List of compositions by Antonín Dvořák

List of compositions by Antonín Dvořák

Below is a sortable list of compositions by Antonín Dvořák. The works are categorized by Jarmil Burghauser catalogue number (B.), opus number (when applicable), date of composition, titles, and genre.

B. Op. Date Czech title (original title) English title Genre Remarks
1 1856 Polka pomněnka C dur Forget-me-not Polka in C major Piano
2 1857–1859 Mše B dur Mass in B major Choral lost
3 1860 Polka E dur Polka in E major Piano
4 1860? Harfenice The Woman Harpist Orchestra polka; lost
5 1861 Polka Polka Orchestra lost
6 1861 Galop Gallop Orchestra lost
7 1 1861 Smyčcový kvintet č.1 a moll String Quintet No. 1 in A minor Chamber music for 2 violins, 2 violas and cello
8 2 1862 Smyčcový kvartet č.1 A dur String Quartet No. 1 in A major Chamber music  
9 3 1865 Symfonie č.1 c moll „Zlonické zvony“ Symphony No. 1 in C minor "The Bells of Zlonice" Orchestra  
10 1865 Koncert pro violoncello a orchestr A dur Cello Concerto in A major Concertante orchestrated by Jarmil Burghauser
11 1865 Cypřiše Cypresses Vocal 18 songs for voice and piano on poems by Gustav Pfleger Moravský
12 4 1865 Symfonie č.2 B dur Symphony No. 2 in B major Orchestra  
13 1865 Dvě písně pro baryton a klavír 2 Songs Vocal for baritone and piano
14 1865–1869 Kvintet pro klarinet a smyčce b moll Clarinet Quintet in B minor Chamber music lost
15 1867 Sedm meziaktních skladeb 7 Interludes Orchestra  
15bis 1867 Serenáda Serenade Chamber music for flute, violin, viola, and triangle
16 1870 Alfred Alfred Opera heroic opera in 3 acts
16a 1870 Tragická (Dramatická) ouvertura Tragic Overture (Dramatic Overture) Orchestra overture to the opera Alfred, B.16
17 1869–1869 Smyčcový kvartet č.2 B dur King and Charcoal Burner Opera comic opera; 1st version
21a 12 1871 Koncertní ouvertura F dur Concert Overture in F major Orchestra from the 1st version of King and Charcoal Burner
22 1871–1873 Motivy z opery „Král a uhlíř“ [1] Potpourri on King and Charcoal Burner [1] Piano
23 1871 Písně na slova Elišky Krásnohorské Songs on Words by Eliška Krásnohorská Vocal 4 songs for voice and piano
24 1871 Sirotek The Orphan Vocal for voice and piano after a ballad by Karel Jaromír Erben
24a 1871 Rozmarýna Rosmarine Vocal for voice and piano after a poem by Karel Jaromír Erben
25 13/1 1871–1872 Klavírní trio Piano Trio Chamber music lost
26 13/2 1871–1872 Klavírní trio Piano Trio Chamber music lost
27 1872 Dědicové bilé hory The Heirs of the White Mountain Choral hymn for chorus and orchestra after a poem by Vítězslav Hálek
28 5 1872 Klavírní kvintet č.1 A dur Piano Quintet No. 1 in A major Chamber music  
29 6 1872 Čtyři písně na slova srbské lidové poezie 4 Songs on Serbian Folk Poems Vocal for voice and piano
30 7 1872 Písně z rukopisu „Královédvorského“ Songs from the "Dvůr Králové" Manuscript
(Queen's Court Manuscript)
Vocal 6 songs for voice and piano
31 1872 Tři nokturna – č.2 Májová noc 3 Nocturnes – No. 2 May Night Orchestra No. 1 and No. 3 lost
32 8 1872 Silhouetty Silhouettes Piano early version of B.98
33 1873 Houslová sonáta a moll Violin Sonata in A minor Chamber music lost
34 10 1873 Symfonie č.3 Es dur Symphony No. 3 in E major Orchestra  
