Breede River/Winelands Local Municipality

Breede River/Winelands Local Municipality

code= WC026
location= Cape Winelands District Municipality, Western Cape Province

area= 3,334
mayor= John Ngonyama (ANC)
population= 81,271
population density=
habitation density=
website= []

Breede River/Winelands Municipality is a municipality located in the Western Cape Province of South Africa. As of 2001, the population was 81,271. Its municipality code is WC026.


The mayor of the municipality is John Ngonyama of the ANC. It is divided into ten wards with a total of nineteen councillors.


The municipality has a total area of 3,334 km².

Adjacent municipalities

*Breede Valley Municipality, Western Cape (north)
*Breede River Municipality, Western Cape (northeast)
*Swellendam Municipality, Western Cape (southeast)
*Theewaterskloof Municipality, Western Cape (southwest)
*Breede Valley Municipality, Western Cape (west)


As of the census of 2001, there are 81,271 people and 20,927 households residing in the municipality. The population density is 24.38/km². The density of households is 6.28/km². The racial makeup of the municipality is Black African 14.56%, Coloured 71.03%, Indian/Asian 0.00%, and White 14.34%.

13.1% of all households are made up of individuals. The average household size is 3.88.

In the municipality the population is spread out with 31.2% under the age of 15, 16.8% from 15 to 24, 31.2% from 25 to 44, 15.1% from 45 to 64, and 5.7% who are 65 years of age or older. The median age is 26 years. For every 100 females there are 93.6 males. For every 100 females age 18 and over, there are 92.0 males.

In the municipality 85.2% of residents speak Afrikaans at home, 2.0% speak English, 0.0% speak IsiNdebele, 12.1% speak IsiXhosa, 0.0% speak IsiZulu, 0.0% speak Sepedi, 0.5% speak Sesotho, 0.0% speak Setswana, 0.0% speak SiSwati, 0.0% speak Tshivenda, and 0.0% speak Xitsonga. 0.1% of the population speaks a non-official language at home.

94.0% of residents are Christian, 4.7% have no religion, 0.2% are Muslim, 0.0% are Jewish, and 0.0% are Hindu. 1.1% have other or undetermined beliefs.

12.1% of residents aged 20 and over have received no schooling, 28.4% have had some primary school, 9.5% have completed only primary school, 27.3% have had some high school education, 16.3% have finished only high school, and 6.4% have an education higher than the high school level. Overall, 22.7% of residents have completed high school.

42.8% of housing units have a telephone and/or cell-phone in the dwelling, 51.1% have access to a phone nearby, and 6.1% have access that is not nearby or no access. 82.9% of households have a flush or chemical toilet. 63.8% have refuse removed by the municipality at least once a week and 1.2% have no rubbish disposal. 62.2% have running water inside their dwelling, 89.5% have running water on their property, and 97.0% have access to running water. 78.1% of households use electricity for cooking, 70.2% for heating, and 88.3% for lighting. 74.0% of households have a radio, 64.0% have a television, 8.4% own a computer, 63.7% have a refrigerator, and 25.3% have a cell-phone.

7.0% of the population aged 15-65 is unemployed. Of the unemployed persons, 38.3% are Black African, 56.2% are Coloured, 0.0% are Indian/Asian, and 5.4% are White. 11.8% of Black Africans are unemployed, 3.5% of Coloureds, 6.3% of Indians/Asians, and 1.7% of Whites.

The median annual income of working adults aged 15-65 is R 8,811 ($1,324). Males have a median annual income of R 9,523 ($1,431) versus R 7,783 ($1,170) for females. The median annual income by race is R 9,235 ($1,388) for Black Africans, R 7,943 ($1,194) for Coloureds, R 8,512 ($1,279) for Indians/Asian), and R 46,116 ($6,932) for Whites. The annual income distribution in Breede River/Winelands Municipality is:
*No income 1.3%
*R 12R 4,800 ($2 - $721) 12.2%
*R 4,812R 9,600 ($723 - $1,443) 43.7%
*R 9,612R 19,200 ($1,445 – $2,886) 19.1%
*R 19,212R 38,400 ($2,888 - $5,772) 11.1%
*R 38,412R 76,800 ($5,774 - $11,543) 7.3%
*R 76,812R 153,600 ($11,545 - $23,087) 3.5%
*R 153,612R 307,200 ($23,089 - $46,174) 0.9%
*R 307,212R 614,400 ($46,176 - $92,348) 0.4%
*R 614,412 or more ($92,350+) 0.4%

[ Statistics South Africa Census 2001]

Cities and towns

*Happy Valley
*New Look
*Waterval Staatbos

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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