


imageFinland = Prikaatikenraali kauluslaatta.svg
junior = Överste
senior = Generalmajor
usmc = Lieutenant Colonel or Colonel
official = Brigadier General
text = Brigadgeneral is an officer's rank in Sweden and Finland, immediately above Överste and below Generalmajor. Sweden: The rank was introduced in 2000 to replace the old rank of Överste av 1:a graden ("Colonel 1st Class"). It is translated officially by the Swedish Army to Brigadier General. However, almost all officers in this rank do not command brigades, regemints or battalions; but take up senior tasks related to admininstration, staff, education, planning. The reason for this is the current huge surplus of officers consisting of some 24 with the rank of Brigadgeneral with an army merely consisting of a handfull standing companies and two to three battalions available in a year. Only one of the Brigadgenerals commands a unit larger than a company: The commander of the Nordic Battle Group(NBG) (2800 soldiers) with one assault mechanized battalion (800) as its core. Colonel of the USMC typically commands a brigade of 1,500 to 4,000 troops.

ee also

* Finnish military ranks
* Military ranks of the Swedish armed forces
* Swedish Armed Forces
* [ Officer Training]


* Personnel department of the National Defense at Lidingovagen StockholmBastionen

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