35 1873 Romeo a Julia, předehra Romeo and Juliet Overture Orchestra lost
36 1873 Oktet (Serenáda) Octet (Serenade) Chamber music lost
37 9 1873 Smyčcový kvartet č.5 f moll String Quartet No. 5 in F minor Chamber music  
38 11 1873–1877 Romance f moll pro housle a klavír Romance in F minor Chamber music for violin and piano
39 11 1877 Romance f moll pro housle a orchestr Romance in F minor Concertante for violin and orchestra; arrangement of B.38
40 12 1873 Smyčcový kvartet č.6 a moll Symphony No. 4 in D minor Orchestra  
42 14 1874 Král a uhlíř King and Charcoal Burner Opera 2nd version of B.21
43 1874–1875 Motivy z opery „Král a uhlíř“ [2] Potpourri on King and Charcoal Burner [2] Piano 2nd version of B.22
44 14 1874 Symfonická báseň (Rapsodie) a moll Symphonic Poem (Rhapsody) in A minor Orchestra
45 16 1874 Smyčcový kvartet č.7 a moll The Stubborn Lovers Opera comic opera in 1 act; libretto by Josef Štolba
47 40 1875 Nokturno H dur pro smyčce Nocturne in B major Orchestra for string orchestra; revised 1882–1883
48a 40 1875–1883 Nokturno H dur pro housle a klavír Nocturne in B major Chamber music for violin and piano
48b 40 1875 Nokturno H dur Nocturne in B major Piano for piano four hands
49 77 1875 Smyčcový kvintet č.2 G dur String Quintet No. 2 in G major Chamber music for 2 violins, viola, cello and double bass; formerly Op. 18
50 20 1875 Moravské dvojzpěvy Moravian Duets Vocal 4 songs for soprano (or alto), tenor and piano
51 21 1875 Klavírní trio č.1 B dur Serenade for Strings in E major Orchestra  
53 23 1875 Klavírní kvartet č.1 D dur Piano Quartet No. 1 in D major Chamber music  
54 76 1875 Symfonie č.5 F dur Symphony No. 5 in F major Orchestra formerly Op. 24
55 25 1875 Vanda Vanda Opera tragic opera in 5 acts
56 26 1876 Klavírní trio č.2 g moll Piano Trio No. 2 in G minor Chamber music  
57 80 1876 Smyčcový kvartet č.8 E dur String Quartet No. 8 in E major Chamber music formerly Op. 27
58 28 1876 Dva menuety 2 Minuets Piano
59 29 c.1876 Čtyři sbory pro smíšené hlasy 4 Choruses Choral for mixed choir
60 32 1876 Moravské dvojzpěvy Moravian Duets Vocal (part 1) 5 songs for soprano, alto and piano
61 31 1876 Večerní písně Evening Songs Vocal after poems by Vítězslav Hálek
62 32 1876 Moravské dvojzpěvy Moravian Duets Vocal (part 2) 9 songs for soprano, alto and piano
63 33 1876 Koncert pro klavír a orchestr g moll Piano Concerto in G minor Concertante for piano and orchestra
64 35 1876 Dumka d moll Dumka in D minor Piano
65 36 1876 Tema con variazioni Theme and Variations Piano
66 1877 Sborové písně pro mužské hlasy Choral Songs Choral for male voices
67 37 1877 Šelma sedlák The Cunning Peasant Opera comic opera in 2 acts; libretto by Josef Otakar Veselý
67a 37 1877 Šelma sedlák, předehra k opeře Overture to The Cunning Peasant Orchestra overture to the opera (B.67)
68 19b 1877 Ave Maria Ave Maria Vocal for alto or baritone and organ
69 38 1877 Moravské dvojzpěvy Moravian Duets Vocal 4 songs for soprano, alto and piano
70 78 1877 Symfonické variace z písně „Já jsem huslař“ Symphonic Variations Orchestra formerly Op. 28
71 58 1876–1877 Stabat Mater Stabat Mater Choral for soprano, alto, tenor, bass, chorus and orchestra
