- Mullah Rahmatullah
Eleven men were rounded up in the area of a skirmish outside the village of Lejay,
Afghanistan , onFebruary 10 2003 .Hafizullah and Rahmatullah
Two captives named
Hafizullah andRahmatullah were among the men taken from ajitney taxi that was traveling on the main highway that passes through Lejay ended up inextrajudicial detention in theGuantanamo Bay detention camp s, inCuba . [http://www.defenselink.mil/pubs/foi/detainees/csrt/ARB_Transcript_Set_10_21352-21661.pdf#58 Summarized transcript (.pdf)] , fromHafizullah 's "Administrative Review Board hearing" - pages 58-66,August 10 2005 ]The allegations that Hafizullah faced included:
*"Two of the individuals arrested at the checkpoint along with the detainee included Rahmatullah and Bari Dad "sic". Both were wearing green jackets and were suffering from hearing loss.
*"Mullah Rahmatullah "sic" attended a meeting in May 2002, led by anIran ian and senior Taliban officials inHelmand Province , to discuss military operations against theAfghan Interim Administration and plans to derail theLoya Jirga Process.When the Department of Defense was forced to comply with a
Freedom of Information Act request, and release information about the Guantanamo captives, they revealed a list of their names, and estimated ages. [http://www.dod.mil/news/May2006/d20060515%20List.pdf list of prisoners (.pdf)] , "US Department of Defense ",May 15 2006 ] The estimated date of birth of the individual named Rahmatullah, captured with Hafizullah, was 1981.Alif Mohammed and Ramatullah
Another captive apprehended on
February 10 2003 was Lejah's smith,Alif Mohammed . [http://www.defenselink.mil/pubs/foi/detainees/csrt/ARB_Transcript_Set_10_21352-21661.pdf#113 Summarized transcript (.pdf)] , fromAlif Mohammed 's "Administrative Review Board hearing" - pages 113-122] The allegations he faced asserted he had fought against the Soviets against aMullah Nasim , who, in turn had served undera commander Ramatullah "of the Afghan National Army 865th Brigade".References
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