Prolate spheroidal wave functions

Prolate spheroidal wave functions

The prolate spheroidal wave functions are a set of functions derived by timelimiting and lowpassing, and a second timelimit operation. Let Q_T denote the time truncation operator, such that x=Q_T x iff x is timelimited within [-T/2;T/2] . Similarly, let P_W denote an ideal low-pass filtering operator, such that x=P_W x iff x is bandlimited within [-W;W] . The operator Q_T P_W Q_T turns out to be linear, bounded and self-adjoint. For n=1,2,ldots we denote with psi_n the n-th eigenfunction, defined as

: Q_T P_W Q_T psi_n=lambda_npsi_n,

where {lambda_n}_n are the associated eigenvalues. The timelimited functions {psi_n}_n are the Prolate Spheroidal Wave Functions (PSWFs).

These functions are also encountered in a different context. When solving the Helmholtz equation, Delta Phi + k^2 Phi, by the method of separation of variables in prolate spheroidal coordinates, (xi,eta,phi), with:

: x=f xi eta,

: y=f sqrt{(xi^2-1)(1-eta^2)} cos phi,

: z=f sqrt{(xi^2-1)(1-eta^2)} sin phi,

: |xi|>1 and |eta|<1 . the solution Phi(xi,eta,phi) can be writtenas the product of a radial spheroidal wavefunction R_{mn}(c,xi) and an angular spheroidal wavefunction S_{mn}(c,eta) by e^{i m phi} with c=fk/2.

The radial wavefunction R_{mn}(c,xi) satisfies the linear ordinary differential equation:

: (xi^2 -1) frac{d^2 R_{mn}(c,xi)}{d^2 xi} + 2xi frac{d R_{mn}(c,xi)}{d xi} -left(lambda_{mn}(c) -c^2 xi^2 +frac{m^2}{xi^2-1} ight) {R_{mn}(c,xi)} = 0

The eigenvalue lambda_{mn}(c) of this Sturm-Liouville differential equation is fixed by the requirement that {R_{mn}(c,xi)} must be finite for |xi| o 1_+.

The angular wavefunction satisfies the differential equation:

: (eta^2 -1) frac{d^2 S_{mn}(c,eta)}{d^2 eta} + 2eta frac{d S_{mn}(c,eta)}{d eta} -left(lambda_{mn}(c) -c^2 eta^2 +frac{m^2}{eta^2-1} ight) {S_{mn}(c,eta)} = 0

It is the same differential equation as in the case of the radial wavefunction. However, the range of the variable is different (in the radial wavefunction, |xi|>1) in the angular wavefunction |eta|<1).

For c=0 these two differential equations reduce to the equations satisfied by the Legendre functions. For c e 0, the angular spheroidal wavefunctions can be expanded as a series of Legendre functions.

Let us note that if one writes S_{mn}(c,eta)=(1-eta^2)^{m/2} Y_{mn}(c,eta), the function Y_{mn}(c,eta) satisfies the following linear ordinary differential equation:

(1-eta^2) frac{d^2 Y_{mn}(c,eta)}{d^2 eta} -2 (m+1) eta frac{d Y_{mn}(c,eta)}{d eta} - +left(c^2 eta^2 +m(m+1)-lambda_{mn}(c) ight) {Y_{mn}(c,eta)} = 0,

which is known as the spheroidal wave equation. This auxiliary equation is used for instance by Stratton in his 1935 article.

There are different normalization schemes for spheroidal functions. A table of the different schemes can be found in Abramowitz and Stegun p. 758. Abramowitz and Stegun (and the present article) follow the notation of Flammer.

In the case of oblate spheroidal coordinates the solution of the Helmholtz equation yields oblate spheroidal wavefunctions.

Originally, the spheroidal wave functions were introduced by C. Niven in 1880 when studying the conduction of heat in an ellipsoid of revolution, which lead to a Helmholtz equation in spheroidal coordinates.


* W. J. Thomson [ Spheroidal Wave functions] Computing in Science &amp; Engineering p. 84, May-June 1999.
* I. Daubechies, "Ten Lectures on Wavelets"
* C. Niven " [ On the Conduction of Heat in Ellipsoids of Revolution.] " Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London, 171 p. 117 (1880)
* J. A. Stratton " [ Spheroidal functions] " Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (USA) 21, 51 (1935)
* C. Flammer "Spheroidal Wave Functions." Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1957.
* J. Meixner and F. W. Schäfke, "Mathieusche Funktionen und Sphäroidfunktionen." Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1954.
* J. A. Stratton , P. M. Morse, J. L. Chu, J. D. C. Little, and F. J. Corbató, "Spheroidal Wave Functions." New York: Wiley, 1956.
* M. Abramowitz and I. Stegun "Handbook of Mathematical Functions" [ pp. 751-759] (Dover, New York, 1972)
* F. Sleator " [ Studies in Radar Cross-Sections -- XLIX. Diffraction and scattering by regular bodies III: the prolate spheroid] " (1964)
* H. E. Hunter " [ Tables of prolate spheroidal functions for m=0: Volume I.] " (1965)
* H. E. Hunter " [ Tables of prolate spheroidal functions for m=0 : Volume II.] " (1965)
* P. E. Falloon (2002) [ Thesis on numerical computation of spheroidal functions] University of Western Australia

External links

* MathWorld [ Spheroidal Wave functions]
* MathWorld [ Prolate Spheroidal Wave Function]
* MathWorld [ Oblate Spheroidal Wave function]

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