Alaska Territorial Guard

Alaska Territorial Guard

The Alaska Territorial Guard (ATG) or Eskimo Scouts was a military reserve force component of the US Army, organized in 1942 in response to attacks on American soil in Hawaii and Alaska by Japan during World War II. The ATG operated until 1947. 6,368 volunteers who served without pay were enrolled from 107 communities throughout Alaska in addition to a paid staff of 21, according to an official roster]

By Workload and Pay

The 21 staff officers were all full-time, paid positions (except for the governor, whose ATG duties were in addition to his regular office and without added salary). All other positions were strictly part-time volunteer, without pay.

By Sex

That total includes at least 27 ATG members who were women. Most women served as nurses at the field hospital in Kotzebue, although at least one woman served the ATG's primary mission alongside the men. Laura Beltz Wright of Haycock is also noted for being the best sharpshooter in her company, scoring 98% bulls-eyes. She was chosen Queen of Fairbanks in a beauty contest, an honor her daughter later shared. One of her sons rose to become an airline vice president. Citation | last = Marston | first = Marvin | title = Men of the Tundra: Alaska Eskimos at War | publisher = October House | year = 1969 | pages = 104e]

By Age

The age of ATG members at enrollment ranged from 80 years oldCitation | last = Marston | first = Marvin | title = Men of the Tundra: Alaska Eskimos at War | publisher = October House | year = 1969 | pages = 127-128] to as young as twelveCitation | last = Marston | first = Marvin | title = Men of the Tundra: Alaska Eskimos at War | publisher = October House | year = 1969 | pages = 45-47] Citation | last = Gruening | first = Ernest | title = Introduction - Men of the Tundra: Alaska Eskimos at War | publisher = October House | year = 1969 | pages = 5] , even though official regulations put the minimum age at sixteen.

By Number

All told, there were 6,389 members of the Alaska Territorial Guard (ATG), according to an official rosterCitation | title = Roster of the Alaska Territorial Guard | publisher = Alaska Territorial Guard | year = 1947] .

Unofficial tally

Alongside those who served in the ATG, many others worked to support them, including food service, providing equipment and supplies to the Quartermaster, repair work, etc. Major Marston put the estimate at 20,000 Alaskans who materially participated in ATG activities, in his Western Area aloneCitation | last = Marston | first = Marvin | title = Men of the Tundra: Alaska Eskimos at War | publisher = October House | year = 1969 | pages = 190] .

ATG Activities

All ATG members except the 21 staff officers served without pay, and had to perform their new ATG duties in addition to the often difficult challenges of subsisting in Arctic and extreme marine environments.

The ATG trained for and/or actively carried out the following:
* Issuing of weapons and ammunitionCitation | last = Marston | first = Marvin | title = Men of the Tundra: Alaska Eskimos at War | publisher = October House | year = 1969 | pages = 104n]
* Instruction, drill and target practiceCitation | last = Marston | first = Marvin | title = Men of the Tundra: Alaska Eskimos at War | publisher = October House | year = 1969 | pages = 40g,40i,40o,104f,104i,200e,200f,200k,204]
* Transport of equipment and suppliesCitation | last = Marston | first = Marvin | title = Men of the Tundra: Alaska Eskimos at War | publisher = October House | year = 1969 | pages = 104a,104f]
* Construction of ATG buildings and facilitiesCitation | last = Marston | first = Marvin | title = Men of the Tundra: Alaska Eskimos at War | publisher = October House | year = 1969 | pages = 190]
* Construction of airstrips and support facilities for other military agencies as neededCitation | last = Marston | first = Marvin | title = Men of the Tundra: Alaska Eskimos at War | publisher = October House | year = 1969 | pages = 34-37]
* Coastal and inland scouting patrols
* Breaking hundreds of miles of wilderness trailsCitation | last = Marston | first = Marvin | title = Men of the Tundra: Alaska Eskimos at War | publisher = October House | year = 1969 | pages = 204]
* Setup and repair of dozens of emergency shelter cabinsCitation | last = Marston | first = Marvin | title = Men of the Tundra: Alaska Eskimos at War | publisher = October House | year = 1969 | pages = 204]
* Distribution of emergency food and ammunition containers for the US NavyCitation | last = Marston | first = Marvin | title = Men of the Tundra: Alaska Eskimos at War | publisher = October House | year = 1969 | pages = 40p]
* FirefightingCitation | last = Marston | first = Marvin | title = Men of the Tundra: Alaska Eskimos at War | publisher = October House | year = 1969 | pages = 204]
* Land and sea rescueCitation | last = Marston | first = Marvin | title = Men of the Tundra: Alaska Eskimos at War | publisher = October House | year = 1969 | pages = 204]
* Enemy combat

