List of secularist organizations

List of secularist organizations

Secularist organizations promote the view that moral standards should be based solely on concern for the good of humanity in the present life, without reference to supernatural concepts, such as God or an afterlife. The term secularism, as coined and promulgated by George Jacob Holyoake, originally referred to such a view. ["Secularism". "Oxford English Dictionary", Second Edition. Oxford University Press, 1989.] "Secularism" may also refer to the belief that government ought to be neutral on matters of religion, and that church and state ought to be separate. The term is here used in the first sense, though most organizations listed here also support secularism in the second sense.

Secularists, and their organizations, identify themselves by a variety of terms, including agnostic, atheist, bright, freethinker, humanist, nontheist, naturalist, rationalist, or skeptic. [The Secular Coalition for America, which has been [ identified] by as representing the interests of "secularist organizations," describes its constituency as "nontheistic Americans," including those who go by the labels "atheist, humanist, freethinker, agnostic, skeptic, bright, ignostic, materialist, and naturalist, among others." [ Who does the Secular Coalition for America represent?] at the [ Secular Coalition for America website] (Accessed 5 April 2008)] [Some less common secularist labels include: apatheist, godless (in the non-pejorative, literal sense), ignostic, infidel (or unbeliever), heathen, materialist, or realist.] Despite the use of these various terms, the organizations listed here have secularist goals in common. Note that, while most of these organizations and their members consider themselves irreligious, there are certain exceptions (Ethical Culture, for example).



*Atheist Alliance International bills itself as "the only democratic national atheist organization in the United States." [ [ Atheist Alliance International website] , 2008 (Accessed 9 April 2008)]
*The Brights' Net is a nonprofit educational organization dedicated to "building a constituency" and "constructively address [ing] the marginalized situation of persons who have a naturalistic worldview." [ [ The Movement] , The Brights' Network, 2008 (Accessed 9 April 2008)]
*European Humanist Federation is a union of "numerous humanist organisations from most European countries" whose purpose is to promote humanism and secularism in Europe. [ [ Presentation] , European Humanist Federation website, 2006 (Accessed 10 April 2008)]
*International Humanist and Ethical Union (IHEU) is "the sole world umbrella organisation embracing Humanist, atheist, rationalist, secularist, skeptic, laique, ["sic"] ["Laïque" (French): "secular"] ethical cultural, freethought and similar organisations world-wide." IHEU is a union of over 100 Humanist or secularist organizations in more than 40 countries. It is an international NGO (Non-governmental organization) with special consultative status with the United Nations. [ [ About IHEU] , [ IHEU website] (Accessed 5 April 2008)]
*International League of Humanists
*International League of non-religious and atheists
*Rationalist International


*Atheist Foundation of Australia
*Council of Australian Humanist Societies
*Rationalist Society of Australia
*The Secular Party of Australia


*Sociedade da Terra Redonda


* Humanist Association of Canada
*Humanist Fellowship of Montreal
*Mouvement laïque québécois
*Toronto Secular Alliance


* Ateistisk Selskab - the Danish Atheist Society


*Central Council of Ex-Muslims
*German Freethinkers League
*Giordano Bruno Foundation ("Giordano Bruno Stiftung")
*International League of non-religious and atheists




*Atheist Center
*Bihar Buddhiwadi Samaj (Bihar Rationalist Society)
*Dakshina Kannada Rationalist Association
*Federation of Indian Rationalist Associations
*Hyderabad Rationalist Forum
*Indian Humanist Union
*Kerala Yukthivadi Sangham
*People's Science Center
*Science and Rationalists' Association of India
*Dravidar Kalagam


*Humanist Association of Ireland
*The Irish Atheists


*Italian Union of Rationalist Atheists and Agnostics (UAAR)


*Diwaroj Kurdistan Atheists (Diwaroj)

New Zealand

*Humanist Society of New Zealand
*New Zealand Association of Rationalists and Humanists


*Human-Etisk Forbund HEF has over 72,000 members, [ [ The Norwegian Humanist Association] , Human-Etisk Forbund website (English version), 2004 (Accessed 9 April 2008)] making it "the largest group [in Norway] outside the State Church." [ [ Membership] , Human-Etisk Forbund website (English version), 2004 (Accessed 9 April 2008)]
*Norwegian Heathen Society


*Swedish Humanist Association

United Kingdom

*British Humanist Association
*Gay and Lesbian Humanist Association
*Humanist Society of Scotland
*Leicester Secular Society, founded in 1851, bills itself as the "oldest secular society in the world." [ [ Leicester Secular Society website] (Accessed 5 April 2008)]
*National Secular Society
*North East Humanists
*Rationalist Association
*South Place Ethical Society, founded in 1793, identifies itself as "the oldest freethought community in the world." [ [ South Place Ethical Society website] (Accessed 5 April 2008)]

United States

*American Atheists
*American Humanist Association, according to its website, is the "first and largest organization promoting Humanism in the US." [ [ Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about the American Humanist Association] , American Humanist Association website, 2005 (Accessed 8 April 2005)]
*American Secular Union
*The Atheist Agenda
*Atheist Community of Austin
*Camp Quest, "The Secular Summer Camp," is the first residential summer camp in the United States for the children of those who hold a naturalistic world view. ["Camp Quest is the first residential summer camp in the history of the United States for the children of Atheists, Freethinkers, Humanists, Brights, or whatever other terms might be applied to those who hold to a naturalistic, not supernatural world view." [ Camp Quest website] (Accessed 5 April 2008)]
*Church of Reality
*Council for Secular Humanism is a non-profit educational association and, according to its website, "North America's leading organization for non-religious people." The Council aims to "meet the needs of people who find meaning and value in life without looking to a god." CSH publishes "Free Inquiry". [ [ Council for Secular Humanism website] , 2008 (Accessed 8 April 2008)]
*Fellowship of Humanity
*First Humanist Society of New York
*Freedom From Religion Foundation, according to its website, is the "largest group of atheists and agnostics in North America." The Foundation represents the interests of freethinkers, with an emphasis on gender equality and reproductive rights, and the separation of church and state. It publishes "Freethought Today", "the only freethought newspaper in North America." [ [ Freedom From Religion Foundation website] (Accessed 5 April 2008)]
*The Humanist Institute
*Institute for Humanist Studies
*Internet Infidels is a "a nonprofit educational organization dedicated to defending and promoting a naturalistic worldview on the Internet." [ [ About Us] , Internet Infidels, 2008 (Accessed 9 April 2008)]
*Military Association of Atheists & Freethinkers
*North Texas Church of Freethought
*Rational Response Squad
*Secular Coalition for America
*Secular Student Alliance

ee also

* Lists of secularists: Agnostics, Atheists, Humanists, Nontheists


External links

* [ Organizations] lists at the Secular Web.
*Google Directory lists of secularist organizations:
** [ Atheism/Organizations]
** [ Ethical Culture/Societies]
** [ Humanism/Groups]

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