- Geology of the Himalaya
Fig 1: The earth in the EarlyPermian . At that time, India is part of Gondwana and bordered to the north by the Cimmerian Superterrane. Paleogeographic reconstructions. By Dèzes (1999), based on Stampfli and Borel (2002) and Patriat and Achache (1984). A more modern paleo-geographic reconstruction of the Early Permian can be found [http://www-sst.unil.ch/research/plate_tecto/paleotet.htm here] ]
Fig 2: The earth at the Permian-Triassic boundary. The opening of the Neotethys separates the Cimmeridian Superterrane from Gondwana. Based on Stampfli and Borel (2002) and Patriat and Achache (1984). For a more modern paleo-geographic reconstruction of the same period, see [http://www-sst.unil.ch/research/plate_tecto/neotet.htm this web-site] (Stampfli et al.)]
Fig 6: Geological Map of the northwest Himalaya, compiled after the work of: Epard et al. 1995; Frank et al. 1997; Fuchs and Linner, 1995; Guntli, 1993; Herren, 1987; Kelemen et al. 1988; Kündig, 1988; Patel et al. 1993; Searle et al. 1988, 1997; Spring, 1993; Steck et al. 1993; Steck et al. 1998; Stutz, 1988; Thöni, 1977; Vannay, 1993; Vannay and Graseman 1998; Wyss 1999 and completed with personal observations by Dèzes (1999). for references, see [http://comp1.geol.unibas.ch/zanskar/CHAPITRE10/biblio.html bibliography] . HHCS: High Himalayan Cristalline Sequence; ISZ: Indus Suture Zone; KW: Kishtwar Window; LKRW: Larji-Kulu-Rampur Window; MBT: Main Boundary Thrust; MCT: Main Central Thrust; SF: Sarchu Fault; ZSZ: Zanskar Shear Zone. (Download map in [http://comp1.geol.unibas.ch/~zanskar/CHAPITRE2/images2/GeolNWHimal.pdf PDF] format).]The geology of the Himalaya is a record of the most dramatic and visible creations of modern
plate tectonic forces. TheHimalayas , which stretch over 2400 km, are the result of an ongoingorogeny — the result of a collision between two continentaltectonic plates . This immensemountain range was formed by huge tectonic forces and sculpted by unceasing denudation processes ofweathering anderosion . The Himalaya-Tibet region is virtually the water tower ofAsia : it supplies freshwater for more than one-fifth of theworld population , and it accounts for a quarter of the globalsedimentary budget . Topographically, the belt has many superlatives: the highest rate of uplift (nearly 1 cm/year atNanga Parbat ), the highest relief (8848 m at Mt.Everest Chomolangma), the source of some of the greatest rivers and the highest concentration ofglaciers outside of thepolar regions . This last feature earned the Himalaya its name, originating from theSanskrit for "the abode of the snow".The making of the Himalaya
During Late
Precambrian and thePalaeozoic , the Indian sub-continent, bounded to the north by the Cimmerian Superterranes, was part ofGondwana and was separated fromEurasia by thePaleo-Tethys Ocean (Fig. 1). During that period, the northern part of India was affected by a late phase of the so-called "Cambro-Ordovician Pan-African event", which is marked by an unconformity betweenOrdovician continental conglomerates and the underlyingCambrian marine sediments. Numerous granitic intrusions dated at around 500 Ma are also attributed to this event.In the Early
Carboniferous , an early stage of rifting developed between the Indian continent and the Cimmerian Superterranes. During the EarlyPermian , thisrift developed into theNeotethys ocean (Fig. 2). From that time on, the Cimmerian Superterranes drifted away from Gondwana towards the north. Nowadays,Iran ,Afghanistan andTibet are partly made up of these terranes.In the
Norian (210 Ma), a major rifting episode split Gondwana in two parts. The Indian continent became part of East Gondwana, together withAustralia andAntarctica . However, the separation of East and West Gondwana, together with the formation of oceanic crust, occurred later, in theCallovian (160-155 Ma). The Indian plate then broke off from Australia and Antarctica in the EarlyCretaceous (130 - 125 Ma) with the opening of the "South Indian Ocean" (Fig. 3).In the Upper Cretaceous (84 Ma), the Indian plate began its very rapid northward drift at an average speed of 16 cm/year, covering a distance of about 6000 km, until the collision of the northwestern part of the Indian passive margin with Eurasia in early
Eocene time (48-52 Ma). Since that time and until today, the Indian continent continues its northwards movement at a slower but still surprisingly fast rate of ~ 5 cm/year, indenting Eurasia by about 2400 km and rotating by just over 33° in an anticlockwise direction (Fig. 4).Whilst most of the
oceanic crust was "simply" subducted below the Tibetan block during the northward motion of India, at least three major mechanisms have been put forward, either separately or jointly, to explain what happened, since collision, to the 2400 km of "missingcontinental crust ". The first mechanism also calls upon the subduction of the Indian continental crust below Tibet. Second is the extrusion or escape tectonics mechanism (Molnar and Tapponier, 1975) which sees the Indian plate as an indenter that squeezed theIndochina block out of its way. The third proposed mechanism is that a large part (~1000 km; Dewey et al. 1989) of the 2400 km of crustal shortening was accommodated by thrusting and folding of the sediments of the passive Indian margin together with the deformation of the Tibetan crust.Even though it is more than reasonable to argue that this huge amount of crustal shortening most probably results from a combination of these three mechanisms, it is nevertheless the last mechanism which created the high topographic relief of the Himalaya.
