Greenstone belt — Greenstone belts are zones of variably metamorphosed mafic to ultramafic volcanic sequences with associated sedimentary rocks that occur within Archaean and Proterozoic cratons between granite and gneiss bodies. The name comes from the green hue… … Wikipedia
Swayse greenstone belt — The Swayze greenstone belt is a late Archean greenstone belt in northern Ontario, Canada. It is the southwestern extension of the Abitibi greenstone belt. [ [ 25729.htm Deformation history of… … Wikipedia
Nuvvuagittuq greenstone belt — An outcrop of metamorphosed volcanosedimentary rocks at Porpoise Cove. Nuvvuagittuq greenstone belt, also called the Porpoise Cove greenstone belt, is a greenstone belt on the eastern shore of Hudson Bay in northern Quebec, Canada. With an age of … Wikipedia
Volcanic belt — [ Trans Mexican Volcanic Belt in Mexico ] A volcanic belt is a large volcanically active region. Other terms are used for smaller areas of activity, such as volcanic fields. Volcanic belts are found above zones of unusually high temperature (700… … Wikipedia
Neys Provincial Park — IUCN Category II (National Park) Location … Wikipedia
Detour Gold — Corporation Type Public Traded as TSX: DGC … Wikipedia
Volcanogenic massive sulfide ore deposit — Volcanogentic massive sulfide ore deposit at Kidd Mine, Timmins, Ontario, Canada, formed 2.4 billion years ago on an ancient seafloor. Volcanogenic massive sulfide ore deposits (VMS ) are a type of metal sulfide ore deposit, mainly Cu Zn Pb which … Wikipedia
Rohstoffe: Entstehung von Lagerstätten — So weiß man heute, dass Lagerstätten, also Konzentrationen von Elementen oder ihren Verbindungen, an bestimmte Gesteine in der Erdkruste gebunden sind. Erdöl etwa bildete sich bevorzugt in bestimmten Epochen der Erdgeschichte, zumeist vor 100… … Universal-Lexikon
Geologic time scale — This clock representation shows some of the major units of geological time and definitive events of Earth history. The Hadean eon represents the time before fossil record of life on Earth; its upper boundary is now regarded as 4.0 Ga.[1] Other… … Wikipedia
Supervolcano — A supervolcano is a volcano capable of producing a volcanic eruption with an ejecta volume greater than 1,000 cubic kilometers (240 cubic miles). This is thousands of times larger than most historic volcanic eruptions.[1] Supervolcanoes can occur … Wikipedia