Gula Iro language

Gula Iro language

name=Gula Iro

The Gula Iro language (autonym "kùláál") is a Bua language spoken by some 3,500 people (as of 1991) north and east of Lake Iro in southern Chad, between the Bola and Salamat rivers. It has four dialects, according to Pairault:
*"páṭóól", the northernmost and the least comprehensible to speakers of the other dialects, spoken in and around Badi;
*"pòŋààl", by the north shore of the lake, spoken in and around Boum Kabir, Boum Sarher, and Tordjigel;
*"tɩ́ààlà", spoken east and south of the lake, including Kouré, Bouni, Tormorhal, and Masidjanga;
*"tííṭààl", the easternmost, spoken in various villages west of Tamba;

to which SIL adds a fifth, Korintal, spoken in Tieou.

Gula Iro is very closely related to Zan Gula and Bon Gula, but they are not mutually comprehensible. As a Bua language, it belongs to the Adamawa subgroup of the Adamawa-Ubangi branch of Niger-Congo.


The consonants are:

The vowels are: a, e, i, o, u, ɛ, ɩ, , ʋ. Nasalization (only on a, e, o) and length are both contrastive, and diphthongs can be formed. Tone is phonemic; each vowel must carry high or low tone.


Typical word order is Subject Verb Object. The basic subject pronouns are: "ñó" I, "" you (sg.), "á" he/she/it, "pʋ́" we (exclusive), "én" we (inclusive), "í" you (pl.), "ʋ́" they.


* P. Boyeldieu. "La formation du pluriel nominal en kulaal (Tchad): essai de systématisation des documents publiés par C. Pairault". "Afrika und Übersee", 1986, n° 69, vol. 2, p. 209-249.
* C. Pairault, "Documents du parler d'iro: kùláál du Tchad". Langues et Littérature de l'Afrique Noire V. Klincksieck: Paris 1969.

External links

* [ Ethnologue entry]

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