Major tectonic subdivisions of the Himalaya
One of the most striking aspects of the Himalayan orogen is the lateral continuity of its major tectonic elements. The Himalaya is classically divided into four
tectonic units that can be followed for more than 2400 km along the belt (Fig. 5 and Fig. 7)fn|2.#The Subhimalaya forms the
foothill s of the Himalayan Range and is essentially composed ofMiocene toPleistocene molassic sediments derived from the erosion of the Himalaya. These molasse deposits, known as the Muree and Siwaliks Formations, are internally folded and imbricated. The Subhimalaya is thrust along the Main Frontal Thrust over theQuaternary alluvium deposited by the rivers coming from the Himalaya (Ganges , Indus,Brahmaputra and others), which demonstrates that the Himalaya is still a very active orogen.
#The Lesser Himalaya (LH) is mainly formed by UpperProterozoic to lowerCambrian detrital sediments from the passive Indian margin intercalated with some granites and acid volcanics (1840± 70 Ma; Frank et al., 1977). Thesesediments are thrust over the Subhimalaya along the Main Boundary Thrust (MBT). The Lesser Himalaya often appears intectonic windows (Kishtwar or Larji-Kulu-Rampur windows) within the High Himalaya Crystalline Sequence.
#The Central Himalayan Domain, (CHD) or High Himalaya, forms the backbone of the Himalayan orogen and encompasses the areas with the highest topographic relief. It is commonly separated into four zones.
##The High Himalayan Crystalline Sequence, HHCS (approximately 30 different names exist in the literature to describe this unit; the most frequently found equivalents are Greater Himalayan Sequence, Tibetan Slab and High Himalayan Crystalline) is a 30-km-thick, medium- to high-grade metamorphic sequence of metasedimentary rocks which are intruded in many places by granites of Ordovician (~ 500 Ma) and early Miocene (~ 22 Ma) age. Although most of the metasediments forming the HHCS are of lateProterozoic to earlyCambrian age, much younger metasediments can also be found in several areas (Mesozoic in the Tandi syncline and Warwan region, Permian in the Tschuldo slice, Ordovician to Carboniferous in the Sarchu Area). It is now generally accepted that the metasediments of the HHCS represent the metamorphic equivalents of the sedimentary series forming the base of the overlying Tethys Himalaya. The HHCS forms a majornappe which is thrust over the Lesser Himalaya along the Main Central Thrust (MCT).
##The Tethys Himalaya (TH) is an approximately 100-km-wide synclinorium formed by strongly folded and imbricated, weakly metamorphosed sedimentary series. Several nappes, termed North Himalayan Nappes (Steck et al., 1993) have also been described within this unit. An almost complete stratigraphic record ranging from the Upper Proterozoic to the Eocene is preserved within thesediments of the TH. Stratigraphic analysis of these sediments yields important indications on the geological history of the northerncontinental margin of the Indian continent from its Gondwanian evolution to its continental collision with Eurasia. The transition between the generally low-grade sediments of the Tethys Himalaya and the underlying low- to high-grade rocks of the High Himalayan Crystalline Sequence is usually progressive. But in many places along the Himalayan belt, this transition zone is marked by a major extensional structure, the Central Himalayan Detachment System (also known as South Tibetan Detachment System or North Himalayan Normal Fault).
