- Íñigo Arista of Pamplona
Íñigo Íñiguez Arista ( _ar. ونقه بن ونقه, "Wannaqo ibn Wannaqo", Basque: Eneko Enekones Aritza/Haritza/
Aiza ) (c. 790 – 851 or 852) was the firstKing of Pamplona (c. 824 – 851 or 852). He is said by a later chronicler to have been count ofBigorre , or at least to have come from there, but there is no near-contemporary evidence of this. [Barrau-Dihigo] His origin is obscure, but hispatronymic indicates that he was the son of an Íñigo. [Lacarra. A charter preserved at Leyre describes him as "Enneco . . . filius Simeonis" (Íñigo Jiménez) and another Leyre document reports the obituary of "Enneco Garceanes, que fuit vulgariter vocas Areista" (Íñigo Garcés, called Arista), and later historians have followed one or the other of these, but both are thought to result from later corruption or forgery. 11th century chroniclersIbn Hayyan and Al-Udri both call him ibn Wannaqo/Yannaqo (Íñiguez). Barrau-Dihigo.] It has been speculated that he was kinsman of García Jiménez, who in the late 8th century succeeded his father Jimeno 'the Strong' in resistingCarolingian expansion intoVasconia . He is also speculated to have been related to the other Navarrese dynasty, the Jiménez. [Lacarra]His mother also married
Mūsā ibn Fortún ibn Qasi , by whom she was mother ofMūsā ibn Mūsā ibn Qasi , head of theBanu Qasi andMoslem king of Tudela, one of the chief lords of Valley of theEbro . [ Íñigo and Fortún Íñiguez are explicitly called brothers of Mūsā ibn Mūsā on their mother's side by chronclersIbn Hayyan and Al-Udri. The order of the maternal marriages has been subject to speculation, with Lévi-Provençal and Pérez de Urbel having the widowed mother of Íñigo marrying Musà ibn Fortún, while Sánchez Albernoz ("Problemas") argued that the Christian marriage came after the Muslim.] Due to this relationship, Íñigo and his kin frequently acted in alliance with Mūsā ibn Mūsā and this relationship allowed Eneko to extend his influence over large territories in the Pyrenean valleys.The family came to power through struggles with Frankish and
Muslim influence in Spain. In 799, pro-Frankish assassins murderedMutarrif ibn Mūsā , governor ofPamplona , the brother ofMūsā ibn Mūsā ibn Qasi and perhaps of Íñigo himself. In 820, Íñigo intervened in theCounty of Aragon , ejecting a Frankish vassal, countAznar I Galíndez , in favor of García "el Malo" ("the Bad"), who would become Íñigo's son-in-law. In 824, the Frankish countsAeblus andAznar Sánchez made an expedition against Pamplona, but were defeated in the third Battle of Roncesvalles. The Basque victors are not named, but it was in the context of this defeat that Íñigo is said to have been pronounced "King of Pamplona" in that city by the people. Íñigo was a "Christicolae princeps" (Christian prince), according toEulogio de Córdoba .Fact|date=February 2008 However, his kingdom continually played Moslem and Christian against themselves and each other to maintain independence against outside powers.In 840 his lands were attacked by Abd Allah ibn Kulayb, "wali" of Zaragoza, leading his half-brother, Mūsā ibn Mūsā into rebellion. [de la Granja, p. 468-9.] The next year, Eneko fell victim to
paralysis in battle against the Norse with Mūsā ibn Mūsā.Fact|date=February 2008 His son García acted asregent , in concert withFortún Íñiguez ( _ar. فرتون بن ونقه, "Fortūn ibn Wannaqo"), "the premier knight of the realm", the king's brother and also half-brother of Mūsā. They joined Mūsā ibn Mūsā in an uprising against the Caliphate of Córdoba.Abd-ar-Rahman II ,emir of Córdoba , launched reprisal campaigns in the succeeding years. In 843, Fortún Íñiguez was killed, and Mūsā unhorsed and forced to escape on foot, while Eneko and his son Galindo escaped with wounds and several nobleman, most