold to spend the next thirty-six hours recuperating in Sickbay. Meanwhile, U.S. Special Security Council member Miguel Fernandez is busy working at his sea front home in Spain when he receives a mysterious email; when Fernandez reads it a strange signal causes him to slip into a trance, and compels him to walk into the ocean and drown himself. Suspecting a connection between Fernandezs apparent suicide and the recent death of another member of the Security Council, Colonel White calls in Captain Scarlet and Captain Blue to investigate. However, when Captain Blue checks Fernandezs computer he too reads the email and becomes infected with its virus; unaware, Scarlet instructs Blue to upload the contents of the PCs hard drive to Skybases Spectrumnet computer for examination, unwittingly allowing the virus to infect every member of Spectrums personnel via their computer screens. Captain Scarlet and Captain Blue then set off in their Cheetah RRV – but Blue, now under the virus’ control, takes over the controls and drives the vehicle off a cliff…


While climbing a mountain rock face in Arizona, Doctor Phil Bogart is attacked by a Mysteronised eagle and plummets to his death. Brought back to life as a Mysteron agent, Phil returns to the Tier Research facility, where he steals a ‘Thunderpulse’ bomb – a sonic displacement weapon – before destroying the complex. Learning of the disappearance of the entire research complex, Colonel White and his team determine that Bogart has been taken over by the enemy, and is planning on using the bomb to destroy a major city. Phil shares a psychic link with his twin brother, Frank, so Captain Scarlet and Captain Blue pay a visit to the prison where Frank is incarcerated, after having used his gift to pursue a life of crime. Frank agrees to help, but only plays along with the two Spectrum agents so that he can escape at the first opportunity; left alone in his brothers apartment on the forty-third floor, Frank climbs out a window and makes for the roof of an external lift to aid his decent. However, Scarlet and Blue give chase in a Rhino, and they soon apprehend the fleeing crook. Frank is taken back to Skybase where he is coerced into using his E.S.P. to track his brother; however, on making contact, he is possessed by the Mysterons and sent to kill Colonel White…


When Spectrum detects a massive unidentified spaceship leaving Mars on a collision course for Earth, Colonel White immediately scrambles the Angels to intercept. The Interceptors missiles have no effect, and it looks like the Mysterons have targeted Skybase; however, at the last possible moment, the huge spaceship changes course and lands in the Northern Territories of Australia. Captains Scarlet, Blue, Ochre and Grey set off to investigate and soon arrive in the Outback, where the colossal Mysteron ship has settled. When the Spectrum party approaches the vessel they are suddenly teleported inside, finding themselves in a surreal and astonishing environment that no human has ever seen before. But as the quartet study their surroundings they unwittingly become the subjects of the Mysterons latest round of mind games…

Wayne Forester (Captain Scarlet), Robbie Stevens (Captain Blue / Captain Grey), Emma Tate (Destiny Angel), Mike Hayley (Colonel White / Voice of the Mysterons), Jules de Jongh (Lieutenant Green), Nigel Plaskitt (Captain Black), Julia Brahms (Captain Ochre)

Best of Enemies

As Captain Black drives a snow truck through Russias frozen wastes, he is unaware that he is being followed by Captain Scarlet in a Spectrum Rhino. Black makes a rendezvous with a group of men from the Russian Navy Technology Division and takes delivery of a prototype organic limpet mine; the Mysteron agent then defers on making payment by killing his contacts. As an Arctic storm approaches Black makes a hasty exit, but Scarlet cuts off his only escape route by blowing up a bridge with his Rhinos missiles. When Black attempts to outrun his enemy he crashes his vehicle, apparently knocking himself out; but the Mysteron agent is playing possum, and Scarlets compassion for his former friend allows Black to overpower him. After Blacks vehicle slips off the ice and into the frozen water below, the Mysteron decides to take the Rhino and leave Scarlet to freeze to death. However, to Blacks fury he finds that Scarlet has locked down the vehicle, preventing him from using it. Scarlet comes to and manages to get inside the Rhino by its emergency exit – but then the ice gives way, and the Spectrum vehicle falls into the icy depths with Scarlet and Black trapped inside…

