- Surface conductivity
Surface conductivity is an additional
electric conductivity offluid in the vicinity of the charged surface. Fluid conductivity is associated withions motion inelectric field . Concentration of ions is higher close to the charged surfaces. They are attracted there by electrostatic forces induced by thesurface charge . This layer with higher ions concentration is a part of the interfacialDouble Layer . Higher concentration of ions in this layer leads to higher conductivity.Smoluchowski was the first one who recognized importance of the surface conductivity at the beginning of the 20th century [ M. von Smoluchowski, Physik, Z., 6, 529 (1905)] .There is detail description of the surface conductivity by Lyklema in "Fundamentals of Interface and Colloid Science" [Lyklema, J. "Fundamentals of Interface and Colloid Science", vol. 2, Academic Press, 1995 ]
Double Layer has two regions, according to well established Gouy-Chapmann-Stern model, Ref.2. The upper level, which is in contact with fluid bulk is
diffuse layer . Interior part, that is in contact with interface isStern layer .It is possible that lateral ions motion in both part of the DL contributes to the surface conductivity.
Contribution of the Stern layer is less known. It is often called "additional surface conductivity" [ Dukhin, S.S. and Derjaguin, B.V. "Electrokinetic Phenomena", John Wiley and Sons, NY (1974)] .
Theory of the surface conductivity over diffuse part of the DL has been developed by Bikerman [Bikerman, J.J. Z.Physik.Chem. A163, 378, 1933 ] . He derived a simple equation that links surface conductivity κσ with properties of ions and interface. For symmetrical electrolyte and assuming indentical ions diffusion coefficients D+=D-=D it is given in the Ref.2:
:kappa}^{sigma} = frac{4F^2Cz^2D(1+3m/z^2)}{RTkappa}(coshfrac{zFzeta}{2RT}-1)
where:F is
Faraday constant :T isabsolute temperature :R isgas constant :C is ions concentration in bulk:z ision valency:ζ iselectrokinetic potential Parameter "m" characyterizes contribution of
electro-osmosis into motion of ions within DL::m = frac{2varepsilon_0varepsilon_m R^2T^2}{3eta F^2 D}There is dimensionless parameter
Dukhin number that characterizes contribution of the surface conductivity to variety ofelectrokinetic phenomena , such aselectrophoresis , andelectroacoustic phenomena .ee also
Interface and Colloid Science References
External links
* [http://www.dispersion.com/ Dispersion Technology]
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