

Kemetic is a term designing members of a Kemetic organization or in general a person who is professing Kemetism, the contemporary reconstruction of Ancient Egyptian religion.

Origin of the word

The word "Kemetic" is related to "Kemetism", which is a general term for reconstructionistic movements reconstructing the Ancient Egyptian religion.

The word Kemetism is relatively young; it appeared at the end of 1970's or at the beginning of 1980's. Origin of that word is in ancient name of Egypt used by ancient native Egyptians - "Kemet". In translation it means "„the black one“" ["Khémitisme, Tradition païenne éptienne, la religion des anciens égyptiens" [2008-08-21] [ Accessible online] (french)] ["What is Kemetic Orthodoxy? Introduction" [2008-08-19] [ Accessible online] (english)] and it was for the colour of the fertile mud, which was brought by the yearly floods on the Nile (stopped now by the Aswan Dam) and on which was based agriculture of Egypt, base of its economy.

Notable Kemetics

*Olivia Robertson - founder of Fellowship of Isis
*Tamara L. Siuda - founder of Kemetic Orthodoxy
*Ra Un Nefer Amen - founder of Ausar Auset Society
*Sat-Aset - founder of Ta Noutri



See also

*Paganism & Neopaganism
*Polytheistic reconstructionism

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