List of characters in the Rival Schools series

List of characters in the Rival Schools series

This is a list of characters from the "Rival Schools" series of video games and comic books.

Introduced in "Rival Schools: United By Fate"

Batsu Ichimonji

:Video game voices|Nobuyuki Hiyamanihongo|Batsu Ichimonji|一文字 |"Ichimonji Batsu" is the main protagonist in both "Rival Schools" games. In "", he is introduced as recently transferred student to Taiyo High searching for his mother. Joined by Hinata and Kyosuke, Batsu finds the person responsible for it is his long-lost father, Raizo. His individual ending in the game reveals he saves his mother and makes peace with his father.

In the sequel, "Project Justice", Batsu is again the main character, but is dogged by accusations that he is responsible for a new wave of attacks on local schools. The Taiyo High story in the game illustrates two different fates for him; either he fights off the allegation with the help of students from Pacific High School, or disappears for a period of time before returning with increased fighting power. The powered-up Batsu is playable in the game as Burning Batsu.

Batsu was one of two "Rival Schools" characters (along with Akira) planned to appear in the cancelled game "Capcom Fighting All-Stars". He is a confirmed playable character in "", as well as .

Hinata Wakaba

:Video game voices|Tomoe Hanbanihongo|Hinata Wakaba|若葉 ひなた|"Wakaba Hinata" first appears in "Rival Schools", being the first student to tag along in Batsu's search for his missing mother. During the story, she admits to doing so to help protect her school. In her ending in the game, she finds out her involvement in the searches inspires other students at the school to take up karate, much to her surprise.

In "Project Justice", Hinata again joins Batsu and Kyosuke in investigating the new threat to the schools. Her fate in the Taiyo High story varies; in one story she is kidnapped by Kurow and eventually saved by Pacific High School students, or leads Taiyo's investigation in Batsu's absence and is later saved by him when attacked by Kurow.

Kyosuke Kagami

:Video game voices|Isshin Chibanihongo|Kyosuke Kagami| 恭介|"Kagami Kyōsuke" first debuts in "Rival Schools", as a student a Taiyo High who volunteers to help Batsu find his mother. It is later revealed that Kyosuke is behind the kidnapping and was working for his twin brother, Hyo. Ultimately, Kyosuke changes allegiances, and helps Batsu and Hinata in defeating Hyo, while convincing Hyo that force was not the way to achieve their dreams.

In "Project Justice", Kyosuke becomes concerned when he meets Kurow Kirishima and sense the power helping him. When Hyo is later possessed by the spirit of the brothers' father, Kyosuke reluctantly fight his brother again. After the apparent death of Hyo, Kyosuke disappears, with his friends at Taiyo High waiting for him to return to school. Whether he got out of the burning Justice High School HQ remains unknown.

Outside of the "Rival Schools" games, Kyosuke also is a playable character in "Capcom vs. SNK 2". One of his super moves in that game includes cameos by Batsu and Hinata.

Hayato Nekketsu

:Video game voices|Takumi Yamazakinihongo|Hayato Nekketsu|熱血 隼人|"Nekketsu Hayato" is a physical education teacher a Taiyo High. He first appears in the PlayStation version of "Rival Schools: United By Fate", as a bonus character. In that game, his plot is to find the source of the school abductions, as he believes the students are unable to do so themselves. In "Project Justice", he joins fellow teachers Hideo and Kyoko in investigating the new set of kidnappings a year later.

Hayato was designed by noted mangaka Kazuhiko Shimamoto.


:Video game voices|Megumi ToyoguchiChairperson, known as nihongo|Iincho|委員長|Iinchō in Japan, first appears in Hinata's ending in "Rival Schools", notifing her of their classmates were inspired by Hinata to taking up martial arts. In the ending, Chairperson is referred to as Class Leader. The School Life modes in "Rival Schools" and "Nekketsu Seisyun Nikki 2" expand on her character a bit more.