72 1877 Kytice z českých národních písní Bouquet of Czech Folksongs Choral for male chorus
73 1877 Píseň Čecha Song of a Czech Choral for male chorus
74 41 1877 Skotské tance Scottish Dances Piano
75 34 1877 Smyčcový kvartet č.9 d moll Johannes Brahms
76 43 1877–1878 Z kytice národních písní slovanských From a Bouquet of Slavonic Folksongs Choral for male chorus and piano 4-hands
77 44 1878 Serenáda pro dechové nástroje d moll Serenade in D minor for Wind Instruments Orchestra  
78 46 1878 Slovanské tance 1. řada Slavonic Dances, Series I Piano for piano four hands
79 47 1878 Maličkosti Bagatelles Chamber music for two violins, cello, and harmonium/piano
80 48 1878 Smyčcový sextet A dur String Sextet in A major Chamber music  
81 24 1878 Capriccio pro housle a klavír Capriccio Chamber music for violin and piano
82 1878 Hymnus k Nejsvětější Trojici Hymnus ad Laudus in festo Sanctae Trinitatis Vocal for voice and organ
83 46 1878 Slovanské tance 1. řada Slavonic Dances, Series I Orchestra orchestration of B.78
84a 50 1878 Tři novořecké básně 3 Modern Greek Songs Vocal for voice and piano
84b 50 1878 Tři novořecké básně 3 Modern Greek Songs Vocal for voice and piano
85 42 1878 Dva furianty 2 Furiants Piano
86 45 1878 Slovanské rapsodie
  1. D dur
  2. g moll
  3. As dur
3 Slavonic Rhapsodies
  1. D major
  2. G minor
  3. A major
87 27 1878 Pět sborů pro mužské hlasy 5 Choruses Choral for male voices
88 54 1879 Slavnostní pochod Festival March Orchestra
89 49 1879 Mazurek pro housle a klavír Mazurek Chamber music for violin and piano
90 49 1879 Mazurek pro housle a orchestr Mazurek Concertante for violin and orchestra
91 79 1879 Žalm č.149 Psalm 149 Choral for male chorus and orchestra; 1st version
92 51 1878–1879 Smyčcový kvartet č.10 Es dur „Slovanský“ String Quartet No. 10 in E major "Slavonic" Chamber music  
93 39 1879 Česká suita D dur Czech Suite in D major Orchestra
94 1879 Polonéza A dur pro violoncello a klavír Polonaise in A major Chamber music for cello and piano
95a 19b 1879 Ave maris stella Ave maris stella Vocal for voice and organ
95b 19a 1879 O sanctissima dulcis virgo Maria! O sanctissima dulcis virgo Maria! Vocal for alto, baritone, and organ
95b bis 19a 1879 O sanctissima dulcis virgo Maria! O sanctissima dulcis virgo Maria! Vocal version of B.95b, substituting soprano for baritone
96 53 1879 Koncert pro housle a orchestr a moll Violin Concerto in A minor Concertante first of 2 versions (second version B.108); for violin and orchestra
97 25 1879 Vanda, koncertní ouvertura Vanda Orchestra concert overture to the opera (B.55)
98 8 1879 Dvanáct silhouett 12 Silhouettes Piano
99 1879 Pražské valčíky Prague Waltzes Orchestra
100 1879 Polonéza Es dur Polonaise in E major Orchestra
101 54 1879–1880 Osm valčíků 8 Waltzes Piano orchestrated by Jarmil Burghauser
102 30 1880 Dědicové bílé hory The Heirs of the White Mountain Choral for chorus and orchestra after a poem by Vítězslav Hálek
103 (56) 1880 Čtyři eklogy 4 Eclogues Piano
104 55 1880 Cigánské melodie Gypsy Songs Vocal 7 songs for voice and piano after poems by Adolf Heyduk; includes "Songs My Mother Taught Me"
105 54 1880 Dva valčíky 2 Waltzes Orchestra for string orchestra
