Warm air intake (disambiguation) — warm air intake may refer to: * An air intake of an internal combustion engine which draws air from inside the warm engine bay. * Heated air inlet of carburetted engines to increase the temperature of the air going into the engine for the purpose … Wikipedia
Cold air intake — A cold air intake is an aftermarket assembly of parts used to bring relatively cool air into a car s internal combustion engine. Most vehicles manufactured since the mid 1970s have thermostatic air intake systems that regulate the temperature of… … Wikipedia
Ram-air intake — A ram air intake is any intake design which uses the dynamic air pressure created by vehicle motion to increase the static air pressure inside of the intake manifold on an engine, thus allowing a greater massflow through the engine and hence… … Wikipedia
cold air intake — The induction system forces cold air into the combustion chamber. Because cold air is more dense than warm air, it contains more oxygen molecules. With more oxygen, fuel will burn more effectively and thus increase horsepower … Dictionary of automotive terms
Short ram air intake — The short ram air intake is a form of aftermarket air intake for automobiles with internal combustion engines.It basically replaces the OEM air intake with a short metal pipe and air filter inside the engine bay. This can slightly boost… … Wikipedia
Intake — An intake , or especially for aircraft inlet, is an air intake for an engine. Because the modern internal combustion engine is in essence a powerful air pump, like the exhaust system on an engine, the intake must be carefully engineered and tuned … Wikipedia
Air conditioner — For general aspects of air conditioning, see Air conditioning. A typical home air conditioning unit. An air conditioner (often referred to as AC) is a home appliance, system, or mechanism designed to dehumidify and extract heat from an area. The… … Wikipedia
Air filter — An air filter is a device which removes solid particulates such as dust, pollen, mold, and bacteria from air. Air filters are used in applications where air quality is important, notably in building ventilation systems and in engines, such as… … Wikipedia
Heated air inlet — For other uses, see Warm air intake (disambiguation).A heated air inlet or warm air intake is a system commonly used on the original air cleaner assemblies of carburetted engines to increase the temperature of the air going into the engine for… … Wikipedia
Air source heat pumps — An air source heat pump is a type of heat pump which use the outside air as a heat source or heat sink to heat or cool an interior space. Air source heat pumps are more efficient than oil, gas, and electric resistance heating in mild climates… … Wikipedia