Battle of Drumnacoub

Battle of Drumnacoub

The Battle of Drumnacoub was a Scottish clan battle fought in the year 1429, on the slopes of the mountain Ben Loyal, near the village of Tongue in the Scottish Highlands. It was fought between members of the Clan MacKay and also men of the Clan Murray and Clan Sutherland. "History of the House and Clan of MacKay by Robert Makay (1829). p.58 - 59: Quoting the "Genealogical History of the Earldom of Sutherland". p.63 - 64, by Sir Robert Gordon (1580 -1656). ]


Niel MacKay, the son of chief Angus Dow MacKay had been imprisoned at the Bass Rock by King James I of Scotland in 1427 after the Battle of Harpsdale. Niel MacKay had three sons before he was imprisoned: Thomas MacNiel, Morgan and Niel.

Thoms MacNiel, son of the imprisoned Niel MacKay had killed the Laird of Freswick by the name of Mowat. He had pursued and killed Mowat with all his company, near the town of Tain in Ross, within the chapel of St Duffus, which he also burnt to the ground. Mowat had retired himself to the chapel to find sanctuary. The King soon after denounced Thomas MacNeil to be a rebel and promised his lands and possessions for a reward to any that would kill or apprehend him. Thomas was captured by Angus Murray with the help of Thomas's own brothers Morgan and Niel MacKay. After being handed over to the king, Thomas was executed at Inverness.

Sir Robert Gordon (1580 - 1656) wrote an account of this event in his book the "Genealogical History of the Earldom of Sutherland":

"Niel MacKay, who assisted the battle of Tuttim - Tarwach, had three sons, as I have already shewn, Thomas, Morgan, and Niel. Thomas MacNeil, that is the son of Niel, possessed the lands of Creich, Spanizedale, and Pulrossie in Sutherland. This Thomas had conceived some displeasure against the laird of Frewick, called Mowat, whom he had pursued and killed, with all his company, near the town of Tain, in Ross, within the chapel of St Duffus, and burnt also that chapel, unto which Mowat had retired himself as to a sanctuary. The king hearing of this cruel fact, proclaimed and denounced Thomas MacNiel to be a rebel; promised his lands and possessions for a reward to any that would kill or apprehend him. Angus Murray, the son of Alexander Murray of Cubin, understanding the king's proclamation, went about to effectuate this service; and to this purpose had secret conference with Morgan and Niel, the Brethen of Thomas. Angus Murray offered unto them, if they would assist to apprehend their brother Thomas, he would give them his own two daughters in marriage, and help them also to get the peaceable possession of such lands in Strathnaver as they made claim unto, which then they might easily obtain with little or no resistance, in regard that the cousin Angus-Dow MacKay was then unable, by reason of weakness of his body at that time, to withstand them, and that his son, Niel lay prisoner in the Bass; and farther he promised that he would deal with the Earl of Sutherland to favour and assist them. To this they easily yielded, pretending a title to Angus Dow his possessions in Strathnaver. So presently thereupon apprehending their brother Thomas MacNiel at Spanizedale in Sutherland, they delivered him up to Angus Murray, who was presented to the king. Then Thomas MacNiel was executed at Inverness, and the lands of Pulrossie and Spanizedale, which he did possess were given by the king to Angus Murray as a reward for his service" ["Genealogical History of the Earldom of Sutherland. p.64 - 65, by Sir Robert Gordon (1580 -1656).] "

Battle of Drumnacoub

After these events the MacKays were divided, the elderly chief Angus-Dow MacKay and his loyal son John were at odds with Angus's grandsons (through his son Niel) Morgan and Niel, who had betrayed their own brother Thomas. This is said do have been caused by the Earl of Sutherland and Angus Murray who offered Niel and Morgan MacKay rewards for their services. [History of the House and Clan of MacKay by Robert Makay (1829). p.66]

In order to complete his "design" the Earl of Sutherland ordered all his forces to support Niel and Morgan MacKay in obtaining Angus MacKay's lands. Angus MacKay by that time was by far in advanced years and was at a loss as to how to act but was advised by his son John MacKay not to yield to any of their demands and that he would defend their country or die doing so. This affair was terminated by the decisive Battle of Drumnacoub, which has been described by the historians George Buchanan, Pinkerton and Sir Robert Gordon. [History of the House and Clan of MacKay by Robert Makay (1829). p.66]

Sir Robert Gordon (1580 - 1656) wrote an account of this battle in his book the "Genealogical History of the Earldom of Sutherland":

"Angus Murray, for the performance of his engaged promise made to Niel and Morgan, gave them his two daughters in marriage; then gathering a company of Sutherland-men, with Earl Robert his attollerance, he went on with these two brethren into Strathnver, to invade the same. Angus-Dow MacKay hearing of their approach, convened his countrymen, and because he was unable himself in person to resist his enemies, he made his son John Aberigh MacKay, commander of his host. When they were ready to encounter, some two miles from Tongue, at a place called Drum-ne-coub, Angus-Dow MacKay sent message unto his cousin-germans, Niel and Morgan, offering them all his lands and possessions, except what is called Kintail in Strathnaver; which offer they did refuse, whereupon there ensued a cruel and sharp conflict, valiantly fought a long time with great slaughter on either side; Niel and Morgan trusting to their forces, John Aberigh reposing his confidence in the equity of his cause, encouraged his men to assault their enemies afresh, who, with the like manhood, made stout resistance; by reason whereof there ensued such a cruel fight between them, that there remained, in the end very few alive on either side. John Aberigh seemed to have victory, because he escaped with his life, yet very sore wounded, and mutilate by the loss of one of his arms. His father, Angus Dow MacKay, being carried thither to view the place of the conflict, and searching for the corpse of his unkind cousins, was there slain with an arrow, after the conflict by a Sutherland-man that was lurking in a bush hard by. Niel and Morgan, with their father-in-law Angus Murray, were slain; and as they had undertaken this enterprise upon an evil ground, so they perished therein accordingly." ["Genealogical History of the Earldom of Sutherland. p.65 - 66, by Sir Robert Gordon (1580 -1656).] "


Sir Robert Gordon also writes of the events after the Battle of Drumnacoub:

"The Earl of Sutherland being advertised how all passed at Drum-na-coub, and being informed of Angus Murray his death, he pursued John Aberigh so hotly, that he constrained him, for safety of his life, to fly into the isles. But John returning from thence the night ensuing christmas, he came to Strathully (Helmsdale), and there killed three of the Sutherlands at Dinaboll, having invaded them at unawares; whereupon Earl Robert pursued John Aberigh the second time, so eagerly that he was constrained to submit himself, and crave him pardon for his offence, which he obtained upon his submission. Then again John Aberigh settled himself into the country of Strathnaver, where he continued until the death of King James the First, that his brother, Neil-Wass MacKay was relieved out of the Bass (in 1437), by the means of the lady of that place, who was his near kinswoman. And at Niel his return into Strathnaver John Aberigh willingly surrendered unto him all his lands within the country. Yet Niel gave unto his brother John the lands about Lochnaver, as a possession to dwell in during his days; which lands his posterity, the Sleaght-ean Aberigh (descendants of John) do possess and inhabit at this day" ["Genealogical History of the Earldom of Sutherland. p.66 - 67, by Sir Robert Gordon (1580 -1656).] "


External links

* [ Battle of Drumnacoub in Conflicts of the Clans]
* [ Battle of Drumnacoub@ElectricScotland]

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