106 57 1880 Sonata F dur pro housle a klavír Violin Sonata in F major Chamber music for violin and piano
107 32 1880 Moravské dvojzpěvy Moravian Duets Choral for female chorus
108 53 1880 Koncert pro housle a orchestr a moll Violin Concerto in A minor Concertante second version of B.96; revised 1882; for violin and orchestra
109 1880 Tři lístky do památníku 3 Album Leaves Piano
110 52 1880 Šest klavírních skladeb 6 Piano Pieces Piano  
111 56 1880 Šest mazurek 6 Mazurkas Piano
112 60 1880 Symfonie č.6 D dur Symphony No. 6 in D major Orchestra  
113 1880 Dětská píseň Children's Song Vocal for 2 unaccompanied voices
114 53a/1 1880 Polka pro orchestr „Pražským akademikům“ Polka "For Prague Students" Orchestra
115 14 1881 Balada Krále Matyáše Ballad of King Matthias Opera from 2nd version of King and Charcoal Burner, B.42
116 1881 Moderato A dur Moderato in A major Piano
117 59 1881 Legendy Legends Piano for piano four hands
118 1881 Na tej našej střeše ... There on Our Roof ... Vocal Moravian folk song for soprano, alto and piano
119 53a/2 1881 Kvapík E dur Gallop in E major Orchestra
120 1881 Kvartetní věta F dur Quartet Movement in F major Chamber music for string quartet
121 61 1881 Smyčcový kvartet č.11 C dur String Quartet No. 11 in C major Chamber music  
122 59 1881 Legendy Legends Orchestra orchestration of B.117
123 1881–1882 Šest písní na slova Gustava Pflegra Moravského 6 Songs on Poems by Gustav Pfleger Moravský Vocal for voice and piano
124 1881–1882 Čtyři písně na slova Gustava Pflegra Moravského 4 Songs on Poems by Gustav Pfleger Moravský Vocal for voice and piano
125 62 1881–1882 Josef Kajetán Tyl Josef Kajetán Tyl Orchestra incidental music for the play by František Ferdinand Šamberk
125a 62 1882 Domov můj, předehra ke hře F. F. Šamberka My Home Orchestra overture to Josef Kajetán Tyl, B.125
126 63 1882 V přírodě In Nature's Realm Choral after poems by Vítězslav Hálek
127 64 1881–1882 Dimitrij Dimitrij Opera historical opera in 4 acts; libretto by Marie Červinková-Riegrová
127a 64 1882 Dimitrij, předehra k opeře Overture to Dimitrij Orchestra overture to the opera (B.127)
128 3 1882 Dvě večerní písně 2 Evening Songs Vocal for voice and orchestra after poems by Vítězslav Hálek
129 1883 Impromptu d moll Impromptu in D minor Piano
130 65 1883 Klavírní trio č.3 f moll Piano Trio No. 3 in F minor Chamber music  
131 66 1883 Scherzo capriccioso Scherzo capriccioso Orchestra
132 67 1883 Husitská, dramatická ouvertura Hussite Overture Orchestra
133 68 1883 Ze Šumavy From the Bohemian Forest Piano 6 pieces for piano four hands; orchestrated by Henk de Vlieger
134 30 1883 Dědicové bílé hory The Heirs of the White Mountain Choral for chorus and orchestra; revision of B.102
135 69 1884 Svatební košile The Specter's Bride Choral dramatic cantata
136 12/1 1884 Dumka c moll Dumka in C minor Piano
137 12/2 1879 Furiant g moll Furiant in G minor Piano
138 1884 Humoreska Fis dur Humoresque in F major Piano
139 15/1 1884 Balada d moll pro housle a klavír Ballade in D minor Chamber music for violin and piano
140 1884 Kačena divoká The Wild Duck Vocal folk song for voice and piano
141 70 1884–1885 Symfonie č.7 d moll Symphony No. 7 in D minor Orchestra  