Wayne Forester (Captain Scarlet), Robbie Stevens (Captain Blue), Emma Tate (Destiny Angel), Mike Hayley (Colonel White), Nigel Plaskitt (Captain Black), Jules de Jongh (Lieutenant Green), Julia Brahms (Captain Ochre)


Spectrum is assisting with sea trials of a new stealth warship, Proteus. After the vessels computer-controlled camouflage system thwarts an attack run by the Angels, Colonel White, Captain Scarlet and Lieutenant Green remain on board to look around. While the Captain shows White and Scarlet the ships complement of powerful Crusader X50 missiles, First Officer Eden gives Lieutenant Green a tour of the ships computer room; however, when Eden attempts to use a control console he is electrocuted by a blast of Mysteron energy, and, as Green looks on, the Mysterons take over the mainframe and seize control of Proteus. Having jammed all communications systems, the Mysterons use their influence to turn the vessels maintenance robots into mechanised killers, injuring White with a laser blast. Meanwhile, the ships navigator, Mr Viegler, panics and makes off in the Spectrum agents Hummingbird Helicopter; but as he lifts off, the helicopter is shot down by the ships anti-aircraft guns. Realising that they are trapped aboard Proteus with no way of warning Spectrum, Scarlet instructs Green to look after the Colonel, while he tries to find a way to stop the rogue vessel. On reaching the bridge, Spectrum meets the Captain, now recreated as a Mysteron agent; the Captain gloatingly informs Scarlet that Proteus is now on an intercept course for a warship carrying the President of the Chinese Peoples Republic – by destroying the foreign vessel and leaving evidence of U.S involvement, the Mysterons intend to trigger a new World War…

Wayne Forester (Captain Scarlet), Robbie Stevens (Captain Blue), Emma Tate (Destiny Angel / Lieutenant Silver), Mike Hayley (Colonel White), Jules de Jongh (Lieutenant Green)

yrtis Major

Spectrum mounts an aerial raid on the headquarters of Vulcan Industries. Colonel White confronts the board of governors over their recent breach of the Martian Exclusion Directive: despite the fact that the company’s durinium mining operation on Syrtis Major was suspended some time ago, a three man maintenance team recently left for Mars. On learning that all contact with these engineers has since been lost, Colonel White sends Captain Scarlet, Captain Blue, Captain Ochre, Destiny Angel and Doctor Gold to investigate. Accompanied by Griggs, chief engineer from Vulcan Industries, the team soon arrives at the abandoned mining complex; after a search of the base proves fruitless, Destiny remains behind in the operations room while Scarlet and the others head for the mines to search the tunnels for the missing engineers; Blue notes that the tunnels are filled with a strange gas, but Griggs dismisses it as harmless. Back in the Ops room, Destiny comes face-to-face with Captain Black, who appears to have stowed away with the maintenance team. Meanwhile, Scarlet and his party find one of the engineers, Roberts, but the man flees from them in terror; when Scarlet gives chase he comes under attack by the other two engineers, and Roberts is killed by a mining laser. After Blue manages to disarm the men, an examination by Doctor Gold reveals that they are still human, and not Mysteron replicants. It seems that something is making everyone paranoid – and when it affects the Spectrum agents they begin to turn on one another…

Wayne Forester (Captain Scarlet), Robbie Stevens (Captain Blue), Emma Tate (Destiny Angel), Mike Hayley (Colonel White), Nigel Plaskitt (Doctor Gold / Captain Black), Julia Brahms (Captain Ochre)

