- XStream Systems
company_name = XStream Systems, Incorporated
company_type = Private
country = USA
slogan = Precise Detection for an Uncertain World
foundation =2004
location = USA
key_people = Thomas CookCEO
Brian Mayo,President
Alan Clock, Senior VP Sales
John R. Lundquist, VP Sales & Business Development
Paul J. Micciche, VP Engineering
Chris Butler, CFO
industry =Pharmaceutics
products = EDXRD Equipment
homepage = [http://www.xstreamsystems.net xstreamsystems.net]XStream Systems Inc is a US-based company which develops
X-ray based identification equipment for research andpharmaceutical industry applications [ [http://www.pharmaceuticalonline.com/content/news/article.asp?DocID={85B81D25-1005-4362-88EF-703044F1A820}&Bucket=Current+Headlines Pharmaceutical Online] , VertMarkets, Inc., December 4, 2007 ] . The company is named after the stream of photons emitted from anX-ray source. XStream Systems' logo is derived from both a graphic representation of the letter "x" and multiplehurricanes hitting their eastern seaboard headquarters in 2004. The current corporate headquarters are located inSebastian, Florida .Company history
This company was incorporated in May, 2004. The technology used in XStream Systems' products was first developed at
Rutgers University [ [http://ocltt.rutgers.edu/default.asp?content=startup Rutgers-based start up companies] , Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, September 4, 2007 ] .Areas of expertise
Products are based on Energy Dispersive X-Ray Diffraction (EDXRD) [ Williams, J: "Healthcare Distributor", page 81. E.L.F. Publications, Inc., December 2006/January 2007] , a technology also used in
synchrotron s. FollowingBragg's Law , XStream Systems' equipment verifies molecularcrystal structure [ Mayo, B: "Lab+ International", Volume 21, Issue 2, page 26. BPA Worldwide, May-June 2007] of materials and authenticates a pharmaceutical's composition.External links
* [http://www.xstreamsystems.net Company home page]
* [http://www.kegroup.com/kegroup/index.asp XT250 System Manufacturer]
* [http://www.equitygroups.com/nasd/kbalb/messages/46235.html News of partership withKimball International ]
* [http://www.nationaldefensemegadirectory.com/results.php?&heading=64&num_page=100 National Defense directory listing]
* [http://www.homelandsecurity.org/StakeholdersMay07/Br33A_Hallowell.pdf US Department of Homeland Security Stakeholder's Conference]
* [http://www.radiationsafetyacademy.com/xray_reg.html X-Ray Safety Academy]
* [http://www.pharmpro.com/ShowPR.aspx?PUBCODE=021&ACCT=0016517&ISSUE=0704&RELTYPE=PR&Cat=3&SubCat=3&PRODCODE=3982&PRODLETT=B&CALLFROM=PR&CommonCount=0 Pharmaceutical Processing Magazine appearance]
* [http://www.pharmtech.com/pharmtech/Blister+packages/Interphex-Showcases-Packaging-Innovations/ArticleStandard/Article/detail/428379 Pharmaceutical Technology Magazine appearance]
* [http://www.drugtopics.com/drugtopics/Technology/From-IVRs-to-PHRs-more-technologies-beckon-pharmac/ArticleStandard/Article/detail/456601 XStream Systems' XT250 System featured as Improving Security in Drug Topics Magazine]
* [http://www.innovationspublishing.com/Georgia/loadarticle.asp?id=274 Florida Venture Capital Conference Presenting Company]
* [http://www.zoominfo.com/Search/CompanyDetail.aspx?CompanyID=161103907&cs=QEJmkAjLw Company Profile]References
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