142 1885 Dvě písně 2 Czech Folk Poems Vocal for voice and piano
143 1885 Hymna českého rolnictva Hymn of the Czech Peasants Choral for chorus and orchestra
144 71 1885–1886 Svatá Ludmila Saint Ludmila Choral oratorio
145 72 1886 Slovanské tance 2. řada Slavonic Dances, Series II Piano for piano four hands
146 73 1886 V národním tónu In Folk Tone Vocal collection of Slavonic and Czech folksongs
147 72 1887 Slovanské tance 2. řada Slavonic Dances, Series II Orchestra orchestration of B.145
148 74 1887 Terceto C dur Terzetto in C major Chamber music for two violins and viola
149 75a 1887 Drobnosti Miniatures Chamber music for two violins and viola; arrangement of B.150
150 75 1887 Romantické kusy pro housle a klavír Romantic Pieces Chamber music 4 pieces for violin and piano
151 14 1887 Král a uhlíř King and Charcoal Burner Opera 3rd version of B.21
152 1887 Cypřiše Cypresses Chamber music arrangement for string quartet of 12 pieces from B.11 (Nos. 2-4, 6-9, 12, 14, 16-18)
153 86 1887 Mše D dur Mass in D major Choral 1st version for soprano, alto, tenor, bass, chorus and organ; 2nd version B.175
154 79 1887 Žalm č.149 Psalm 149 Choral for mixed chorus and orchestra; 2nd version of B.91
155 81 1887 Klavírní kvintet č.2 A dur Piano Quintet No. 2 in A major Chamber music  
156 1887 Dvě perličky 2 Little Pearls Piano
157 82 1887–1888 Vier Lieder 4 Songs on Poems by O. Malybrok-Stieler Vocal for voice and piano
158 1888 Lístek do památníku Album Leaf Piano
159 84 1888 Jakobín The Jacobin Opera 3 acts; libretto by Marie Červinková-Riegrová
160 83 1888 Písně milostné Love Songs Vocal 8 songs for voice and piano; revision of Cypresses, B.11
161 85 1889 Poetické nálady Poetic Tone Poems Piano
162 87 1889 Klavírní kvartet č.2 Es dur Symphony No. 8 in G major Orchestra  
164 1890 Gavotte Gavotte Chamber music for three violins
165 89 1890 Requiem Requiem Choral for soprano, alto, tenor, bass, chorus and orchestra
166 90 1890–1891 Klavírní trio č.4 e moll „Dumky“ Piano Trio No. 4 in E minor "Dumky" Chamber music  
167 1891 Fanfáry Fanfares Chamber music for four trumpets and timpani
168 91 1891 V přírodě, koncertní ouvertura In Nature's Realm Orchestra concert overture
169 92 1891 Karneval, koncertní ouvertura Carnival Overture Orchestra concert overture
170 46/2 1891 Slovanský tanec e moll pro housle a klavír Slavonic Dance in E minor Chamber music arrangement for violin and piano of B.78 No. 2
171 94 1891 Rondo g moll pro violoncello a klavír Rondo in G minor Chamber music for cello and piano
172 46/3,8 1891 Slovanské tance Slavonic Dances in A and G minor Chamber music arrangement for cello and piano of B.78 Nos. 3 and 8
173 68/5 1891 Klid Silent Woods Chamber music arrangement for cello and piano of No. 5 from Ze Šumavy, Op.68/B.133; first published under the German title Waldesruhe
174 93 1892 Othello, koncertní ouvertura Othello Overture Orchestra concert overture
175 86 1892 Mše D dur Mass in D major Choral for soprano, alto, tenor, bass, chorus and orchestra; 2nd version of B.153
176 103 1892 Te Deum Te Deum Choral for soprano, bass, chorus and orchestra
177 102 1892–1893 Americký prapor The American Flag Choral cantata after a poem by Joseph Rodman Drake