Fallen Angels

While Colonel White, Captain Blue and Captain Ochre are at the World Summit Conference, Captain Scarlet is assigned command of Spectrum as it oversees security, helped by Lieutenant Green. Meanwhile, Destiny returns from her latest mission, having shot down wreckage from an old U.N. space station before it could fall to Earth. However, as the Angel returns to base, the plane containing White is attacked by four Vampire Jets under Mysteron Control, she joins the other Angels, and a deadly dogfight ensues. Although all the enemy fighters are dealt with, Harmony and Melody are forced to eject when their fighters are shot down, while Destiny only just manages to bail out after her jet is hit by shrapnel. To the delight of the three Angels, they come to land on the beach of a beautiful desert island, and when Destiny checks in with Captain Scarlet, she learns that she, Harmony and Melody must remain on the island for the next twenty-four hours, as all other Spectrum aircraft are on alert for the conference. However, the Angels stay in paradise will be short-lived – out at sea, a gang of vicious pirates are killed by Mysteron intervention, and then brought back under the aliens control. The Mysterons then instruct the bandits to head for the island and capture the Angels – by forcing the trio to reveal the location of the summit, the Mysterons can then kill every world leader with a single, deadly blow…

Emma Tate (Destiny Angel), Heather Tobias (Melody Angel), Jules de Jongh (Lieutenant Green / Harmony Angel), Wayne Forester (Captain Scarlet), Mike Hayley (Colonel White / Voice of the Mysterons)

torm at the End of the World

The Mysterons steal a Druzynik armoured tank from a Russian War Games exercise, and use its firepower to destroy the small town of Ragnarok; the entire population is massacred and then replicated under Mysteron control. Searching for the missing tank the following morning, Captain Scarlet and Captain Blue discover it lying abandoned in the snowy countryside; instantly suspicious, the two Spectrum agents decide to investigate the nearest town: Ragnarok. Unaware that the entire town is a Mysteron replica, Scarlet and Blue find its streets deserted; seeking shelter from the intense cold in a diner they help themselves to some coffee, but the pot is drugged, and both agents slip into unconsciousness. When they come to, Scarlet and Blue find themselves held prisoner in the local mine, where the townsfolk have been set to work digging at the rock face. Forced to join the workforce, Scarlet and Blue wonder what the Mysterons are digging for; they soon find out when an ancient meteorite is uncovered. The Mysterons inform the Spectrum agents that the rock contains lethal alien spores that have been in hibernation since the meteor crashed into the icy permafrost millions of years ago. The Mysterons plan to infect each of the townsfolk with the deadly spores, turning them into plague carriers that will infect and kill everyone on Earth in just four weeks…

Wayne Forester (Captain Scarlet), Robbie Stevens (Captain Blue), Emma Tate (Destiny Angel), Mike Hayley (Colonel White), Jules de Jongh (Lieutenant Green), Nigel Plaskitt (Doctor Gold), Julia Brahms (Captain Ochre)


Following a tip-off that the Mysterons are about to obtain a deadly nerve agent, Spectrum attempts to break up the exchange as it takes place on a New York rooftop; however, the agent buying the weapon makes off in a helijet, while the courier speeds away on a motorbike. Avoiding heavy gunfire, Scarlet follows the jet on his Skyrider, while Captain Blue and Captain Ochre pursue and capture the biker in their Cheetah RRV. After a high-speed chase through skyscrapers, Scarlet manages to climb aboard the helijet and secure the canister, dealing with the Mysteron agents in the process. However, when the retrieved canister of nerve agent is taken back to Skybase for inspection, it is discovered that it merely contains nitrous oxide: laughing gas; furthermore, the agents involved in the exchange were humans, in league with the Mysterons. Realising that they have been duped, Scarlet heads to Egypt to question their informant, Zuca, over his apparent double-cross; the Egyptian confesses that he only learned that his information was a decoy after he passed it on, and reveals that the Mysterons real target is the lunar holiday camp ‘Tranquility’. Realising that this is where Destiny and Lieutenant Green are taking their vacation, Scarlet sets off to warn them – unaware that Zuca is really a Mysteron replicant sending him into a trap. On the moon, Destiny and Green arrange for Tranquilitys evacuation by sending its holidaymakers out on lunar excursions while ‘routine maintenance’ is carried out; they are then joined by Scarlet and Blue, who have left Ochre and Magenta to deal with a distress call from one of Tranquilitys excursion vehicles. However, when Tranquilitys communications are jammed and contact is lost with Ochre and Magenta, Scarlet sets off in his Bison vehicle to investigate; he finds their Bison out on the lunar surface – now with Captain Black aboard. The Mysteron agent reveals that Scarlet has fallen into his trap – and now the two of them must face off in a duel to the death…

