Rudraige mac Dela — Rudraige, son of Dela, of the Fir Bolg was the legendary second High King of Ireland, succeeding his brother Sláine.When the Fir Bolg invaded Ireland the five sons of Dela divided the island amongst themselves. Rudraige landed at Tracht Rudraige… … Wikipedia
Rudraige mac Sithrigi — Rudraige, son of Sitric, son of Dub, son of Fomor, son of Airgetmar, was, according to medieval Irish legend and historical tradition, a High King of Ireland. He took power after killing his predecessor, Crimthann Coscrach, and ruled for thirty… … Wikipedia
Dál Fiatach — Country Ireland Ancestral house Ulaid Dáirine Titles Kings of Emain Macha Kings of Ulster Kings of Dál Fiatach High Kings of Ireland Kings of Tara Founder Fiatach Finn … Wikipedia
Genann — Genann, son of Dela, of the Fir Bolg was a legendary joint High King of Ireland with his brother Gann, succeeding their brother Rudraige. His wife was Cnucha.When the Fir Bolg invaded Ireland the five sons of Dela divided the island amongst… … Wikipedia
Список верховных королей Ирландии — Средневековая ирландская историческая традиция основывалась на идее того что, начиная с древних врёмен, Ирландией управлял Верховный король (ирл. Ard Rí). Такие компиляции, как «Книга захватов Ирландии» (Lebor Gabála Érenn), а также… … Википедия
Ulaid — Ireland circa 900 The modern province of Ulster, named after the Ulaidh … Wikipedia
List of High Kings of Ireland — Medieval Irish historical tradition held that Ireland had been ruled by an Ard Rí or High King since ancient times, and compilations like the Lebor Gabála Érenn, followed by early modern works like the Annals of the Four Masters and Geoffrey… … Wikipedia
Crimthann Coscrach — ( the victorious ),[1] son of Fedlimid Fortrén, son of Fergus Fortamail, was, according to medieval Irish legend and historical tradition, a High King of Ireland. He took power after killing his predecessor, Énna Aignech, and ruled for four or… … Wikipedia
Finnat Már — ( the great , later spellings Innatmar, Ionnadmhar) son of Nia Segamain, was, according to medieval Irish legend and historical tradition, a High King of Ireland. He succeeded to the throne after the death of Rudraige mac Sithrigi of plague, but… … Wikipedia
Sláine mac Dela — Sláine (Sláinge, Slánga), son of Dela, of the Fir Bolg was the legendary first High King of Ireland. He reportedly came ashore at Wexford Harbour at the mouth of the River Slaney. The Fir Bolg invaded Ireland with five thousand men. Sláine and… … Wikipedia