

name = Glires
fossil_range = Early Paleocene - Recent

image_width = 250px
image_caption = Kangaroo rat ("Dipodomys")
regnum = Animalia
classis = Mammalia
infraclassis = Eutheria
superordo = Euarchontoglires
unranked_familia = Glires
subdivision_ranks = Orders
subdivision =
* Rodentia
* Lagomorpha
* †Anagalida
* †Leptictida

Glires (Latin "glīrēs", dormice) is a clade consisting of rodents and lagomorphs (rabbits, hares, and pikas). This hypothesis that these form a monophyletic group has been long debated based on morphological evidence, although recent morphological studies strongly support monophyly of Glires (Meng and Wyss, 2001; Meng et al., 2003). In particular, the discovery of new fossil material of basal members of Glires, particularly the genera "Mimotona", "Gomphos", "Heomys", "Matutinia", "Rhombomylus", and "Sinomylus", has helped to bridge the gap between more typical rodents and lagomorphs (Meng et al., 2003; Asher et al., 2005). Data based on nuclear DNA support Glires as a sister of Euarchonta to form Euarchontoglires (Murphy et al. and Madsen et al. 2001), but some genetic data from both nuclear and mitochondrial DNA have been less supportive (Arnason et al. 2002). A study investigating retrotransposon presence/absence data unambiguously supports the Glires hypothesis (Kriegs et al. 2007).


*Asher R.J., J. Meng, J.R. Wible, M.C. McKenna, G.W. Rougier, D. Dashzeveg, and M.J. Novacek, 2005. Stem Lagomorpha and the antiquity of Glires. "Science" 307:1091-1094. [ Abstract]

*Madsen O., M. Scally, C. J. Douady, D. J. Kao, R. W. DeBry, R. Adkins, H. M. Amrine, M. J. Stanhope, W. W. de Jong, M. S. Springer, 2001 Parallel adaptive radiations in two major clades of placental mammals. "Nature" 409:610-614. []

*Meng J., Y. Hu, C. Li, 2003. The osteology of "Rhombomylus" (Mammalia, Glires): implications for phylogeny and evolution of Glires. "Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History" 275:1-247. []

*Meng, J., and A.R. Wyss, 2001. The morphology of "Tribosphenomys" (Rodentiaformes, Mammalia): phylogenetic implications for basal Glires. "Journal of Mammalian Evolution" 8(1):1-71.

*Murphy W. J., E. Eizirik, W. E. Johnson, Y. P. Zhang, O. A. Ryder, S. J. O'Brien, 2001a. Molecular phylogenetics and the origins of placental mammals. "Nature" 409:614-618. []

*Ulfur Arnason, et al. Mammalian mitogenomic relationships and the root of the eutherian tree. "Proceedings of the National Academy of Science" 99: 8151-8156. []

*Jan Ole Kriegs, Gennady Churakov, Jerzy Jurka, Jürgen Brosius, and Jürgen Schmitz (2007) Evolutionary history of 7SL RNA-derived SINEs in Supraprimates. Trends in Genetics 23 (4): 158-161 [] (PDF version [] )

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