She makes her first playable appearance in "Project Justice", working together with Ran and the students of Pacific High School to find out the cause of the recent school violence.

homa Sawamura

:Video game voices|Yūji Uedanihongo|Shoma Sawamura|沢村 将馬|"Sawamura Shōma" is a student and baseball player from Gorin High, first appearing in "Rival Schools".

Natsu Ayuhara

:Video game voices|Narumi Tsunodanihongo|Natsu Ayuhara|鮎原 |"Ayuhara Natsu" is a student and volleyball player from Gorin High, first appearing in "Rival Schools"

Roberto Miura

:Video game voices|Toshiyuki Morikawanihongo|Roberto Miura|ロベルト 三浦|Roberuto Miura is a student and soccer player from Gorin High, first appearing in "Rival Schools".

Akira Kazama

:Video game voices|Chiharu Tezukanihongo|Akira Kazama|風間 アキラ|"Kazama Akira" is a character introduced in "Rival Schools: United by Fate". Her initial appearance in the game is under a motorcycle helmet and a biker gear, posing as a boy in order to find out what happened to her older brother, Daigo. She befriends two of his subordinates, Edge and Gan and they eventually rescue Daigo, where Akira's true identity is revealed to the characters and player. An alternate version of Akira without the helmet and suit is playable in "Rival Schools", but maintains the same ending as masked Akira.

In "Project Justice", Akira is revealed to have been transferred to the girls-only Seijyun High. In the Seijyun storyline, Akira is the central character, with the player following her quest to find out what happened to her brother. Unlike in "Rival Schools", Akira starts off without her motorcycle helmet disguse, but can unlock it after playing through a certain storyline in the game.

Akira, along with Batsu, was slated to appear in the canceled "Capcom Fighting All-Stars".


:Video game voices|Yoshiharu Yamadanihongo|Edge|エッジ, real name nihongo|Eiji Yamada|山田 栄二|"Yamada Eiji", is a student from Gedo High School and member of the school's gang, introduced in "Rival Schools: United By Fate". His most distinguishing features are his blonde hair, usually styled into tall spikes, and his use of knives when fighting.

In "Rival Schools", Edge is one of the Gedo students who joins a disguised Akira in finding the whereabouts of Gedo's gang leader, Daigo. Though Edge is initially suspecting of Akira, and even engages, with Gan's assistance, a fight with her, he eventually comes to accept her, especially after she reveals her true gender. His ending has him initially choosing to stop picking fights with other, but changes his mind at the urging of several of his classmates.

In "Project Justice", Edge becomes suspicious when a returning Daigo has him and Gan performing various, irrational attacks against other schools. Through the help of Akira and her friends at Seijyun High, the Gedo students break Daigo out of his brainwashing. The Gedo High ending in the game reveals that Edge is named one of the leaders of the Gedo gang after Daigo leaves to train.

Gan Isurugi

:Video game voices|Takashi Nagasakonihongo|Gan Isurugi|石動 |"Isurugi Gan" is a student from Gedo High and member of the school's gang, introduced in "Rival Schools: United By Fate". In "Rival Schools", Gan is one of the Gedo gang member who joins Akira in investigating what happened to Daigo. Like Edge, he is initially distrustful of Akira, but eventually accepts her as part of the gang even after she reveals her true identity. His ending has him inspired by his experiences to begin studying hard in class, albeit without much success.

In "Project Justice", Gan's role is much similar to Edge's, with both being used to attack random schools and eventually help the gang leader break free of his brainwashing. The Gedo high ending reveals that Gan was the other gang member appointed to lead the gang in Daigo's absence.

Daigo Kazama

:Video game voices|Koichi Yamaderanihongo|Daigo Kazama|風間 醍醐|"Kazama Daigo" is a student of Gedo High and the leader of the school's gang. He first appears in the arcade version of "Rival Schools: United By Fate" in Akira's ending, and is first playable in the PlayStation port of the game. In "Rival Schools", Daigo has no set story in single player mode, although it is explained he set out alone to find the person responsible for the school kidnappings. His ending in the game reveals that he was defeated and brainwashed by Hyo Imawano, and was later freed by Akira, Edge and Gan in Akira's ending.

