- St. Jones Within, Newfoundland and Labrador
St. Jones Within is located in
Trinity Bay, Newfoundland . It takes approximately two hours to drive there from the province's capital city, St. John's. Its geographical location is: Latitude 480300 and Longitude 534500. [http://www.ceaa.gc.ca/050/LocationInfo_e.cfm?GeoID=1166&CEAR_ID=1541] Most of the houses in the community are built around the sheltered harbour.Population
St. Jones Within has a current population of about 100 people. See: 1921 Census [http://www.rootsweb.com/~cannf/tbun_21cens_stjoneswithin.htm] , 1935 Census [http://ngb.chebucto.org/C1935/35-st-jones-within-tb.shtml] , 1945 Census [http://ngb.chebucto.org/C1945/45-st-jones-within-tb-n.shtml] , and Cemetery Data. [http://www.rootsweb.com/~cannf/tbun_cem_stjoneswithin.htm]
St. Jones Within has one United church. The minister lives in the nearby community of Hillview.
Travel to St. Jones Within can be via the
Trans-Canada Highway at the Hillview exit, or by boat via Southwest Arm, Trinity Bay.
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