- Adamastor
Adamastor is a Greek-type mythological character invented by the Portuguese poet
Luís de Camões in hisepic poem "Os Lusíadas " (first printed in 1572), as a symbol of the forces of nature Portuguese navigators had to overcome during their discoveries. Camões gave his creation a history as one of theGigantes ofGreek mythology who had been spurned byTethys , now appearing in the form of a threatening stormcloud toVasco da Gama and threatening ruin to anyone hardy enough to pass the Cape and penetrate theIndian Ocean , which was Adamaster's domain. Adamastor became the "Spirit of the Cape", a hideous phantom of unearthly pallor::"Even as I spoke, an immense shape:Materialised in the night air,:Grotesque and enormous stature:With heavy jowls, and an unkempt beard:Scowling from shrunken, hollow eyes:Its complexion earthy and pale,:Its hair grizzled and matted with clay,:Its mouth coal black, teeth yellow with decay. —Camões, "The Lusiads" Canto V.Adamastor represented the dangers Portuguese sailors faced when trying to round the Cape of Storms, henceforth called, in consequence of the resultant success in despite thereof,
Cape of Good Hope .Adamastor has figured in much poetry of the Cape. In "
The First Life of Adamastor ," a novella byAndré Brink , the writer refashioned the Adamastor story from a 20th-century perspective.A popular gathering place in Lisbon is also known by the name 'Adamastor' because of the large stone statue of the mythical figure which presides over the space, which is officially called the
Miradouro de Santa Catarina . This vista point offers visitors some of the most breathtaking views of theTagus river, the25th of April Bridge and theCristo Rei monument.Adamastor is also mentioned in the opera
L'africaine (1865)about Vasco da Gama by the composerGiacomo Meyerbeer . The slave Nelusko sings a song about Adamastor while he deliberatedly steers the ship into a storm and it sinks.It is mentioned by
Voltaire in his "Essai sur la poésie épique". It also appears in the works ofVictor Hugo : "Les Misérables " (III, Marius, chap III) and in a poem dedicated to Lamartine ("Les Feuilles d'automne", chap IX).Alexandre Dumas, père refers the giant six times: "Le Comte de Monte Cristo" (chap. XXXI), "Vingt ans après" (chap. LXXVII), "Georges" (chap I), "Bontekoe, Les drames de la mer", (chap I), "Causeries" (chap. IX) and "Mes Mémoires" (chap. CCXVIII).Etymology
The name Adamastor may have been made as:-
*An inaccurate attempt at Greek for "Untamed" or "Untameable" (which would be correctly "Adamastos").
*An inaccurate attempt at Latin for "imitative rival of Adam" (which would correctly be "Adamaster").External links
* [http://web.archive.org/web/20050314025632/http://www.instituto-camoes.pt/arquivos/artes/adamastormith.htm Cyril Coetzee, "Myth of Adamaster revisited"]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.