Svatopluk Čech

Svatopluk Čech

Svatopluk Čech (February 21 1846, Ostředek near Benešov – February 23 1908, Prague) was a Czech writer, journalist and poet.

Čech studied gymnasium in Prague, then law and later worked in journals Květy, Lumír and Světozor.

His first poem "Husita na Baltu" was published in the almanac "Ruch" in 1868. Similarly to his work "Adamité" it is inspired by history (Hussite Wars). His poem "Evropa" (1878) takes its motive from revolutionary movements of the time, his poem "Slávie" (1882) propagates ideals of Slavic unity, the poem "Václav z Michalovic" (1880) depicts religious oppression by Jesuits, his poem "Lešetínský kovář" (1883 confiscated, 1899) social problems of industrialization. The books of lyrical poetry "Jitřních písní" (1887) and "Nových písní" (1888) reflect the national rebirth of Czech people, and his poetry cycle "Písně otroka" reflects social problems.

His best known work today is a series of satirical novels "Výlety pana Broučka" (1888, 1889), two of which were used as the basis for Janáček's opera The Excursions of Mr. Broucek on the Moon and in the 15th Century (Výlet pana Broučka do XV. století/Výlet pana Broučka do Měsíce). Čech himself appears as an apparition in Act Three of the opera.

A bridge in Prague bears the name Svatopluk Čech Bridge ("Most Svatopluka Čecha") in his honor. Also multiple streets in various Czech cities are named after him.

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* [ Short biography (in Czech)]

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