The ATG received commendations for:
* Shooting down Japanese air balloons carrying bombs and eavesdropping radiosCitation | last = Marston | first = Marvin | title = Men of the Tundra: Alaska Eskimos at War | publisher = October House | year = 1969 | pages = 159,204]
* Rescue of a downed airmanCitation | last = Marston | first = Marvin | title = Men of the Tundra: Alaska Eskimos at War | publisher = October House | year = 1969 | pages = 204]

In addition, some ATG members performed the following:
* Medical care at the field hospital in KotzebueCitation | last = Marston | first = Marvin | title = Men of the Tundra: Alaska Eskimos at War | publisher = October House | year = 1969 | pages = 40k]

ATG Artists

During the 1930s, as part of FDR's New Deal programs to ease the country out of Great Depression, the Works Progress Administration (WPA) hired many noted American artists. On the US entry into World War II, several WPA artists took work with the War Department. A few of these artists made their way to Alaska to help document the Aleutian Campaign and other Alaskan military operations, including the new Alaska Territorial Guard. Some of their work was featured nationwide on a number of wartime posters. The artists included:
* Magnus Colcord "Rusty" Heurlin - An ATG lieutenant, his painting was reproduced as the posters [,84 "Back the Attack"] Citation | last = Heurlin | first = Rusty | title = Back the Attack | url=,84] and [,582 "From Metlakatla to Barrow - The Territorial Guard"] Citation | last = Heurlin | first = Rusty | title = From Metlakatla to Barrow - The Territorial Guard | url=,582] Citation | last = Gruening | first = Ernest | title = Men of the Tundra: Alaska Eskimos at War | publisher = October House | year = 1969 | pages = 6] . Citation | last = Marston | first = Marvin | title = Men of the Tundra: Alaska Eskimos at War | publisher = October House | year = 1969 | pages = 40g,40n]
* [ Joe Jones] Citation | last = Jones | first = Joe | title = Major Marston | url=,246] Citation | last = Jones | first = Joe | title = Signing Eskimos into the Alaska Territorial Guard | url=,245]
* Henry Varnum Poor - His ["Major Muktuk Marston Signs Up Soldiers"] now hangs in the Pentagon's Hall of FameCitation | last = Marston | first = Marvin | title = Men of the Tundra: Alaska Eskimos at War | publisher = October House | year = 1969 | pages = 40d,40p] .

Other artists, born in Alaska and already well-known, gained further exposure through contact with ATG members and artists:
* Florence Nupok Melewotkuk [] - a Siberian Yupik from Saint Lawrence Island. Her work was promoted in the 1920s by Otto Geist [] , later an ATG majorCitation | last = Marston | first = Marvin | title = Men of the Tundra: Alaska Eskimos at War | publisher = October House | year = 1969 | pages = 191-192] .
* George Aden Ahgupuk [] - a Shishmaref artist since boyhood, he was befriended by Major Marston, who wrote and spoke of his artistry within and outside the ATG. Citation | last = Marston | first = Marvin | title = Men of the Tundra: Alaska Eskimos at War | publisher = October House | year = 1969 | pages = 103-104]

ATG influences

Several former members of the ATG were instrumental in achieving Alaska Statehood. In 1958 three of the eleven members of the Alaska Statehood Committee were former ATG membersCitation | title = Alaska Statehood Committee | publisher = University of Alaska | url =] . Seven delegates to the Alaska Constitutional Committee had served with the ATG. Both are listed below under Noted ATG Members.

The ATG actively and successfully promoted racial integration in the US Army by proving the worth of native Americans as soldiers within US military forcesCitation | last = Marston | first = Marvin | title = Men of the Tundra: Alaska Eskimos at War | publisher = October House | year = 1969 | pages = 205,210-212,215-217] much as the Navajo, Commanche and Choctaw Code talkers did elsewhere during World War II.