##The Nyimaling-Tso Morari Metamorphic Dome, NTMD: In the Ladakh region, the Tethys Himalaya synclinorium passes gradually to the north in a large dome ofgreenschist to eclogitic metamorphic rocks. As with the HHCS, these metamorphic rocks represent the metamorphic equivalent of the sediments forming the base of the Tethys Himalaya. The Precambrian Phe Formation is also here intruded by several Ordovician (~480 Ma; Girard and Bussy, 1998) granites.
##The Lamayuru and Markha Units (LMU) are formed byflysch s andolistholith s deposited in a turbiditic environment, on the northern part of the Indiancontinental slope and in the adjoining Neotethys basin. The age of these sediments ranges from Late Permian to Eocene.
#The Indus Suture Zone (ISZ) (or Indus-Yarlung-Tsangpo Suture Zone) defines the zone of collision between the Indian Plate and the Ladakh Batholith (also Transhimalaya or Karakoram-Lhasa Block) to the north. This suture zone is formed by:::*theOphiolite Mélange s, which are composed of an intercalation of flysch and ophiolites from the Neotethys oceanic crust::*the Dras Volcanics, which are relicts of a Late Cretaceous to LateJurassic volcanic island arc and consist ofbasalt s,dacite s, volcanoclastites,pillow lava s and minor radiolarianchert s::*the IndusMolasse , which is a continentalclastic sequence (with rare interbeds of marine saltwater sediments) comprisingalluvial fan ,braided stream andfluvio-lacustrine sediments derived mainly from the Ladakh batholith but also from the suture zone itself and the Tethyan Himalaya. These molasses are post-collisional and thus Eocene to post-Eocene.::*The Indus Suture Zone represents the northern limit of the Himalaya. Further to the North is the so-calledTranshimalaya , or more locallyLadakh Batholith, which corresponds essentially to anactive margin of Andean type. Widespreadvolcanism in thisvolcanic arc was caused by the melting of the mantle at the base of the Tibetan bloc, triggered by thedehydration of the subducting Indian oceanic crust.Future of the Himalaya
Over periods of 5-10 million years, the plates will probably continue to move at the same rate. In 10 million years
India will plow into Tibet a further 180 km. This is about the width ofNepal . Because Nepal's boundaries are marks on the Himalayan peaks and on the plains of India whose convergence we are measuring, Nepal will technically cease to exist. But the mountain range we know as the Himalaya will not go away.This is because the Himalaya will probably look much the same in profile then as it does now. There will be tall mountains in the north, smaller ones in the south, and the north/south width of the Himalaya will be about the same. What will happen is that the Himalaya will have advanced across the Indian plate and the Tibetan plateau will have grown by
accretion . One of the few clues about the rate of collision between India and Tibet before the GPS measurements were made was the rate of advance of Himalayan sediments across theGanges plain. There is an orderly progression of sediments in front of the foothills. Larger boulders appear first, followed by pebbles, and further south, sand-grains, silts, and finally very fine muds. This is what you see when you drive from the last hills of the Himalaya southward 100 km. The present is obvious, but the historical record cannot be seen on the surface because the sediments bury all former traces of earlier sediments. However, in drill holes in the Ganges plain, the coarser rocks are always on the top and the finer pebbles and muds are on the bottom, showing that the Himalaya is relentlessly advancing on India.Notes
fnb|1This paleogeographic reconstruction is mainly based on the papers of Besse et al. (1984), Patriat and Achache (1984), Dewey et al. (1989), Brookfield, (1993) Ricou (1994), Rowley (1996) and Stampfli et al. (1998). More information can be found on [http://www-sst.unil.ch/research/plate_tecto/index.htm this website] .
fnb|2The four-fold division of Himalayan units has been used since the work of Blanford and Medlicott (1879) and Heim and Gansser (1939).
* Besse J., Courtillot V., Pozzi J.P., Westphal M., Zhou Y.X., (1984): Palaeomagnetic estimates of crustal shortening in the Himalayan thrusts and Zangbo Suture.: Nature (London), v. 311, p. 621-626.
*Blanford W.T., Medlicott H.B., (1879): A manual of the geology of India: Calcutta.
*Brookfield M.E., (1993): The Himalaya passive margin from Precambrian to Cretaceous times: Sedimentary Geology, v. 84, p. 1-35.
