- Alberto Braniff
Alberto Braniff (1884-1966) was a Mexican airplane pilot.
Braniff was born in a wealthy and powerful family in Mexico during the
Porfirio Diaz era. His father was the industrialThomas Braniff , who came to Mexico to build theVeracruz railroad. Alberto went to study inEurope , whereaviation flourished as he was a young adult. It was while inFrance that Braniff was able to acquire a French built airplane. Soon after, he shipped back to his home country, with his airplane aboard theship .Mexico during that era was a relatively new country in need of new achievements. After their country lost the
Mexican-American War , Mexicans needed to look up to someone or to some type of success as a source of national pride. When Braniff returned home with his airplane, many Mexicans began to see him as a symbol of hope. Braniff, who had learned to fly the airplane while still in Europe, took it up upon himself to become that source of pride.Years before Braniff was born, a prominent Mexico City
newspaper had predicted that it would be impossible to fly to that city because of its high altitude and thinair . The article was published during an era whenaerostat popularity was rising in Europe, and some Mexicans had successfully flown them in the northern areas of the country.The exact year remains unclear, but most historical articles report that Braniff flew his airplane over Mexico City between 1908 and 1910. Apart from being the first pilot to fly an airplane over Mexico City, he made history by becoming both the first pilot to fly an airplane in Mexico and in
Latin America .Later on, other luminaries such as
Argentina 'sJorge Newbery andPeru 'sJorge Chavez followed Braniff as famous Latin American aviators.Alberto Braniff, by most accounts, led a quiet life after his achievement, but he lived long enough to see
Benito Juarez International Airport begin to operate, and Mexican aviation's technical developments of the jet era.Braniff died in Mexico City in 1966. It remains unclear whether he had any family connection with the Braniff brothers of
Texas that created Braniff Airways.
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