In "Project Justice", Daigo is the central character in the Gedo High story. After returning from a trip that takes place between "Rival Schools" and "Project Justice", Daigo begins ordering his gang to attack random schools, much to the reluctance of Edge and Gan. When Daigo orders an attack on Seijyun High, Edge and Gan work with Akira and her Seiyjun classmates to stop him. It is then revealed that Daigo was brainwashed by Kurow Kirishima in order to create discord between the schools. The Gedo High story has two ending in the game which portray different fates for Daigo - one ending has him break free of his brainwashing and take a leave of absence to reflect on himself, while the other has him succumb to injuries from fighting. The brainwashed Daigo is playable in "Project Justice", as the character Wild Daigo.

Roy Bromwell

:Video game voices|Ryōtarō Okiayunihongo|Roy Bromwell|ロイ・ブロムウェル|Roi Buromuweru is a character first introduced in "Rival Schools: United By Fate". A rich foreign exchange student from the United States, he is often portrayed in the games as main character Batsu's rival. He is also an American football player, with a number of his in-game special moves named after elements of the sport.

In the first game, he is ordered to investigate the school kidnappings by his father, with Tiffany and Boman joining him. During their investigation, the American trio is defeated and brainwashed to the service of Justice High, but eventually is freed thanks to Batsu and his Taiyo High compatriots. This causes Roy eventually rethink his ideas about Japan and its people. His ending in the game has him return to the United States determined to change the way of thinking in his home country, and 30 years after the games take place, he is elected the President of the United States.

In "Project Justice", Roy, along with Tiffany, returns to Japan when the new school conflict breaks out. They show up in two of the storylines in the game; either helping Batsu and his friends in the Taiyo High story, or joining up with Boman in the Pacific High story. The Pacific High ending has him return to the United States with Tiffany, more determined to change the world.

Tiffany Lords

:Video game voices|Miki Narahashinihongo|Tiffany Lords|ティファニー・ローズ|Tifanī Rōzu is student from Pacific High, also from the United States. Her story in "Rival Schools: United By Fate" has her joining Roy in his investigation of the school kidnappings, due to her crush on him. Like her classmates, she is captured and brainwashed by Justice High, but is eventually freed by students from Taiyo High. Her ending has her return to the United States with Roy, and setting out to train as a bodyguard after Roy begins his studies in politics.

In "Project Justice", Tiffany joins Roy in returning to Japan to investigate the new crisis in the country. Like Roy, she also appears in either the Taiyo High story, where she saves Hinata from capture, or the Pacific High story. She also returns to the United States in the Pacific High ending, setting out to help Roy in achieving his goals.

Boman Delgado

:Video game voices|Takashi Nagasakonihongo|Boman Delgado|ボーマン・デルガド|Bōman Derugado is a student from Pacific High from the United States. He is training to be a preacher, and many of his moves in the games introduce some Christian imagery, mostly crosses.

In "Rival Schools", Boman joins Roy and Tiffany in their investigation of the kidnappings, albeit reluctantly due to his non-violent nature. He too is captured and brainwashed by Justice High, and eventually freed by Taiyo High students. This act inspires Boman, as in his ending, he stays in Japan to better understand Japanese culture and bridge the difference between Japan and the US.

In "Project Justice", Boman is the central character of the Pacific High story, having set out to find the person responsible for disrupting an inter-school athletic competition. He is joined in the investigation by two Taiyo High students, Ran and Chairperson, and later his classmates Roy and Tiffany. The Pacific High ending has him again stay in Japan to help improve relations between the US and Japan.

Hideo Shimazu

:Video game voices|Tetsuo Mizutorinihongo|Hideo Shimazu|島津 英雄|"Shimazu Hideo" first appears in "Rival Schools", introduced as a Japanese language teacher who is sent along with Kyoko to recruit students to the school. The game's story has Hideo eventually brainwashed by the school's principal and forced to bring in students the school, but is snapped out of the brainwashing by students from Taiyo High School. Hideo's story has him show some concern for Kyoko and his ending, he proposes to her.

