Singaporean Mandarin

Singaporean Mandarin

Singaporean Mandarin (Simplified Chinese: 新加坡华语) is the dialect of Mandarin Chinese spoken in Singapore. It is one of the 4 official languages of Singapore along with English, Malay and Tamil.

The official Standard Mandarin of the Republic of Singapore, known in Singapore as 华语 (Huayu), is based on the phonology of the Beijing dialect and the grammar of Vernacular Chinese is almost identical to the standard of Mandarin used in the People's Republic of China, known in mainland China as Pǔtōnghuà (普通话); Singaporean Mandarin became widely spoken by the Chinese community in Singapore since the Speak Mandarin Campaign in 1979.

Singaporean Mandarin had preserved some aspects of the Classical Chinese and early Vernacular Chinese (baihua) during early ROC period. In its initial development, Singaporean Mandarin was under heavy influence from various chinese dialects spoken in Singapore such as Hokkien, Teochew, Cantonese etc. From 1949 till 1979, there was a break of contact between Singapore and China. This meant that Singaporean Mandarin did not have the influence from Putonghua during this period. Instead, influence came mainly from Taiwanese Mandarin (through Taiwanese Mandarin Entertainment Media) and to a large degree from the English language, after English was adopted as the lingua franca of Singapore in 1965.

Like its English variant (Singlish), Singaporean Mandarin also has a creole when spoken colloquially, known as Singdarin.


Differences from Standard Mandarin


The major differences between Huayu and Putonghua lie in the vocabulary used. A lack of contact between Singapore and China from 1949-1979 meant that Singaporean Mandarin had to invent its own new words to suit the local Singapore environment, as well as borrow certain words from Taiwanese Mandarin (Guoyu) or some other chinese dialects that were spoken in Singapore. As a result, new mandarin words proprietary to Singapore were invented.

Uniquely Singaporean Mandarin Words - Words specific to living in Singapore

There are many new terms that are specific to living in Singapore. These words were invented as there were no equivalent words in putonghua.

* 红毛丹 Hong Mao Dan (rambuttan - a kind of South-East Asian fruit)
* 奎笼 Kui Long (a place for fishing)
* 清汤 Qing Tang (a type of clear soup)
* 嘉年华 Jia Nian Hua (a form of celebration and gathering)
* 固本 Gu Ben ("coupon" used in car-parking)
* 组屋 Zu Wu (flat built by Housing Board)
* 拥车证 Yong Che Zheng (car ownership-license)/ Zhou Mo Yong Che 周末用车 (using car at weekend)
* 财路 Cai Lu ("GIRO" - a system of payment through direct bank account deduction in Singapore)
* 巴刹 Ba Sa ("bazaar" or market)
* 民众俱乐部 Mingzhong Julebu /联络所 Lianluo Suo(community center)
* 叻沙 La Sa ("laksa" - a type of curry noodle)
* 垃圾虫 La Ji Chong ("litter-bug" - someone who violated the law for littering)
* 排屋 Pai Wu (Terrace house)
* 小贩 Xiao Fan (Hawker)

Same Meaning Different Words

There are some words used in Singaporean Mandarin that have the same meaning with other words used in putonghua or guoyu

* 乐龄 (meaning "old people") [putonghua - 老龄]
* 三文治(sandwich) [guoyu - 三明治]
* 德士 (Taxi) [putonghua - 出租车 ,guoyu -计程车; compare Cantonese 的士)
* 货柜 (Container) [putonghua - 集装箱]
* 火患 (Fire)
* 码头 (Dock) [putonghua - 港口]
* 手提电话 (mobile phone) [putonghua - 手机, guoyu - 行动电话] (Note: 手机 is also used in Singaporean Mandarin, although less frequently.)
* 客工 (foreign worker) [guoyu - 外劳]
* 巴士 (Bus) [putonghua - 公交车, guoyu - 公车/巴士]
* 罗里 (lorry) [putonghua/guoyu - 卡车/货车]

Loan Words and Influence from other Chinese Dialects

There are quite a number of specific words used in Singaporean Mandarin that originate from other chinese dialects such as Hokkien, Teochew, Cantonese etc. These dialects have also influenced the pronunciation in Singaporean Mandarin.

* 阿兵哥 (soldiers) - originates from Hokkien "Ah Bin Gou"
* 怕输 (afraid to lose) - originates from Hokkien "Kiasu"
* 几时 (when?) - originates from hokkien/classical chinese [putonghua - 什么时候]
* 阿公 a'gong/ 阿嬤 a'ma (grandpa/grandma) - originates from Hokkien
* 阿婆 a'po (old lady) - originates from Hokkien
* 很显 heng sian (very boring)- spoken colloqually in Singaporean Mandarin instead of 无聊/ (proper Mandarin). The word originates from Hokkien.
* 阿佬 a'lao (man) - originates from Cantonese
* 是吗 (is it?) is often pronounced as "shi meh" colloqually instead of "shi ma" (proper mandarin). The pronunciation of "Meh" originates from cantonese.
* 大耳窿 da er long (loan shark) - originates from Cantonese
* 搭客 (passengers) - originates from Cantonese (compare putonghua 乘客
* 摆乌龙 (misunderstanding/make mistakes/confusion) - originates from Cantonese

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