* Dewey J.F., (1988): Extensional collapse of orogens: Tectonics, v. 6, p. 1123-1139.
*Dewey J.F., Cande S., Pitman III W.C., (1989): Tectonic evolution of the Indian/Eurasia Collision Zone: Eclogae geologicae Helvetiae, v. 82, no. 3, p. 717-734.
*Dèzes, p. (1999): Tectonic and metamorphic Evolution of the Central Himalayan Domain in Southeast Zanskar (Kashmir, India). Mémoires de Géologie (Lausanne) No. 32.
* Frank W., Thoni M., Pertscheller F., (1977): Geology and petrography of Kulu - South Lahul area, in Ecologie et geologie de l’Himalaya, Paris, Dec. 7-10, p. 147-172.
*Frank W., Gansser A., Trommsdorff V., (1977): Geological observations in the Ladakh area (Himalayas); a preliminary report: Schweiz. Mineral. Petrogr. Mitt, v. 57, no. 1, p. 89-113.
*Girard, M. and Bussy, F. (1999) Late Pan-African magmatism in Himalaya: new geochronological and geochemical data from the Ordovician Tso Morari metagranites (Ladakh, NW India). Schweiz. Mineral. Petrogr. Mitt., v. 79, pp. 399-418.
*Heim A., Gansser A., (1939): Central Himalaya; geological observations of the Swiss expedition 1936.: Schweizer. Naturf. Ges., Denksch., v. 73, no. 1, p. 245.
*Molnar P., Tapponnier P., (1975): Cenozoic tectonics of Asia; effects of a continental collision.: Science, v. 189, p. 419-426.
* Patriat P., Achache J., (1984): India-Eurasia collision chronology has implications for crustal shortening and driving mechanism of plates.: Nature, v. 311, p. 615-621.
* Ricou L.M., (1994): Tethys reconstructed: plates, continental fragments and their Boundaries since 260 Ma from Central America to South-eastern Asia: Geodinamica Acta, v. 7, no. 4, p. 169-218.
*Stampfli, G.M. and Borel, G.D., 2002. A plate tectonic model for the Paleozoic and Mesozoic constrained by dynamic plate boundaries and restored synthetic oceanic isochrons. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 196: 17-33.
*Stampfli G.M., Mosar J., Favre P., Pillevuit A., Vannay J.-C., (1998): Permo-Triassic evolution of the westernTethyan realm: the Neotethys/east-Mediterranean basin connection: Peri Thetys, v. 3.
* Steck A., Spring L., Vannay J.-C., Masson H., Stutz E., Bucher H., Marchant R., Tièche J.C., (1993): Geological Transect Across the Northwestern Himalaya in eastern Ladakh and Lahul (A Model for the Continental Collision of India and Asia): Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae, v. 86, no. 1, p. 219-263.
*Steck A., Spring L., Vannay J.C., Masson H., Bucher H., Stutz E., Marchant R., Tieche J.C., (1993): The tectonic evolution of the northwestern Himalaya in eastern Ladakh and Lahul, India, in Himalayan Tectonics, p. 265-276.External links
* [http://oro.ess.ucla.edu/~catlos/thesis/thesis.htm "Geochronologic and Thermobarometric Constraints on the Evolution of the Main Central Thrust, Himalayan Orogen".] PhD Thesis By Elizabeth Jacqueline Catlos
* [http://comp1.geol.unibas.ch/zanskar "Tectonic and Metamorphic Evolution of the Central Himalayan Domain in Southeast Zanskar" (Kashmir, India).] PhD Thesis By Pierre Dèzes
* [http://www.geocities.com/himalayangeology/thesis.html "Geology and Petrographic study of the area from Chiraundi Khola to Thulo Khola, Dhading/Nawakot district, central Nepal".] MS Thesis By Gyanendra Gurung
* [http://www.virtualexplorer.com.au/journal/2003/11/ Granitoids of the Himalayan Collisional Belt.] Special Edition of "The Journal of the Virtual Explorer"
* [http://www.virtualexplorer.com.au/journal/2002/08/ Reconstruction of the evolution of the Alpine-Himalayan orogeny.] Special Edition of "The Journal of the Virtual Explorer"
* [http://www.ranjan.net.np/geologyofnepal.htm "Geology of Nepal for Engineer"]
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