80000 (number)

80000 (number)

number = 80000
range = 10000 - 100000
cardinal = 80000
ordinal = th
ordinal text = eighty thousandth
factorization = 2^7 cdot 5^4
bin = 10011100010000000
oct = 234200
hex = 13880

80,000 (eighty thousand) is the number that comes before 79,999 and before 80,001.

elected numbers

* 80000 - round number
* 80286 - model number of the Intel 80286 chip
* 80386 - model number of the Intel 80386 chip
* 80486 - model number of the Intel 80486 chip
* 80782 - Pell number
* 82656 - Kaprekar number
* 86400 - seconds in a day; 28801-gonal number; highly powerful number; solution to Singmaster's problem when n = 11
* 87360 - unitary perfect number

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