MT Tempera

MT Tempera

The MT Tempera is an ocean-going icebreaking tanker that was finished in 2002.

Using Azipod technology, the MT Tempera and its sister ship the MT Mastera are known as double acting tankers. Azipods or Azimuthing Podded Propulsors have an electrically driven propeller mounted on a steerable pod. With the propeller usually facing forward, like that of an airplane, the propeller is much more efficient. By applying force in any direction, Azipods allow ships to be more maneuverable and able to travel backward as easily as forward.

While icebreaking tankers are not new, all icebreaking ships have to compromise their open water performance. The shape that allows icebreakers to break ice is not fuel-efficient, nor does the shape handle well in waves. Most cargo vessels will avoid navigating through ice when possible, and the MT Tempera and Mastera are no different. These double acting vessels have compromised: they travel forward in open water using a conventional bulbed bow for maximum efficiency, but in ice conditions they navigate backwards using their stern which is shaped like an icebreaker's bow.

Built in Japan by Sumitomo Heavy Industries at the Yokosuka Ship Yards. The vessels are in use by the Fortum Shipping Company of Finland.

*Length: 252 m
*Width: 44 m
*Draft: 44 m loaded, 15.3 m in ballast
*Displacement: approximately DWT|106,000|long|first=yes (108,000 t)
*Propulsion: 16 MW Azipod
*Open Water Cruise: 13.5 kt (25 km/h)
*Ice Rating: 1A Super

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* [;14024;14026;14043;14081;14082;14149;14150;5890;5967;10375&level=6 Fortum Shipping, MT Tempera specifications]

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  • Tempera — (also known as egg tempera ) is a type of artist s paint and associated art techniques that were known from the classical world, where it appears to have taken over from encaustic and was the main medium used for panel painting and illuminated… …   Wikipedia

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