- Adjoint endomorphism
mathematics , the adjoint endomorphism or adjoint action is anendomorphism ofLie algebra s that plays a fundamental role in the development of the theory ofLie algebras andLie groups .Given an element "x" of a Lie algebra , one defines the adjoint action of "x" on as the endomorphism with
for all "y" in .
adx is an action that is
linear .Adjoint representation
The mapping given by is a
representation of a Lie algebra and is called the adjoint representation of the algebra. (Here, is the Lie algebra of thegeneral linear group over the vector space . It is isomorphic to .)Within , the composition of two maps is well defined, and the
Lie bracket may be shown to be given by the commutator of the two elements, :where denotes composition of linear maps. If a basis is chosen for , this corresponds tomatrix multiplication .Using this and the definition of the Lie bracket in terms of the mapping "ad" above, the
Jacobi identity : takes the form :where "x", "y", and "z" are arbitrary elements of .This last identity confirms that "ad" really is a Lie algebra homomorphism, in that the morphism "ad" commutes with the multiplication operator [,] .
The kernel of is, by definition, the center of .
A derivation on a Lie algebra is a
linear map that obeys theLeibniz' law , that is,:for all "x" and "y" in the algebra.
That adx is a derivation is a consequence of the Jacobi identity. This implies that the image of under "ad" is a subalgebra of , the space of all derivations of .
tructure constants
The explicit matrix elements of the adjoint representation are given by the
structure constant s of the algebra. That is, let {ei} be a set ofbasis vectors for the algebra, with :. Then the matrix elements for adeiare given by:.Thus, for example, the adjoint representation of so(3) is su(2).
Relation to Ad
Ad and ad are related through the
exponential map ; crudely, Ad = exp ad, where Ad is theadjoint representation for aLie group .To be precise, let "G" be a Lie group, and let be the mapping with given by the
inner automorphism :.This is called the Lie group map. Define to be the derivative of at the origin::where "d" is the differential and "T"eG is thetangent space at the origin "e" ("e" is the identity element of the group "G").The Lie algebra "g" of "G" is "g"="T"eG. Since , is a map from "G" to Aut("T"e"G") which will have a derivative from "T"e"G" to End("T"e"G") (the Lie algebra of Aut("V") is End("V")).
Then we have :.
The use of upper-case/lower-case notation is used extensively in the literature. Thus, for example, a vector "x" in the algebra generates a
vector field "X" in the group "G". Similarly, the adjoint map adxy= ["x","y"] of vectors in is homomorphic to theLie derivative L"X""Y" = ["X","Y"] of vector fields on the group "G" considered as amanifold .References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.