Wayne Forester (Captain Scarlet), Emma Tate (Destiny Angel), Robbie Stevens (Captain Blue), Mike Hayley (Colonel White), Jules de Jongh (Lieutenant Green), Nigel Plaskitt (Captain Black), Julia Brahms (Captain Ochre)

hape Shifter

When two Mysteron agents break into the Laroux Foundation in Louisiana and attempt to sabotage its particle collider, they come face to face with Captain Scarlet; during the ensuing firefight a bullet shatters a container tank, releasing a strange, yellow gas into the atmosphere. The replicants escape into the sewers below, but Scarlet gives chase and kills them both; however, the Mysterons take over the gas and use it to create another Captain Scarlet, who promptly shoots the real Captain Scarlet 'dead', dumps his body in a nearby swamp, and then heads for Skybase. Captain Scarlets body is saved from being eaten by an alligator by two hicks named Zachary and Eli; the two men loot Scarlet of his equipment, and then decide to bury his body in the morning. Meanwhile, the fake Captain Scarlet arrives on Skybase, passes the routine DNA screening, and transforms himself into the appearance of anyone he touches. The following morning, the ersatz Scarlet attempts to assassinate Colonel White while he works out in the gym; Captain Blue tries to stop him, but the fake Scarlets shot goes wide and shatters a window. The Mysteron is instantly sucked outside as the air rushes out, but he manages to cling to the outer surface of Skybase. Zachary and Eli bury Scarlet in a shallow grave, but are frightened off when the agent comes to life before their eyes; Scarlet makes his way to a Rhino concealed in a remote water tower, but the vehicles activation triggers an alarm that is immediately detected by Lieutenant Green. Scarlet contacts Spectrum and tries to warn his colleagues about the doppelganger, but White refuses to believe him; the Colonel is convinced that Scarlet has succumbed to Mysteron control, and he orders the Angels to destroy him. With some fancy driving, Scarlet manages to evade the Angels missile attack; he then returns to the Laroux Foundation, where he learns that the gas was an experimental form of pure atomic matter, able to assume any shape it is programmed with. Blue tracks Scarlet down and tells his friend that he believes his claims that he has been replicated; the two agents set off for Skybase – only to learn that the Mysteron replicant has now taken over the form of Colonel White and set the bases controls on a collision course with the city of Houston…

Touch of the Reaper

At the Centre for Organism Research in Nevada, the Mysterons deliberately contaminate Doctor Michael King and his assistant, Dayna Parrish, with a mutated version of Razers Disease. The two scientists die in seconds – only to be reborn as Mysteron replicants, each with the power to kill with a single touch. Some time later, the personnel of Spectrum watch these ominous events unfold via a security recording. Colonel White immediately assigns Captain Scarlet and Captain Blue to locate the missing scientists; however, Scarlets focus is divided: having seen the Mysteron replication process for the first time, he now finds himself questioning his own humanity. Paying a visit to Doctor Kings wife, Blue and Scarlet clash with Daynas boyfriend, the hard-nosed, high profile reporter Dan Lloyd. Following a lead from Mrs King, the two Spectrum agents track the Mysterons to a lakeside cabin. Dayna takes off on a motorbike, with Scarlet in hot pursuit in a Cheetah RRV; a high-speed chase ensues, but Dayna is able to evade her pursuer, and she disappears amongst the streets of a nearby city. Back at the cabin, Blue manages to avoid Kings deadly touch, and succeeds in trapping the Mysteron in the cabins cellar. King is taken back to Skybase, where Scarlet and White question him on Daynas whereabouts; but the Mysterons use King as a conduit, and, after declaring their war of nerves on Earth in retaliation for humanitys attack on their base, they cause King to disintegrate. Dayna visits Lloyd and kills him with a kiss, allowing the Mysterons to recreate the reporter as another virus-carrying agent. Back at Skybase, Captain Scarlet realises the real Mysteron plan: by using Dayna to get to her boyfriend, they have a perfect means of assassinating one of the reporters most famous friends: none other than the President of the United States of America…

