- Kusu Island
englishname=Kusu Island
malayname=Pulau Tembakul
tamilname="ஆமைத் தீவு" Kusu Island is one of theSouthern Islands inSingapore , located about 5.6 kilometres to the south of the main island of Singapore, off theStraits of Singapore . The name means "Tortoise Island" or "Turtle Island" in Chinese; the island is also known as "Peak Island" or "Pulau Tembakul" in Malay. From two tiny outcrops on areef , the island was enlarged and transformed into an island holiday resort of 85,000 square metres.Legend
Legend has it that a magical tortoise turned itself into an island to save two shipwrecked sailors - a Malay and a Chinese. The two men gave thanks according to his belief system, the former by building a
Muslim kramat (keramat ) (shrine ), and the latter by establishing aTaoist shrine.Present
Each year during the ninth
lunar month (which falls between Sep and Nov according to theLunar Calendar ), thousands of devotees flock to the island for their annual KusuPilgrimage to pay homage for good health, peace, happiness, good luck and prosperity.Located on Kusu island is the popular Chinese temple - Da Bo Gong or
Tua Pek Kong (The Merchant God or God of Prosperity). Built in 1923 by a wealthy businessman, the temple houses two main deities - the Da Bo Gong andGuan Yin (Goddess of Mercy). The former is highly regarded as having the power to confer prosperity, cure diseases, calm the sea and avert danger, while Guan Yin is known as the 'giver of sons'.At the top of the rugged hillock on Kusu Island stands three
kramat s (or holy shrines of Malay saints) to commemorate a pious man (Syed Abdul Rahman), his mother (Nenek Ghalib) and sister (Puteri Fatimah) who lived in the 19th century. Many devotees will climb the 152 steps leading to the kramats to pray for wealth, good marriage, good health and harmony. The shrines are also popular with childless couples who would pray for children. Despite misconceptions, they do not pray "to" the kramats.It is popular for its
lagoons , pristine beaches and tranquil settings. Visits are often made by ferry from the nearbyMarina South Pier to see thewishing well and Tortoise Sanctuary. Afternoon picnics are also very popular. Overnight stay is not permitted on the island. However, most ferries to Kusu Island also take inSaint John's Island which does have overnight lodging.External links
* [http://maps.google.com/?ie=UTF8&z=17&ll=1.223595,103.860379&spn=0.003851,0.008025&t=k&om=1 Satellite image of Peak Island] -
Google Maps
* [http://www.wildsingapore.com/places/kusu.htm Info for visitors] on wildsingapore
* [http://www.bluewatervolunteers.org Kusu Reefwalks] . No need to swim, no need to dive! Guided walks for the public during low tide by the Blue Water Volunteers
* [http://www.google.com/reader/shared/user/12355670525022093752/label/kusu Blog posts about Kusu Island] from various blogs compiled on the wildsingapore google reader
* [http://www.flickr.com/photos/wildsingapore/sets/72157594585628476/ Photos of marine life on Kusu Island] from wildsingapore
* [http://coralreef.nus.edu.sg/survey/kusu_data.htm Kusu Island Coral Reef Survey Data] on Coral Reefs of Singapore
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