

Infobox Horse
name= Württemberger

image_caption= Württembergers
features =
altname= Baden-Württemberger
country= Germany
group1= Horse Breeding Association of Baden-Württemberg
std1= http://www.pzv-bw.de/
The Württemberger, Baden-Württemberger or Württemberg is a Warmblood horse breed originating in Germany. They are primarily riding horses, and are selectively bred for dressage and show jumping.

Breed History

The breed registry studbook was founded in 1895, cite web
title = Wurttemberg
url = http://www.equinekingdom.com/breeds/light_horses/wurttemberg.htm
work = Equine Kingdom
accessmonthday=January 4 | accessyear=2008
] and around 1896, the Marbach stud began concentrating on the original Württemberger type, which was a multi-purpose horse used for both draft and under-saddle work. The original horses were produced by introducing Arabian, Trakehner, Anglo-Norman, Friesian, Spanish, Barb, and Suffolk Punch blood to local warmblood lines. An Anglo-Norman stallion named Faust was a significant early influence on the breed, and contributed to the original shape of the breed. This type lasted until the mid-1950's, when Marbach recognized, and began breeding a lighter, more athletic horse for modern competition.

The Trakehner stallion Julmond (1943-1965) was the foundation stud of new type, and helped to shape the modern Baden Wurttemberger. Additions of Hanoverian, Holsteiner, Oldenburg, Thoroughbred and additional Trakehner blood helped to further refine the breed into its current form.cite web
title = History of the Stud
url = http://www.landwirtschaft-mlr.baden-wuerttemberg.de/servlet/PB//menu/1196171_l1/index.html
work = Baden Stud
accessmonthday=January 4 | accessyear=2008

Breed Characteristics

Württemberger horses have excellent temperaments, combining a sensible attitude with lively and free action, a combination that probably comes from their mixture of draft horse and Arabian blood. They are tough and economical to feed.

The Württemberger stands around 16.1 hands high, and is usually bay, chestnut, brown (a variant of bay), or black in color. They have an average-sized head with a straight profile, a good neck, and prominent withers. Their chest is deep, the shoulders sloping and well-muscled, the back is long and straight and the croup sloping. They have muscular legs with hard, well-formed hooves.cite book
last = Bongianni
first = Maurizio
title = Simon & Schuster's Guide to Horses and Ponies
publisher = Simon & Schuster, Inc.
date = 1988
pages = p. 34
isbn = 0671660683


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