Carlos María Bustamante

Carlos María Bustamante

Carlos María Bustamante (4 November 1774 – 29 September 1848) was a Mexican statesman and historian

Biography and works

Carlos María Bustamante was born in the city of Oaxaca in 1774. In 1796 he took up the study of law, participated in the attempts to secure Mexico's independence from Spain, and, when that was finally achieved, opposed the designs of Agustín de Iturbide to transform the newborn republic into a hereditary monarchy. Repeatedly imprisoned and banished, he was nevertheless appointed to important positions in the Government. The U.S.-Mexico War of 1846-48 was a source of deep grief to him, and he felt so keenly the disastrous results of it for his country that he survived its close only about one year. His historical sketch of that war is a sad record of the decay and disintegration which afflicted Mexico at the time. He writes with the greatest frankness, and unsparingly, about the conduct of the war on the Mexican side. His autobiography "Lo que se dice, y lo que se hace, 1833", published in 1833, is also valuable as a fragment of contemporary history.

Although constantly concerned in the politics of Mexico, and occupying several very responsible positions during the most trying times of the Mexican Republic until the close of the war with the United States, Bustamante found time and leisure to secure a prominent position in the historical literature of his country. Bustamante distinguished himself by publishing historical works on colonial times, till then in manuscript, and partly forgotten. Above all, his publication of "Historia general de las cosas de Nueva España", by Fray Bernardino de Sahagún of the second half of the Sixteenth century, was a service to historical research. It is open to grave criticism, being defective and sometimes slovenly, but it should not be forgotten that it is the first, of its kind and was published during the most troubled period of the editors life. It must be condemned as unreliable in many respects, and yet it has opened the road to more exhaustive, and hence more valuable investigations. In addition to the work of Sahagún, Bustamante printed the chronicle of Gomara, the work of Veytia on Tezcuco, the dissertations of Gama on two large Mexican sculptures, and others. To the history by Sahagún he added one of the "relaciones" of Ixtlixochitl, selected by him for the passionate spirit which it displays against the Spaniards. Bustamante's anti-Spanish feelings influence even his scientific publications and detract from their value.

Any modern history of Mexico touches on the life and writings of Bustamante. In addition to the autobiography mentioned, and the light shed by his other works, the "Diccionario universal de Historia y Geografía" (Mexico, 1853), contains an exhaustive account of the man. Alamán has written about him in terms of great eulogy, putting in relief especially his private character and the virtues of his domestic life.


*"Apuntes para la historia del gobierno del general Antonio López de Santa Anna"
*"Cuadro histórico de la revolución de la América Mejicana"

ources and references

*CathEncy|title=Carlos María Bustamante|url=
*Alamán, "Historia de México" (Mexico, 1848)
* Idem, "Disertaciones sobre la Historia de la República Mexicana" (Mexico, 1848)
* "Diccionario hispano-americano".

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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