- Hybrid-pi model
The hybrid-pi model is a popular
circuit model used for analyzing thesmall signal behavior oftransistors . The model can be quite accurate for low-frequency circuits and can easily be adapted for higher frequency circuits with the addition of appropriate inter-electrodecapacitance s and other parasitic elements.BJT parameters
The hybrid-pi model is a linearized
two-port network approximation to the transistor using the small-signal base-emitter voltage v_{be} and collector-emitter voltage v_{ce} as independent variables, and the small-signal base current i_{b} and collector current i_{c} as dependent variables. (See Jaeger and Blalock. cite book
author=R.C. Jaeger and T.N. Blalock
title=Microelectronic Circuit Design
year= 2004
edition=Second Edition
location=New York
pages=Section 13.5, esp. Eqs. 13.19
url=http://worldcat.org/isbn/0072320990] )A basic, low-frequency hybrid-pi model for thebipolar transistor is shown in figure 1. The various parameters are as follows.*g_m = frac{i_{c{v_{beBigg |_{v_{ce}=0} = frac {I_mathrm{C{ V_mathrm{T} } is the
transconductance in siemens, evaluated in a simple model (see Jaeger and Blalockcite book
author=R.C. Jaeger and T.N. Blalock
title=Eq. 5.45 pp. 242 and Eq. 13.25 p. 682
url=http://worldcat.org/isbn/0072320990] ) :where::* I_mathrm{C} , is thequiescent collector current (also called the collector bias or DC collector current):* V_mathrm{T} = egin{matrix}frac {kT}{ q}end{matrix} is the "", calculated fromBoltzmann's constant k, the charge of an electron q, and the transistor temperature inkelvin s T. At 300 K (approximately room temperature) V_mathrm{T} is about 26 mV ( [http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=300+kelvin+*+k+%2F+elementary+charge+in+millivolts+%3D Google calculator] ).
* r_{pi} = frac{v_{be{i_{bBigg |_{v_{ce}=0} = frac{eta_0}{g_m} = frac{V_mathrm{T{I_mathrm{B , in ohms:where::* eta_0 = frac{I_mathrm{C{I_mathrm{B , is the current gain at low frequencies (commonly called hFE). Here I_B is the Q-point base current. This is a parameter specific to each transistor, and can be found on a datasheet; eta is a function of the choice of collector current.
*r_O = frac{v_{ce{i_{cBigg |_{v_{be}=0} = frac {V_A+V_{CE{I_C} approx frac {V_A}{I_C} is the output resistance due to theEarly effect .Related terms
The reciprocal of the output resistance is named the output conductance:*g_{ce} = frac {1} {r_O} .
The reciprocal of gm is called the intrinsic resistance:*r_{E} = frac {1} {g_m} .
MOSFET parameters
A basic, low-frequency hybrid-pi model for the
MOSFET is shown in figure 2. The various parameters are as follows.*g_m = frac{i_{d{v_{gsBigg |_{v_{ds}=0}
is the
transconductance in siemens, evaluated in the Shichman-Hodges model in terms of theQ-point drain current I_D by (see Jaeger and Blalockcite book
author=R.C. Jaeger and T.N. Blalock
title=Eq. 4.20 pp. 155 and Eq. 13.74 p. 702
url=http://worldcat.org/isbn/0072320990] )::::g_m = egin{matrix}frac {2I_mathrm{D{ V_{mathrm{GS-V_mathrm{th} }end{matrix}, :where:::I_mathrm{D} is the
quiescent drain current (also called the drain bias or DC drain current)::V_{th} =threshold voltage and V_{GS} = gate-to-source voltage.The combination:
:: V_{ov}=( V_{GS}-V_{th})
often is called the "overdrive voltage".
*r_O = frac{v_{ds{i_{dBigg |_{v_{gs}=0} is the output resistance due to
channel length modulation , calculated using the Shichman-Hodges model as :::r_O = egin{matrix}frac {1/lambda+V_{DS{I_D}end{matrix} approx egin{matrix} frac {V_E L}{I_D}end{matrix} ,using the approximation for the channel length modulation parameter λcite book
author=W. M. C. Sansen
title=Analog Design Essentials
year= 2006
page=§0124, p. 13
url=http://worldcat.org/isbn/0387257462] :::lambda =egin{matrix} frac {1}{V_E L} end{matrix} .Here "VE" is a technology related parameter (about 4 V / μm for the 65 nm technology node) and "L" is the length of the source-to-drain separation.The reciprocal of the output resistance is named the drain conductance
*g_{ds} = frac {1} {r_O} .ee also
Small signal model
*h-parameter modelReferences and notes
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