ATG members were also active in promoting racial equality in their communities, insisting on equal treatment for natives and whites alike at movie theaters, restaurants and other public facilitiesCitation | last = Marston | first = Marvin | title = Men of the Tundra: Alaska Eskimos at War | publisher = October House | year = 1969 | pages = 130-140] .

Recent developments

In 2000 Alaska's senior US Senator, Ted Stevens, sponsored a bill ordering the Secretary of Defense to issue Honorable Discharges to all Americans who served in the Alaska Territorial Guard (ATG)Citation | title = Alaska Territorial Guard Organization | url=] . Stevens is himself a World War II veteran, flying with the Army Air Corps in China.

This bill, meant to repay a debt of honor long outstanding, was signed into law by President Bush that August. This recognition of the ATG's wartime military service includes retirement and/or survivors' pay and other benefits for many former ATG members, a very timely income boost for many seniors living well below the poverty line.

Unfortunately, no effort was made to find and inform these American heroes of their newly granted rights. Initially there was much disagreement as to whose responsibility it was to seek them out. Citation | title = Alaska Territorial Guard Organization | url =]

Compounding the task, many people from this generation grew up without, and still do not own, a telephone. Their primary sources of news have been by radio broadcasts and word-of-mouth, yet not even these methods have been employed to any degree. The advanced age of former members creates an obvious urgency. Add to this the difficulty many will have finding old documents and filling out forms to bureaucratic standards, and the immediate need for a task force of personal assistants is clear. Citation | title = Alaska Territorial Guard Organization | url =]

In 2003 Robert A "Bob" Goodman, a retired colonel, took a temporary position with the [ Alaska Department of Military & Veterans' Affairs (DMVA)] to find and assist as many former ATG members as possible. After the position ended that October, Bob continued the work, on his own and funded out of his own pocket. In support of this effort, he founded the [ Alaska Territorial Guard Organization (ATGO)] , a 501(c)(3) non-profit, in April 2006. He continues the work with the help of the small, dedicated underpaid and volunteer [ ATGO] staff. To date, they have found and helped obtain an honorable discharge for about 150 ATG members. They estimate there are several hundred of these hardy souls yet to be found. Citation | title = Alaska Territorial Guard Organization | url =]

Bob and the [ ATGO] have tirelessly pled the case of the ATG members and spouses with US senators two Alaskan governors, most of the state legislature, the [ Anchorage Assembly] , as well as numerous Alaska Native Regional Corporations and other corporations and foundations.

The response is nearly uniform: "Yes, these people need and deserve help right away, and we'll gladly give you a letter of support, but that's not the kind of need we fund here." Citation | title = Alaska Territorial Guard Organization | url =]