178 95 1893 Symfonie č.9 e moll „Z nového světa“ Symphony No. 9 in E minor "From the New World" Orchestra  
179 96 1893 Smyčcový kvartet č.12 F dur „Americký“ String Quartet No. 12 in F major "American" Chamber music  
180 97 1893 Smyčcový kvintet č.3 Es dur „Americký“ String Quintet No. 3 in E major "American" Chamber music for 2 violins, 2 violas and cello
181 94 1893 Rondo g moll pro violoncello a orchestr Rondo in G minor Chamber music arrangement for cello and orchestra of B.171
182 68/5 1893 Klid Silent Woods Concertante arrangement for cello and orchestra of No. 5 from Ze Šumavy, Op.68/B.173
183 100 1893 Sonatina G dur pro housle a klavír Sonatina in G major Chamber music for violin and piano
184 98 1894 Suita A dur Suite in A major "American" Piano
185 99 1894 Biblické písně Biblical Songs Vocal 10 songs for voice and piano
186 64 1894–1895 Dimitrij Dimitrij Opera 4 acts; 2nd version of B.127
187 101 1894 Humoresky Humoresques Piano 8 pieces
188 1894 Dvě klavírní skladby 2 Piano Pieces Piano  
189 99 1895 Biblické písně Biblical Songs Vocal orchestration of B.185
190 98b 1895 Suita A dur Suite in A major "American" Orchestra orchestration of B.184
191 104 1894–1895 Koncert pro violoncello a orchestr h moll Cello Concerto in B minor Concertante for cello and orchestra
192 106 1895 Smyčcový kvartet č.13 G dur String Quartet No. 13 in G major Chamber music  
193 105 1895 Smyčcový kvartet č.14 As dur String Quartet No. 14 in A major Chamber music  
194 1895 Ukolébavka Lullaby Vocal for voice and after a poem by F. L. Jelínek
195 107 1896 Vodník The Water Goblin Orchestra symphonic poem
196 108 1896 Polednice The Noon Witch Orchestra symphonic poem; also known as The Noonday Witch
197 109 1896 Zlatý kolovrat The Golden Spinning Wheel Orchestra symphonic poem
198 110 1896 Holoubek The Wild Dove Orchestra symphonic poem; also known as The Wood Dove
199 111 1897 Píseň bohatýrská A Hero's Song Orchestra symphonic poem
200 84 1897 Jakobín The Jacobin Opera 3 acts; revision of B.159
201 112 1898–1899 Čert a Káča The Devil and Kate Opera comic opera in 3 acts; libretto by Adolf Wenig
201a 112 1899 Čert a Káča, předehra k opeře Overture to The Devil and Kate Orchestra overture to the opera (B.201)
202 113 1900 Slavnostní zpěv Festival Song Choral for chorus and orchestra after a poem by Jaroslav Vrchlický
203 114 1900 Rusalka Rusalka Opera fairy tale opera in 3 acts; libretto by Jaroslav Kvapil
203a 114 1900 Rusalka, předehra k opeře Overture to Rusalka Orchestra overture to the opera (B.203)
204 1901 Zpěv z Lešetínského kováře Song of the Smith of Lešetín Vocal for voice and piano on words of Svatopluk Čech
205 71 1901 Svatá Ludmila Saint Ludmila Opera adapted from cantata B.144
206 115 1902–1903 Armida Armida Opera 4 acts; libretto by Jaroslav Vrchlický
206a 115 1903 Armida, předehra k opeře Overture to Armida Orchestra overture to the opera (B.206)
601 1878 Dvě irské písně 2 Irish Songs Choral arrangement of Robert Maver's songs for male chorus
605 1894 Old Folks at Home Old Folks at Home Choral arrangement of Stephen Foster's song for soprano, bass-baritone, chorus and orchestra

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