Noor Mang

Noor Mang

Noormang or Noormong is a small village situated between Namli Maira and Phalkot (Dhaki Khaiter) in Abbottabad District in the North West Frontier Province of Pakistan.



Noor Mang is located in Namli Maira Union Council.


The majority of people of Noor Mang belong to Awan tribe. These tribes are sub divided in different categories (Bukayal(50%),Karral(0%),Khunal(40%), Shegal(10%) etc)


Most of the people of this hilly area work in farming and sheep rearing. The young generation produced by Noor Mang is serving the nation & proved his Excellency in every field of life. Now a day’s some people of this area is Charted Accountant, Some are in Army and some are in other public and private services of Pakistan. Some people of this village are going aboard for studies or Jobs.

Approach to Noor Mang was once difficult by road as tracking of about 2 hours needed to be done on foot to reach there but now it has become possible by installing a chair lift from Bagnotar village area to this area. New roads are completed. This road was constructed by the effort of Mr. Dildar Awan approved by Sardar Muhammad Idrees Ex-Minister LG & RD NWFP. Dildar Awan most poplar and young polital ledar of Namli Mara Union Counsal. Noor Mang is already enjoying facilities of telephone and electricity. Wood is used as fuel. While new schools are being initiated to boost up the education & literacy rate in the village.

Malik Mirdad Awan

Richest Person of Union Council. He is cousin of Malik Kala Khan (Late).

Malik Muhammad Fareed

He is a wealthy businessman.He has done a lot not only for the village but for the province as a whole with much contribution for the business community which has resulted for him to become the President of Hattar/Haripur Chamber of Commerce & Industry.

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