In "Project Justice", he and Kyoko, along with fellow teacher Hayato Nekketsu, investigate who is responsible for the new attacks on the school and eventually discover that a student at Justice, Kurow, is responsible. In story mode, Hideo is playable in the Justice High School, with the ending showing him hospitalized from the investigation (although a specific explanation to why is never given).

Outside the "Rival Schools" games, Hideo appears alongside Kyoko as playable characters in the cross-over strategy RPG "Namco X Capcom".

Kyoko Minazuki

:Video game voices|Kotono Mitsuishinihongo|Kyoko Minazuki|水無月 響子|"Minazuki Kyōko" is a school nurse and later chemistry teacher at Justice High School. In "Rival Schools", she is sent along with Hideo to recruit students to the school. Like Hideo, she too is captured and brainwashed to do the school's bidding until being freed by students from Taiyo High. In her ending in the game, the values she gains from the ordeal moves her to convict a former employer for corruption, and she eventually accepts Hideo's marriage proposal.

In "Project Justice", Kyoko appears with Hideo and Hayato in the Justice High storyline, investigating the cause of the new school attacks. In the story's ending, she is shown taking care of Hideo and reminding him of their wedding.

Kyoko also appears as a playable character in "Namco X Capcom" alongside Hideo.

Raizo Imawano

:Video game voices|Tomomichi Nishimuranihongo|Raizo Imawano|忌野 雷蔵|"Imawano Raizō" first appears in "Rival Schools: United by Fate" and is initially portrayed as the main antagonist in the game. The principal of Justice High, most of the games cutscenes show him as the organizer of the events that take place in the game and reveal that he is the father of Batsu. However, the "true" ending to the game reveal Raizo was working under the orders of Hyo, his nephew who brainwashed him as well as most of the student body. Raizo is a hidden character in the game and his ending shows him atoning for his actions and returns to his family.

In Project Justice, Raizo is not playable, but makes a few appearances in the game's Story Mode. An attack on him by Kurow is the catalyst for the events of the game's story, and he also makes an appearance in the Taiyo High story mode.

Hyo Imawano

:Video game voices|Kaneto Shiozawanihongo|Hyo Imawano|忌野 |"Imawano Hyō" first appears in "Rival Schools: United by Fate" as the final boss of the game. Revealed through the player meeting certain requirements during a fight with Raizo, Hyo is shown as the mastermind behind the events of the game's story, with his goal to take over Japan. Hyo is ultimately defeated by students from Taiyo High School, which include his twin brother Kyosuke. Hyo is also playable in the game, with his ending showing him successful in his plans but regretting having to defeat Kyosuke in doing so. However, this ending is not canonical.

In "Project Justice", Hyo appears as the final boss of the game, but is not the main antagonist. In most of the game's Story Mode, he initially appears to defeat Kurow Kirishima, who had been shown brainwashing Hyo earlier in the storyline. Afterwards, he is shown being taken over by his father's spirit, where he becomes Demon Hyo, the final boss of the game. Again he is defeated by Kyosuke, but dies from the fight.

akura Kasugano

:Video game voices|Yuko SasamotoOriginally a character from "Street Fighter Alpha 2", nihongo|Sakura Kasugano|春日野 さくら |"Kasugano Sakura" makes a guest appearance in "Rival Schools: United By Fate". She has no actual storyline show in single-player mode of the game, although she does have a proper ending after beating the final boss in the game. The in-game story establishes her as childhood friends with Hinata Wakaba and Natsu Ayuhara.

Introduced in "Nekketsu Seisyun Nikki 2"

Ran Hibiki

:Video game voices|Akiko Hiramatsunihongo|Ran Hibiki|ひびき |"Hibiki Ran" is a student at Taiyo High and a reporter for the school's newspaper. She makes her first appearance in "Shiritsu Justice Gakuen: Nekketsu Seisyun Nikki 2", with her plot being to get an exclusive news story on the kidnapping and disappearances. In "Project Justice", she works with Chairperson and students from Pacific High School to find the new persons responsible for creating havoc between the schools.