Timeline of ATG-related events

* 1931 - The Imperial Japanese Army invades Manzhou (Manchuria), confirming its intent to dominate East Asia and the Pacific.
* 1935 - Billy Mitchell declares Alaska's strategicically important, goes unheeded by US military leadershipCitation | last = Gruening | first = Ernest | title = Introduction - Men of the Tundra: Alaska Eskimos at War | publisher = October House | year = 1969 | pages = 1] . Earlier, Billy Mitchell was court-martialled for advocating the value of military air power.
*1937 - The US Army officially declines a request for an air base in AlaskaCitation | last = Gruening | first = Ernest | title = Introduction - Men of the Tundra: Alaska Eskimos at War | publisher = October House | year = 1969 | pages = 2] .
* 1939 - Ernest Gruening is appointed Alaska territorial governor by his friend, US President Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR). Gruening gets four National Guard units organized in the Alaska Territory.
* 1940, Mar - A bill for an air base in Alaska failes to pass in the US HouseCitation | last = Gruening | first = Ernest | title = Introduction - Men of the Tundra: Alaska Eskimos at War | publisher = October House | year = 1969 | pages = 3] .
* 1940, April - Hitler invades Norway and Denmark (whose territory includes Greenland).
* 1940, May - US Congress approves an air base in AlaskaCitation | last = Gruening | first = Ernest | title = Introduction - Men of the Tundra: Alaska Eskimos at War | publisher = October House | year = 1969 | pages = 3] . Air raids from northern Alaska would help counter any Nazi bases built in Greenland, as a polar projection map will attest).
* 1941, Mar - Marvin Marston is commissioned at the Pentagon as a major with orders to AlaskaCitation | last = Marston | first = Marvin | title = Men of the Tundra: Alaska Eskimos at War | publisher = October House | year = 1969 | pages = 17-22] .
* Mid-1941 - Ernest Gruening seeks a new guard organization for Alaska, anticipating the reassignment of the Alaska National GuardCitation | last = Gruening | first = Ernest | title = Introduction - Men of the Tundra: Alaska Eskimos at War | publisher = October House | year = 1969 | pages = 3-4] .
* 1941, August - The US Army reassigns Alaska National Guard soldiers away from Alaska, leaving the state with no military reserves or Home GuardCitation | last = Gruening | first = Ernest | title = Introduction - Men of the Tundra: Alaska Eskimos at War | publisher = October House | year = 1969 | pages = 3-4] .
* 1941, December 7 - The Imperial Japanese Navy bombs the USA at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, sinking most of the US Pacific Fleet. Soldiers' families are ordered evacuated from AlaskaCitation | last = Marston | first = Marvin | title = Men of the Tundra: Alaska Eskimos at War | publisher = October House | year = 1969 | pages = 24-25] .
* 1942, Feb-Mar - A Japanese Navy reconnaissance unit is filmed making detailed surveys of the Alaska coastline. Japanese crewmen (enemy combatants) came ashore and questioned the locals about the area. Citation | last = Marston | first = Marvin | title = Men of the Tundra: Alaska Eskimos at War | publisher = October House | year = 1969 | pages = 32-33]
* 1942, Mar - Major Marston realizes the practicality of a 'tundra army' to defend the entire Alaskan coast.
* 1942, Mar - Japanese aircraft are sighted over Saint Lawrence IslandCitation | last = Marston | first = Marvin | title = Men of the Tundra: Alaska Eskimos at War | publisher = October House | year = 1969 | pages = 33-34] .
* 1942, Mar/April - Major Marston presents a formal plan for the defense of Alaska shorelineCitation | last = Marston | first = Marvin | title = Men of the Tundra: Alaska Eskimos at War | publisher = October House | year = 1969 | pages = 37-39] .
* 1942, Jun - Japanese forces raid Dutch Harbor and take control of Attu, Kiska and Adak.
* 1942, Jun - The Alaska Command assigns Major Marvin Marston and Captain Carl Schreibner as military aides to Governor Gruening. Gruening and Marston soon embark on a trip to form the first units of the new Alaska Territorial GuardCitation | last = Marston | first = Marvin | title = Men of the Tundra: Alaska Eskimos at War | publisher = October House | year = 1969 | pages = 45-50] .
* 1942 - Major Marston (by now known as "Muktuk" after an eating contest with a village headman) opts to make an ATG recruiting run by dogsled when a promised plane fails to show upCitation | last = Marston | first = Marvin | title = Men of the Tundra: Alaska Eskimos at War | publisher = October House | year = 1969 | pages = 65-68] .
* 1943, Jan - Major Marston completes his circuit around the Seward Peninsula by dogsled during the coldest winter in 25 yearsCitation | last = Marston | first = Marvin | title = Men of the Tundra: Alaska Eskimos at War | publisher = October House | year = 1969 | pages = 123] . Living by native methods, he continues to travel the Arctic through 1945.
* 1945, August - VJ Day, The Empire of Japan surrenders.
* 1947 - The Alaska Territorial Guard is disbandedCitation | last = Necrason | first = C F | title = Epilogue - Men of the Tundra: Alaska Eskimos at War | publisher = October House | year = 1969 | pages = 214] .
* 1966 - The State of Alaska awards a medal to all ATG membersCitation | last = Necrason | first = C F | title = Epilogue - Men of the Tundra: Alaska Eskimos at War | publisher = October House | year = 1969 | pages = 214] .
* 2000 - US Senator Ted Stevens' (R-AK) bill granting ATG members full veteran status is passed into law. Little is done to find and inform surviving ATG members and spouses, many of whom relocated numerous times in the intervening 53 years. Citation | title = Alaska Territorial Guard Organization | url=]
* 2003 - Robert A "Bob" Goodman, Colonel (Retired), Alaska Air National Guard, takes up the task of finding as many former ATG members as possible, to help them apply for recognition as US veteransCitation | title = Alaska Territorial Guard Organization | url=] .
* 2006 - Bob Goodman founds the [ Alaska Territorial Guard Organization] , a 501(c)(3) non-profit, to support his efforts on behalf of all former ATG members. To date, they have found and helped gain approval for about 150 ATG veteransCitation | title = Alaska Territorial Guard Organization | url=] .