Grey Skulls

After the Mysterons take over a Phoenix policeman named Rimmer and use him to steal a canister of deadly alien spores brought back by a space probe from Ganymede, Captain Scarlet and Captain Blue are ordered to give chase. Elsewhere, two rival bikers – Colt from the Grey Skulls and Brock of the Wolf Pack – are meeting to discuss a possible peace treaty when they are interrupted by the arrival of Rimmers police car; as the cop takes refuge inside a nearby building a Spectrum Rhino draws up, which trashes Colts motorcycle in the process. Brock is killed by Rimmer and recreated by the Mysterons; the biker then takes over possession of the canister as Rimmer disappears into thin air. Captain Ochre arrives to assist her comrades in the hunt for Rimmer; however, Colt immediately sees a way to replace his ruined bike, and promptly steals Ochres Stallion Raid Bike. Unable to find their quarry, the three Spectrum agents return to Skybase, where a furious Colonel White orders Ochre to recover her stolen bike before its firepower can be misused. Using Lieutenant Greens information that the Grey Skulls are based in Roswell, a chastened Ochre heads off to New Mexico to track down the Raid Bike. Having ‘persuaded’ two Grey Skull gang members to take her to their leader Ochre confronts Colt – only to have him blow up her Cheetah RRV with the Raid Bikes weaponry. Colt then takes Ochre to his base inside a disused underground military bunker, where he and his gang are waging a war against the alien invaders first sited in the area in the 1950s. Meanwhile, Scarlet and Blue determine that the Mysterons target is the new Stellar City theme park in Phoenix; however, the two agents are still looking for Rimmer – unaware that it is now Brock who is about to release the deadly spores that will kill literally thousands of visitors…


Captain Black steals a Druzynik tank and aims to destroy the Tereshkovo nuclear plant in Siberia; the Angels are ordered to stop him, but the armoured vehicle easily shrugs off their missile attack. Giving chase in another Druzynik, Captain Scarlet and Captain Blue manage to destroy the Mysteron agents tank just before it comes within weapons range of the plant. Blacks body is thrown clear of the blast, and is immediately taken back to Skybase for examination. Here Blacks body rapidly heals, and when he regains consciousness, the agent declares that he is now free of Mysteron control. Although Destiny is convinced that her former lover has returned, her colleagues remain suspicious, and when Black then announces that he wishes to make amends for his actions, and offers to reveal the location of the Mysterons power source on Mars, Colonel White flatly refuses to sanction a mission. Seeing an opportunity to end the war, Scarlet frees Black and together they escape Skybase on Stallion Raid Bikes; White orders Blue and Ochre to give pursuit, but the two agents are overpowered by Scarlet, who takes Black to the International Space Agency in New Mexico, where they steal a Spectrum shuttle. When the ISA ask White to grant clearance for the spacecraft, the Colonel decides to trust Scarlets instincts, and he allows the vessel to lift off. Scarlet and Black soon land on Mars and set off for the Mysteron city in their Bison ATV, unaware that the Mysterons are now following their every move. Can Black really be trusted – or is Scarlet being lead into a final, lethal trap?


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