Colonial Marine Corps

Colonial Marine Corps

The Colonial Marine Corps (CMC) of the Battlestar Galactica universe is a little known organization as the only known members are the ship's detachments on board the Galactica and Pegasus with some retired members being encountered through the series. They are seen in the new series and not in the original series.


They are responsible for guarding the ship's captain and his quarters, and command crew, the Combat Information Center, the ship's Brig, and other vital parts of the ship. It is comprised of both a regular component, as well as a reserve component, and are part of the Colonial Forces.

They are also responsible for repelling enemy boarding actions as in episode "Valley of Darkness". They guard President Roslin and other senior VIP's, when they are aboard ship.


Due to Galactica's impending decommissioning and rerating as a museum ship, Galactica appears to have about thirty Marines, with this number increasing with the addition of the Battlestar Pegasus to the Fleet. During a briefing in the episode "The Passage", Colonel Tigh tells Admiral Adama that they now have 300 marines of whom "a hundred Marines too weak to work, two hundred more about to drop".

A number of Marines are integrated into Galactica's crew after Pegasus's destruction.


The Colonial Marines wear a solid black battle dress uniform with black helmets (always worn with goggles), load-bearing vests, communications equipment, knee and elbow pads, gloves and goggles are standard. Marine BDUs are worn with a plain black t-shirt as depicted in "A Measure of Salvation".

Marines conducting security duties wear a black armband on the right upper arm with the word "Security" printed in black letters on a small square of white. Sergeant Hadrian (played by Jill Teed, Galactica's Master-at-Arms, always wears one on a khaki fatigue uniform, which may also be seen worn by crewmen walking in the background in hallways are seen wearing the Marine non-com uniform. An olive-drab/version of the khaki uniform is worn by planetside Marines in "Lay Down Your Burdens, Part I".

The Colonial Marines are shown to wear both woodland, USMC MARPAT pattern, and urban grey digital camouflage uniforms.


The Colonial Marines have a different rank structure for enlisted men: Private, corporal, sergeant, etc. Marines on the show have only been led by Fleet officers such as Apollo, Starbuck, Tigh, Athena or Sergeant Hadrian, "Galactica"'s Master-at-Arms). Their officer rank structure has not been shown and very few Marine officers appear to be stationed on Galactica with only Lieutenant Terry Burrell in "Sacrifice" and an unnamed lieutenant in "Escape Velocity". The CO and XO of a battlestar like "Galactica" are usually a commander and colonel, respectively, and have been since before the destruction of the colonies. Dr. Cottle holds the rank of major, as did Lee Adama prior to his spot promotion to commander for command of the Pegasus. There are a few officers with the rank of captain as well as several lieutenants. The second season introduced Helena Cain (played by Michelle Forbes) as a rear admiral, in command of the Battlestar "Pegasus".


Recurring Marine characters include "Galactica"'s Master-at-arms, Sergeant Hadrian, played by Jill Teed, however, she is never explicitly identified as a Marine. Another recurring Marine character is Corporal Venner, played by Chris Shields.

Other Colonial Marines Characters

Listed by Rank, Name, and episode:
*Lieutenant Terry Burrell "Sacrifice"
*Lieutenant unnamed "Escape Velocity
*Sergeant Major (retired) Socrata Thrace died 6 years prior to "Maelstrom" (cancer)
*Gunnery Sergeant Erin Mathias (KIA in Heavy Raider explosion) "The Road Less Traveled"
*Staff Sergeant Hadrian (mentioned)"Valley of Darkness"
*Sergeant Omar Fischer (KIA) "Rapture"
*Sergeant Brandy Harder "Revelations"
*Corporal Madsen "Lay Down Your Burdens, Part I"
*Corporal Venner "Taking a Break From All Your Worries"
*Corporal Unnamed ("Adama's Corporal") "Revelations"
*Private First Class Scott Kelso Final Cut
*Private Collishaw (KIA) "Valley of Darkness"
*Private Stewart Jaffee "A Day in the Life"
*Private Sykes "Rapture"
*Private Twinam (KIA) "Valley of Darkness"

The following Marines ranks are unknown:

*Bonnington "Scattered"
*Cheadle (KIA in bomb attack)"The Son Also Rises"
*Dasilva (KIA) "Razor"
*Danelli "A Measure of Salvation"
*Ditko "The Eye of Jupiter"
*Griggs "The Eye of Jupiter"
*Henick "The Eye of Jupiter"
*Hollis "Scattered"
*Maldonado "Guess What's Coming to Dinner?"
*Nowart "Guess What's Coming to Dinner?"
*Peters "A Measure of Salvation"
*Riggs "Razor"
*Varrick "The Eye of Jupiter"
*Wenzler "Scattered"
*Unnamed guard "Escape Velocity"


With their black uniforms, the Marines weapons and personal combat equipment are similar to police SWAT teams and anti-terrorist special forces units utilize. They seem primarily equipped for CQB.


*Fabrique Nationale P90
*Heckler & Koch MP7A1
*Beretta Cx4 Storm
*Heckler & Koch G36KPistols
*FN Five-seven
*Beretta Px4 Storm

ee also

*Colonial Marines
*Space marine

External links

* [ Colonial Marines at Battlestar Galactica Wiki]
* [ Ranks]
* [ Battlestar Galactica Hub]
* [] - Richard Hatch's Battlestar Galactica site

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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