Noted ATG members

* Atwood, Robert - Editor and publisher of the Anchorage Times, ATG lieutenant, Statehood Committee chair
* Egan, William A - territorial & state representative, ATG corporal, Constitutional Convention president, state governor
* Geist, Otto William - Pioneer Alaskan archaeologist, promoter of Alaskan artist Florence Nupok Malewoktuk, ATG major and quartermasterCitation | last = Marston | first = Marvin | title = Men of the Tundra: Alaska Eskimos at War | publisher = October House | year = 1969 | pages = 138,191-192] . The University of Alaska Museum's main building is named for him.
* Gruening, Ernest - Friend of FDR, territorial governor, ATG founderCitation | last = Gruening | first = Ernest | title = Men of the Tundra: Alaska Eskimos at War | publisher = October House | year = 1969 | pages = 1-9] , Statehood Committee member, US Senator
* Heurlin, Magnus Colcord "Rusty" - WPA artist, ATG lieutenant, famed Alaskan artist, first art teacher at the University of Alaska Fairbanks, influenced fellow artist Fred Machetanz
* Ipalook, Fred - Inupiaq native, ATG lieutenant, teacher for 39 yearsCitation | last = Marston | first = Marvin | title = Men of the Tundra: Alaska Eskimos at War | publisher = October House | year = 1969 | pages = 200m] .
* Ipalook, Percy - Inupiaq native, ATG chaplain, territorial & state legislatorCitation | last = Gruening | first = Ernest | title = Introduction - Men of the Tundra: Alaska Eskimos at War | publisher = October House | year = 1969 | pages = 8-9] , Stathehood Committee member
* Johnson, Maurice Theodore - ATG member, Constitutional Convention delegate
* Jorgensen, Holger - ATG sergeant, commercial airline pilot [Lester, Jean. 2008. Jorgy: The Life of Native Alaskan Bush Pilot and Airline Captain Holger "Jorgy" Jorgensen. Ester Republic Press.]
* Knight, William Wellington - ATG member, Constitutional Convention delegate
* Lisbourne, Daniel - ATG member, mayor
* Marston, Marvin R "Muktuk", Major, US Army - ATG organizer of Western Alaska, Constitutional Convention delegate, author of the book Men of the Tundra: Alaska Eskimos at War
* McNealy, Robert J - ATG corporal, Constitutional Convention delegate
* Mogg, Samuel Snell "Sammy" - ATG lieutenant, guide who led Major Marston by dogsled on an epic 680-mile mid-winter organizing circuit around the Seward Peninsula.
* Nolan, James - ATG member, Constitutional Convention delegate
* Peratrovich, Frank J - Tlingit native; ATG captain; mayor; territorial & state representative; senator & senate president; Statehood Committee member; Constitutional Convention first vice president
* Reader, Peter L - ATG member, Constitutional Convention delegate
* Schreibner, Carl, Captain, US Army - ATG organizer of Eastern Alaska
* Wright, Laura Beltz - ATG member, best sharpshooter in her company, shooting 98% bulls-eyes, former Queen of Fairbanks

ee also

Former United States special operations unitsGutierrez, Fermin "Rocky"


External links

* [ Alaska Natives in the Military - The Alaska Territorial Guard and beyond "By Renowned Sculptor James Grant of Fairbanks, Alaska" produced by]
* [ US Department of Veterans Affairs]
* [ Alaska Division of Military & Veterans Affairs]
* [ University of Alaska Digital Archives]
* [ Alaska Native in the Military - The Alaska Territorial Guard and Beyond]
* [ Alaska Territorial Guard Organization - Helping all former ATG members obtain veteran status and benefits]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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