notably Velasco Garcés defected to Abd-ar-Rahman. The next year, Eneko's own son, Galindo Íñiguez and Mūsā's son Lubb ibn Mūsā went over to Córdoba, and Mūsā was forced to submit. Following a brief campaign the next year, 845, a general peace was achieved. [Lévi-Provençal and García Gómez; Sánchez Albernoz ("Problemas")] In 850, Mūsā again rose in open rebellion, supported again by Pamplona, ["ibid"] and envoys of "Induo" (thought to be Eneko) and "Mitio", [Identified by Pérez de Urbel withJimeno of Pamplona , but Sánchez Albernoz rejects this.] "Dukes of the Navarrese", were received at the French court. Eneko died in the Muslim year 237, which is late 851 or early 852, and was succeeded by García Íñiguez. [Lévi-Provençal and García Gómez; Sánchez Albernoz ("Problemas"). It has been suggested that either Jimeno or his son García Jiménez served as regent following the death of Íñigo, but there is no evidence of this.]The name of the wife (or wives) of Eneko is not reported in contemporary records, although chronicles from centuries later assign her the name of Toda or Oneca. [Settipani] There is also scholarly debate regarding her derivation, some hypothesizing that she was daughter of Velasco, lord of Pamplona (killed 816), and others making her kinswoman of
Aznar I Galíndez [Mello Vaz de São Payo;Stasser. These identifications are based on the names given in subsequent generations, but Sánchez Albernoz ("Problemas") wrote of the danger of assuming such name usage demonstrate specific familial linkages.] . He was father of the following known children: [Lacarra;Lévi-Provençal and García Gómez; Sánchez Albernoz, ("Problemas")]*Assona Íñiguez, who married her father's half-brother, Mūsā ibn Mūsā ibn Fortún ibn Qasi, lord of Tudela and
*García Íñiguez, the future king
*Galindo Íñiguez, fled to Córdoba where he was friend of Eulogio of Córdoba and became father ofMūsā ibn Galindo ,Wali ofHuesca in 860, assassinated in 870 in Córdoba [Sánchez Albernoz ("S. Eulogio y el Muqtabis")]
*a daughter, wife of Count García "el Malo" ("the Bad") ofAragón .The dynasty founded by Eneko reigned for about 80 years, being supplanted by a rival dynasty in 905. However, due to intermarriages, subsequent kings of Navarre descend from Eneko.
*Barrau-Dihigo, Lucien. Les origines du royaume de Navarre d'apres une théorie récente. "Revue Hispanique". 7: 141-222 (1900).
*de la Granja, Fernando. "La Marca Superior en la obra de Al-'Udri". "Estudios de Edad Media de la Corona de Aragon". 8:447-545 (1967).
*Lacarra de Miguel, José María. "Textos navarros del Códice de Roda". "Estudios de Edad Media de la Corona de Aragon". 1:194-283 (1945).
*Lévi-Provençal, Evariste. "Du nouveau sur le Royaume de Pampelune au IXe Siècle". "Bulletin Hispanique". 55:5-22 (1953).
*Lévi-Provençal, Evariste and
Emilio García Gómez . "Textos inéditos del "Muqtabis" de Ibn Hayyan sobre los orígines del Reino de Pamplona". "Al-Andalus". 19:295-315 (1954).*Mello Vaz de São Payo, Luiz. "A Ascendência de D. Afonso Henriques". "Raízes & Memórias" 6:23-57 (1990).
*Pérez de Urbel, Justo. "Lo viejo y lo nuevo sobre el origin del Reino de Pamplona". "Al-Andalus". 19:1-42 (1954).
*Sánchez Albernoz, Claudio. "La Epistola de S. Eulogio y el Muqtabis de Ibn Hayan". "Princípe de Viana". 19:265-66 (1958).
*Sánchez Albernoz, Claudio. "Problemas de la historia Navarra del siglo IX". "Princípe de Viana", 20:5-62 (1959).
*Settipani, Christian. "La Noblesse du Midi Carolingien", Occasional Publiucations of the Unit for Prosopographical Research, Vol. 5. (2004).
*Stasser, Thierry. "Consanguinity et Alliances Dynastiques en Espagne au Haut Moyen Age: La Politique Matrimoniale de la Reinne Tota de Navarre". "Hidalguia". No. 277: 811-39 (1999).
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