Morceaux de Fantaisie

Morceaux de Fantaisie

"Morceaux de Fantaisie" (French for "Fantasy Pieces"; _ru. Пьесы Фантазии, "Pyesy Fantazii"), Op. 3, is a set of five piano solo pieces composed by Sergei Rachmaninoff in 1892. The title reflects the pieces' imagery rather than their musical form, as none are actual fantasies.


Elegy in E-flat minor

Elegy (Элегия, "Elegiya") is a musical elegy at "" tempo.

Prelude in C-sharp minor

The second piece, Prelude (Прелюдия, "Prelyudiya") is undoubtably the most famous of the set.

Listen|filename=Prelude 3 2 Rach playing.ogg|title=Prelude Op. 3, No. 2|description=Played by Rachmaninoff, for Edison, 1919 (5.3 MB) 3:48|format=Ogg

Melody in E major

Melody (Мелодия, "Melodiya") is a short piece played " sostenuto".


The fourth piece, called "Polichinelle" (Полишинель, "Polishinyelʹ") is a unique fantaisie played " ".


This set ends with Serenade (Серенада, "Serenada").

External links

* [ - Sheet music download]

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