Battle of Harpsdale

Battle of Harpsdale

The Battle of Harpsdale also known as the Battle of Harpasdal was a Scottish clan battle fought in Caithness, in the Scottish Highlands, in the year 1426 between the Clan MacKay against the forces of the Earl of Sutherland, which included men from Clan Murray and Clan Sutherland, the chiefs of these two clans shared the same ancestor and therefore were strong allies for several centuries.

The Battle

Angus Du MacKay, chief of the Clan MacKay entered with all hostility and "spoiled" or "laid waste" the lands of Caithness. The inhabitants of Caithness assembled with all diligence, and fought with Angus Dow Mackay at Harpasdal, where there was great slaughter on either side.

After the battle Angus Dow Mackay, hearing that the King was at Inverness, came and submitted himself to the King's mercy, and gave his son Neil in pledge of his obedience in time coming, which submission the King accepted, and sent Neil Mackay to remain in captivity on the Bass Rock, in the Firth of Forth, he was afterwards called Neil Wasse Mackay. [History of the House and Clan of MacKay by Robert Makay (1829). P.58.]

Sir Robert Gordon (1580 -1656) wrote an account of the battle in his book, the "Genealogical History of the Earldom of Sutherland":

"In the days of Robert, Earl of Sutherland, the year 1426, Angus-Dow MacKay, and his son Niel, assembling all the forces of Strathnaver, they entered into Caithness with all hostility, and spoiled the same. The inhabitants of Caithness convened with all diligence, and fought against Angus-Dow MacKay at Harpsdale, where there was great slaughter on either side. The report hereof came to the ears of King James the First, who thereupon came north to Inverness, of intention to pursue Angus-Dow MacKay. Hearing of the king's being at Inverness, he came and submitted himself to the king's mercy, and gave his son Niel in pledge for his good obedience from thenceforward: which submission the king accepted, and sent Niel MacKay to remain in captivity in the Bass who from thenceforth was always called Niel-Bass MacKay. ["Genealogical History of the Earldom of Sutherland". p.63 - 64, by Sir Robert Gordon (1580 -1656).]


In the aftermarth of this battle and several other battles, including Harlaw, King James I of Scotland assembled a Parliament at Inverness in spring 1427 to restore order in the Highlands. Many Highland chiefs were arrested and punished including Alexander MacDonald, Lord of the Isles and his mother Mary, the Countess of Ross. Also arrested was Angus Duff MacKay "leader of 4000 MacKays" of Strathnavern, Kenneth More, John Ross, William Leslie, Angus Murray and Macmaken, each also a chief of 2000. Two of them were tried, condemned and beheaded, and one of them who had murdered the late Lord of the Isles was also executed in impartial justice. The others were scattered as prisoners in different castles and time after time, some were condemned to death and some were restored to liberty. [History of the House and Clan of MacKay by Robert Makay (1829). P.57 - 58.]

The Battle of Harpsdale itself would lead to more feuds and battles between the MacKays, Sutherlands and Murrays which would eventually lead to the Battle of Drumnacoub in 1431. [History of the House and Clan of MacKay by Robert Makay (1829). P.57 - 58.]


External links

* [ Battle of Harpsdale in Conflicts of the Clans]
* [ Battle of Harpsdale@ElectricScotland]

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