Magnesia Litera

Magnesia Litera

Magnesia Litera is an annual book award held in the Czech Republic since 2002. The prize covers all literary genres in eight genre categories: prose, poetry, childrens book (since 2004), non-fiction, essay/journalism (since 2007), translation, publishing achievement, book debut, and the main prizeone of the genre nominee is named theCzech Book of the Year”.

The prize is awarded by an independent association Litera which associates members of all Czech literary or book-market organizations: Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Association of Booksellers and Publishers, Czech Centre of International PEN, Czech section of IBBY, Society of Czech Writers, Czech TranslatorsGuild.

Books of the Year

  • 2010Petra Soukupová: Zmizet
  • 2009Bohumila Grögerová: Rukopis
  • 2008Petr Nikl: Záhádky
  • 2007Petru Cimpoeşu: Simion Liftnicul (translated from Romanian by Jiří Našinec)
  • 2006Jan Reich: Bohemia
  • 2005Jan Novák: Zatím dobrý (So Far So Good)
  • 2004Jiří Suk: Labyrintem revoluce (Through the Labyrinth of Velvet Revolution) (non-fiction)
  • 2003Pavel Zatloukal: Příběhy z dlouhého stoletíArchitektura let 17501918 na Moravě a ve Slezsku (Stories from the Long Century: Moravian and Silesian Architecture 17901918) (non-fiction)
  • 2002Jürgen Serke: Böhmische Dörfer (publishing achievement by Triada Publishing)

External links