Belgian Chamber Committee on the Interior
- Belgian Chamber Committee on the Interior
The Committee on the Interior, General Affairs and the Civil Service ( _nl. Commissie voor de Binnenlandse Zaken, de Algemene Zaken en het Openbaar Ambt, _fr. Commission de l'Intérieur, des Affaires générales et de la Fonction publique), more commonly referred to as the Committee on the Interior, is a standing committee of the Belgian Chamber of Representatives. It is responsible for all matters related to the internal affairs of Belgium. The committee consists of 17 members and is currently chaired by Pieter De Crem (CD&V/N-VA).
The Committee on the Interior will also be responsible for dealing with the Flemish proposals to split up Brussels-Halle-Vilvoorde. [cite news|url=|title=Vergadering commissie Binnenland uitgesteld||date=2007-09-10|accessdate=2007-09-14|language=Dutch]
The following table shows the membership of the Committee on the Interior: [citenews|url=|title=Wie maakt er deel uit van de commissie Binnenlandse Zaken|publisher=De Standaard Online|date=2007-11-07|accessdate=2007-11-07|language=Dutch]
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