Tumbiscatío — es uno de los 113 municipios del Estado de Michoacán de Ocampo (México). La cabecera municipal es La homónima Tumbiscatío de Ruiz y se encuentra en la parte suroccidental del Estado, en la denominada región Sierra Costa Michoacana que es una zona … Wikipedia Español
Tumbiscatio — Admin ASC 2 Code Orig. name Tumbiscatío Country and Admin Code MX.16.096 MX … World countries Adminstrative division ASC I-II
La Mira Tumbiscatio — Original name in latin La Mira Tumbiscatio Name in other language La Mira, La Mira Tumbiscatio State code MX Continent/City America/Mexico City longitude 18.68333 latitude 102.28333 altitude 495 Population 14536 Date 2012 01 18 … Cities with a population over 1000 database
Michoacán — Estado Libre y Soberano de Michoacán de Ocampo State … Wikipedia
Municipalities of Michoacán — The Mexican state of Michoacán is made up of 113 municipios (municipalities): INEGI code Municipality Municipal Seat 001 Acuitzio Acuitzio del Canje … Wikipedia
Marcos Castellanos — is a municipio (municipality) in the Mexican state of Michoacán near the southern shore of Lake Chapala. The municipal seat is the city of San José de Gracia. v … Wikipedia
Chavinda — Chavinda, which means place of four winds in the Purepecha language, is a small town in the Mexican state of Michoacán. It is located at an elevation of 5150 ft, about three hours drive from Morelia and Guadalajara. The estimated population is… … Wikipedia
Ciudad Hidalgo, Michoacán — Ciudad Hidalgo Taximaroa City Municipality Main plaza and 5 de Mayo Street … Wikipedia
Nuevo San Juan Parangaricutiro — Nuevo San Juan Parangaricutiro, in the Mexican state of Michoacán, is a small village near the Parícutin volcano. The city is called Nuevo (Spanish for New ) because the original San Juan Parangaricutiro was destroyed during the formation of the… … Wikipedia
Cotija, Michoacán — Cotija redirects here. For the cheese, see Cotija cheese. Cotija is a municipality located in the Mexican state of Michoacán. The municipality has an area of 504.05 square kilometres (0.91% of the surface of the state), and is bordered to the… … Wikipedia