- UCR Division of Biomedical Sciences
The UCR Division of Biomedical Sciences is responsible for administering the Thomas Haider program and is in the process of being developed into a full fledged medical school.
Thomas Haider Program in Biomedical Sciences
This program offers a joint medical degree program with UCLA. The first two years of medical instruction are given on the UCR campus. Third- and fourth-year clerkships are served at UCLA and its affiliated medical centers. Students completing the program receive a bachelor of science degree in biomedical sciences from UCR and an M.D. degree from the
David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA .Before 2002 the joint program was an accelerated seven-year track offered exclusively to biomedical science majors. In that year, however, the program was lengthened to eight years and opened to all qualified majors at UC Riverside. Up to 24 of each year's applicants are chosen to attend medical school at UCR and UCLA. [cite web | title=UCR Biomed Prospective Medical Students page | url=http://biomed.ucr.edu/content/view/25/49/]
Proposed Medical School
Plans to establish a medical school have been in progress since Chancellor Orbach’s administration in the 1990s, and have attracted substantial support from industry as well as the local community. [cite web | title= Press Enterprise (3/7/06): Panel to hone pitch for medical school| url=http://www.pe.com/localnews/riverside/stories/PE_News_Local_C_ucrmed08.3dc2ebe.html | accessdate=Mar 31 | accessyear=2006 ] [cite web | title= Press Enterprise (5/16/06): UC Riverside receives its largest gift, $15.5 million| url=http://www.pe.com/localnews/inland/stories/PE_News_Local_R_donor17.1d1979b.html | accessdate=Mar 31 | accessyear=2006 ] [cite web | title= LA Times (7/27/06): UnitedHealth Donates to Planned Medical Schools| url=http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-doctors27jul27,1,3974745.story?coll=la-headlines-business | accessdate=Mar 31 | accessyear=2006 ] The Regents approved UCR's medical school proposal on November 16, 2006, and plans to enroll the first four-year medical students in fall 2012. [cite web | title= Press Enterprise (11/16/06): Regents ratify med school| url=http://www.pe.com/localnews/riverside/stories/PE_News_Local_D_ucrmed17.371bb52.html | accessdate=Nov 16 | accessyear=2006 ]
Proponents of the project say it will help alleviate a projected statewide shortage of
health care provider s in California. The Inland Empire region in particular faces aphysician shortfall of 53% by 2015.cite news |last=Kennedy-Ross | first=Selicia | title= What's in the future for I. E. universities? | url= http://www.sbsun.com/search/ci_7342616?IADID=Search-www.sbsun.com-www.sbsun.com | publisher=San Bernardino Sun | date=October 17 ,2007 | accessdate= 2007-10-20] The school is also seen as a way of addressing health disparities among underserved minority populations in the area.cite news |last=Levister | first=Chris | title= UCR Medical School Could Play Key Role In Eliminating Health Disparities | url= http://www.blackvoicenews.com/content/view/41068/3/ | publisher=Black Voice News | date=July 18 ,2007 | accessdate= 2007-10-20] However,Deloitte Consulting , a company hired by the university to oversee planning for the school, recently proposed a revision to the school's mission statement that excluded the reference to "underserved," prompting Acting Chancellor Grey to send letters to planning committee leaders reinforcing the university's commitment to diversity. [cite news |last=Regus | first=Elaine | title= UCR examines diversity concerns at new medical school | url= http://www.pe.com/localnews/inland/stories/PE_News_Local_R_medskl09.3b4800f.html | publisher= The Press Enterprise | date=November 8 ,2007 | accessdate= 2007-11-08]The UCR Academic Senate is currently considering the curriculum and business plan for the new medical school. Acting Chancellor Grey temporarily suspended the search for the medical school's dean so the permanent chancellor could have a hand in selecting the position. A 17-member chancellor search committee was scheduled to meet for the first time Oct. 29. Grey said he is hoping that the final proposal is ready for the regents to consider at their May 2008 meeting.cite news | last= Regus | first= Elaine | title= UC Riverside taking final steps in planning medical school | publisher= The Press Enterprise | date=
October 22 ,2007 | url=http://www.pe.com/localnews/inland/stories/PE_News_Local_D_medskl23.368812d.html | accessdate= 2007-10-29 ]References
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