

Stormcloud is the name of several fictional characters from the various Transformers universes. The initial toy was named with a space, as "Storm Cloud", but all later toys were spelled without one, possibly for trademark purposes.

Transformers: Generation 1

Transformers character
name =Storm Cloud
japanname =

caption =
affiliation =Decepticon
subgroup =Micromaster Air Strike Patrol
Ultra Vehicles
rank =
function =Espionage
partner =Nightflight
motto ="The air is my playground."
alternatemodes =Dassault Rafale fighter jet
A-10 Warthog
series =

engvoice =
japanvoice =
Storm Cloud is the name of a Decepticon Micromaster who turns into a jet. [ [ Storm Cloud (1989) - Decepticon Espionage - ] ]

Marvel Comics

"When Thunderwing abducts the Micromaster Battle Patrol to learn the secrets of making Micromasters for the Decepticons Emirate Xaaron sends Road Handler commanding the Race Car Patrol, the Rescue Patrol and the Off Road Patrol to destroy the Decepticon's lab. Unable to destroy his fellow Autobots Road Handler instead saves the Battle Patrol, but not before the Decepticon successfully create the Air Strike Patrol. (Transformers Marvel U.K. #232-233, "A Small War!")"

The Air Strike Team made their first appearance in issue 56 of the U.S. comic. Working for Megatron (thought to be dead at this point) they made contact with Scorponok's group of Decepticons, placing themselves under his command. They then attacked an airbase, demanding a refueling plane and the fuel to go with it. When Optimus Prime's Autobots showed up in response, Scorponok intervened to protect his "troops". Their work complete, the Air Strike Patrol then left - leaving both Autobots and Decepticons exposed to Megatron's instrument of vengeance - the resurrected and reprogrammed Pretender Starscream.

They did not appear again in the U.S. storyline, but did get a one-off appearance in the U.K. version of the comic. In a possible future, told in flashback by Rodimus Prime, Scorponok lost a leadership contest with Megatron and Shockwave. Fleeing, Megatron sent the Air Strike Patrol to pursue him, but they wound up in battle with Hot Rod, who Scorponok had surrendered to, forcing the Autobot and his comrades to protect him. While the Air Strike Patrol attacked the Autobots, Scorponok escaped (Marvel U.K. #223).

IDW Publishing

Storm Cloud was among the Micromasters who appeared in "Spotlight: Hardhead" who attacked Nightbeat and Hardhead on the planet Gorlam Prime.


*Generation 1 Storm Cloud (1989):This toy was redecoed into Skyhopper.:In Japan this toy was released as an Autobot named Star Cloud.

*"'Universe Classic Series Stormcloud" (2008/not yet released):A redeco of "Universe" Ultra sized Powerglide.

Transformers: Armada

Transformers character
name =Stormcloud
japanname =Knot

caption =
affiliation =Mini-Con
subgroup =Sea Mini-Con Team
rank =7
function =
partner =Oceanglide
motto ="There's no warning before I roll in."
alternatemodes =Boat
series =

engvoice =
japanvoice =
Stormcloud is the name of a Mini-Con who turns into a boat. [ [ Stormcloud (2003) - Mini-Con - ] ]

He is described as the fastest of the Sea Team and enjoys piracy.

Animated series

Stormcloud first appeared in episode 33, called "Sacrifice".

He last appeared in episode 41, called "Depart".

Dreamwave Productions

Stormcloud's only appearance in Dreamwave's Armada comics was his biography n their "More Than Meets The Eye" series.


*Armada Stormcloud (2003):This toy was later repackaged in the "Energon" line in a special 6 pack containing the Sea Team and Adventure Team. Stormcloud was redecoed into the Takara exclusive Mini-Cons Knot, Bilge and Mile.

Transformers: Energon

Transformers character
name =Stormcloud
japanname =Vortex

caption =Stormcloud toy
affiliation =Decepticon
subgroup =Basic Vehicles
rank =
function =
partner =
motto =
alternatemodes =Helicopter
series =
engvoice =
japanvoice =
Stormcloud is the name of a Decepticon who turns into a helicopter and combined with his fellow team members to become Bruticus Maximus. [ [ Stormcloud (2005) - Decepticon - ] ]

In the Japanese series, Superlink, each member of his team had the name of a Generation 1 Combaticon — Blackout's name was Vortex, who was also a helicopter.

Animated series

In the "Energon" animated series, Stormcloud was a seemingly non-sentient drone commanded by team leader, Barricade. As with all of the Energon combiner limbs, Stormcloud has a twin brother on his team — Blackout. Their energon weapons were a cannon and a pair of guns.

Stormcloud first appeared in episode #41, "Wishes".

Dreamwave Productions

Although the "Transformers: Energon" comic book series by Dreamwave Productions was canceled before Stormcloud could appear in them, the Energon "More Than Meets The Eye" guide book was under development at the time. Pencil art by Guido Guidi was released later showing the art that would have been used with Stormcloud's profile. [ [ Scaleface/Energon MTMTE - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting ] ]


*Energon Stormcloud (2005):Stormcloud shares a mold with his partner Blackout. He was later redecoed into "Timelines" Topspin.


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