Joseph-François Malgaigne

Joseph-François Malgaigne

Joseph-François Malgaigne (February 14, 1806 - 1865) was a French surgeon and surgical historian who was born in Charmes-sur-Moselle. He studied medicine in Paris, and was later a surgeon of Parisian hospitals, including Hôpitals Saint-Louis, Charité and Beaujon. At the Hôpital Saint-Louis he was a colleague of Auguste Nélaton (1807-1873). Malgaigne was father-in-law to surgeon Léon Clement Le Fort (1829-1893).

Malgaigne is remembered for his statistical approach to medical research, and especially his work with bone fractures and dislocations. In 1834 he published "Manuel de medecine operatoire", an influential work concerning surgical techniques. This book was later translated into several languages.

Associated eponyms:
* "Malgaigne's amputation": Subastragalar amputation; an amputation of the foot in which the astragalus is conserved.
* "Malgaigne's fracture": Vertical pelvic fracture, disruption of the sacroiliac joint that essentially separates the pelvis in two.
* "Malgaigne's luxation": partial dislocation of the head of the radius distally under the annular ligament.
* "Malgaigne's triangle": Historical name for the superior carotid triangle.

Selected writings

* "Manuel de medecine operatoire"; 1834
* "Œuvres complètes dAmbroise Paré, revues et collationnées sur toutes les éditions antérieurs", Paris, Baillière, 1840-1841, 3 volumes in-8, edition illustrated by a frontispice, a portrait and 217 figures in the text by Antoine Chazal.
* "Traité des fractures et des luxations"; 1847
* "Traité d'anatomie chirurgicale et de chirurgie expérimentale"; 1859


* [ Biography translated by Google]

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