Finnat Már

Finnat Már

Finnat Már ("the great", later spellings Innatmar, Ionnadmhar) son of Nia Segamain, was, according to medieval Irish legend and historical tradition, a High King of Ireland. He succeeded to the throne after the death of Rudraige mac Sithrigi of plague, but after a reign of one, three or nine years he was killed by Rudraige's son Bresal -Díbad. The "Lebor Gabála Érenn" synchronises his reign with that of Ptolemy X Alexander I (110-88 BC) in Egypt. [R. A. Stewart Macalister (ed. & trans.), "Lebor Gabála Érenn: The Book of the Taking of Ireland Part V", Irish Texts Society, 1956, p. 291-295] The chronology of Geoffrey Keating's "Foras Feasa ar Éirinn" dates his reign to 154-151 BC, [Geoffrey Keating, "Foras Feasa ar Éirinn" [ 1.30] ] that of the "Annals of the Four Masters" to 219-210 BC. ["Annals of the Four Masters" [ M4981-4990] ]


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