Nagare Namikawa

:Video game voices|Shin-ichiro Mikinihongo|Nagare Namikawa|波川 |"Namikawa Nagare" is a student and swimmer from Gorin High, first appearing in "Nekketsu Seisyun Nikki 2". His story explains he is a childhood friend of Shoma, and sets out to find him after he disappears from the school. Though he has no story cutscenes, his ending shows him freeing Shoma from the control of Justice High School. In Project Justice, he is a member of the school's university branch, Gorin University. In the game's plot, he joins Natsu and Roberto to investigate the new school attacks after Shoma separate from the group. He makes an appearance in the Gorin High ending, commenting with Roberto on Shoma, Natsu and Momo.

Introduced in "Project Justice"

Momo Karuizawa

:Video game voices|Rei Sakumanihongo|Momo Karuizawa|軽井沢 もも|"Karuizawa Momo" is a student and tennis player from Gorin High, first appearing in "Project Justice". She appears in the Gorin storyline as the apparent victim of bullying by Batsu, and appeals to the students of the school to help her, getting Shoma to join her in getting back at Batsu. It is later revealed that she is actually working Kurow Kirishima, and that her actions were to distract Shoma and his friends. She is betrayed by Kurow at the end of the Gorin story, however, and begins attending the school. The Gorin ending also reveals she develops a legitimate crush on Shoma, to the chagrin of Natsu.

Yurika Kirishima

:Video game voices|Keiko Hannihongo|Yurika Kirishima|霧島 ゆりか|"Kirishima Yurika" is one of two Seijyun High characters introduced in "Project Justice", where she is introduced to the player as a high-class girl who fights with her violin. In the game's story mode, she befriends Akira and Zaki, but is also shown in several other storylines to be doing so at the orders of her brother, Kurow. She is later shown admitting to helping her brother's plans and betrays him to join her friends. The Seijyun High ending shows her having disappeared from school out of guilt for her actions, but she later returns (much to the pleasure of Akira).


:Video game voices|Ai Orikasanihongo|Zaki|ザキ, real name nihongo|Aoi Himezaki|姫崎 |"Himezaki Aoi", is a character introduced in "Project Justice". Zaki is introduced at the beginning of the Seijyun High School storyline, being asked by Akira and Yurika to help investigate the strange behavior of Akira's brother, Daigo. She is shown to be highly confrontational, showing anger as an attack by Batsu Ichimonji and snapping at the teacher of trio of Hideo, Kyoko and Hayato when the girls are questioned about the confrontation, but is also seen as forgiving when Yurika reveals herself to be working for Kurow Kirishima, the person who brainwashed Daigo, Zaki is at first reluctant to forgive her, but changes her mind when Akira forgives Yurika anyway.

Kurow Kirishima

:Video game voices|Bin Shimadanihongo|Kurow Kirishima|霧嶋 九郎|"Kirishima Kurō" is the primary villain in "Project Justice", but this is not revealed on until later in the story. He makes various appearances through out different stories early on in the game's story mode, either as himself or as Vatsu, a doppelgänger of series hero Batsu Ichimonji. His actions include either attacking various groups of students with his lackeys - either his sister Yurika, Momo or a brainwashed Daigo - or having them do his dirty work for him.

At a certain point, Kurow unveils himself as the mastermind behind the recent upheaval among the schools. He explains that he is sent by the ninja clan the Imawano family was a part of to assassinate Batsu, Raizo, Kyosuke and Hyo. After being defeated by the group of students selected by the player, he attempts to send a brainwashed Hyo Imawano after the players, only to be betrayed and defeated by Hyo. The sequence following the final fight in story mode reveals Kurow is hospitalized after the attack, but escapes after a few days.

A bonus storyline available in "Project Justice", the Darkside Student Council, tells an alternate story in which Kurow's plans to take over the various schools succeeds. The ending for this story has him at the head of Justice High School, shown with the various characters of the series as his brainwashed servants.

See also

* ""
* "Project Justice"

External links

* [ Character profiles on Rival Schools Network]

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